// 20191208
//   Arrowheaddata debugged (decision of pC)
// 20191207
//   Arrowheaddata debugged (selecting intersect)
//   Arrowhead debugged (name of partcrv)
// 20191204
//   Arrowheaddata changed ( segpos )
// 20191203
//   Arrowheaddata,Arrowhead changed ( style )
// 20191202
//   Arrowdataseg,Arrowhead changed (for segpos==1)
// 20191201
//   Arrowdata debugged (pB => pC)
// 20191128
//   Arrowheaddata,Arrowhead remade
// 20191123
//   Setarrow debugged (YaAngle)
//   Arrowdataseg debugged  (Unitlen,MilliIn)
// 20191119
//   Arrowdata(Arrowdataseg) changed  ( making seg short to be hidden )
// 20191114
//   Arrowhead changed  ( position supported )
//   Setarrow changed ( any position )
// 20191106
//   Lightarrowdata debugged
// 20191104
//   Arrowhead debugged/changed (cut, datalist)
// 20191101
//   Htickmark,Vtickmark changed (options added to ticks)
// 20191030
//   Putpoint changed (for ketcindyjs )
// 20191023
//   Tabledata debugged  (Strsplit(#))
// 20191012
//   Arrowhead changed (fillpoly)
// 20191011
//   Lightarrowhead debugged (angle) and changed (fillpoly)
// 20191008
//   Shade debugged   (in case of "nodisp"/"notex")
//   Tabledata changed  ("Geo=")
//   Tabledatalight changed  (tb+Counter+str added )
// 20191007
//   Shade changed   (option "First" added)
// 20191005
//   Putpoint changed   (Ptpos added in case of new point)
// 20190921
//   Enclosing debugged/changed  ( in case of length(KL)==1, epspara removed)
// 20190917
//   Windispg changed (Strictmove moved to ketinit)
//   Slider changed (Strictmove removed)
// 20190905
//   Ptpos added ( <= Setpintxy renamed/changed )
// 20190902
//   Setax debugged  (AXSTYLE)
// 20190901
//   Drwxy changed ("Size" supported for labels)
//   Setpointxy added (Ptposition arrange )
//   Setax, Drwxy changed  ( "Size=" option )
// 20190831
//   Strictmove changed (StrictSep used)
// 20190829
//   Windispg changed (remove SW,NE from Stricstmove)
// 20190827
//   Strictmove added
//   Windispg changed (Stricstmove added)
//   Slider changed  ( A-C-B)
// 20190826
//   Slider changed  ( for pA-pC-pB, initial position)
// 20190824
//   Slider changed  ( for ketcindyjs, separation controlable)
// 20190818
//   Windispg changed  ( to remove "nodisp" data )
//   Arrowhead,Lightarrowdata,Anglemark,Paramark,Bowdata,Deqplot,
//      Enclosing,Hatchdata,Rotatedata,Translatedata,Scaledata,Reflectdata,
//      Beziercurve,Extractdata,
//   changed
// 20190814
//   Fourier debugged/changed  (Num>num, deffun)
// 20190727
//   Lightarrowdata => Arrowdata, Arrowdata => OldArrowdata
//   Lightarrowdata debugged  ( arrowhead option )
// 20190704
//   Bowdata changed  (BOWMIDDLE message)
// 20190627
//   Letter changed ( resize font size with Ketcindyjsscale )
// 20190531
//   Drawfigures (Drwfigs) changed 
// 20190524
//   Anglemark,Paramark changed ( "E/L" option )
// 20190523
//   Deqdata debugged  ( floor => round )
//   Mkcstable added
//   Fourierseries changed ( for table data )
// 20190520
//   Anglemark,Paramark debugged
//   Shade changed ( Listplot )
// 20190512
//   Windispg changed  (Dashlinedata)
// 20190511
//   Periodfun changed  ( println for debug removed)
// 20190508
//   Changetablestyle debugged
//   Tabledatageo majorly changed
//   Tseginfo,Tsegrmv  removed
// 20190507
//   Tabledata debugged  ( for "r_c_c_" )
//   Changetablestyle majorly changed
// 20190505
//    Periodfun changed  ( equal option added )
//    text(pt) => pt.name
// 20190504
//    Lightarrowdata changed  ("Line=" added )
// 20190429
//    Pp => pp, Bow => bow
// 20190429
//    Tabledatalight changed ( rng=n when move option used )
// 20190428
//    Tabledata changed to Tabledatageo
//    Tabledata added ( Tabldetadalight if "Geo=n(defalt)", Tabledatageo if "Geo=y")
//    Tgrid  changed  ( TableMove added )
//    Changetablestyle changed ( for multiple tables )
// 20190427
//    Drawfigures debugged ( N added )
//    Drwxy debugged ( KCOLOR added )
// 20190426
//    Drawfigures added
// 20190425
//    Rotatedata,Trans,Scale,Reflectdata changed  (Msg option added)
//    Windispg changed ( for pointdata)
// 20190424
//    Tabledatalight debugged  ( tick)
// 20190421
//    Tabledatalight changed  ( 0 for notick)
// 20190420
//    Periodfun majorly changed
//    Fourierseries changed  ( range )
// 20190419
//    Lightarrowdata added ( only for case of segment)
/ 20190417
//    Arrowdata debugged  ( for geo-points )
// 20190416
//    Deqplot changed  ( "`" )
//    Findfun, Extractun, Extractall move to basic3
// 20190415
//    parse( ..=  ) changed ( ; added )
//    Bowdata changed (Bpos)
// 20190414
//    Helplist changed  ( for basic3 )
// 20190412
//    Some functions moved from basic1, moved to basic3
//    Arrowdata debugge  ( for Setscaling )
// 20190409
//    Mkketcindyjs debugged (color option )
//    Expr debugged  ( type of pos,dir,text,option added )
// 20190405
//    Mkketcindyjs changed (size of NE,SW. "Nolabe=all" )
// 20190329
//    Slider debugged (PTEXCEPTION)
// 20190325
//    Drwxy changed ( Msg=n for Listplot )
// 20190324
//    Viewtex,Figpdf changed (for tikz )
// 20190301
//    MeasureDepth => Measuredepth
// 20190228
//   Putcell,Putcellexpr,Putrow,Putrowexpr,Putcell,Putcellexpr changed ( options added )
// 20190225
//   Mkketcindyjs debugged  ( nolabel )
// 20190222
//   Mktitle, Presentation changed  ( "xcolor" => "color" )
// 20190217
//   Putoncurve remade
/// 20190216
//   Putonseg changed, Putonline debugged
// 20190215
//   Mkketcindyjs changed  (default of "Locsl=" reverted to "y")
// 20190214
//   Copyketcindyjs changed  (for Mac,Linux)
// 20190209
//   Mkketcindyjs changed (fliename when Local="y", Case of rhs of option is blank)
//   Mkketcindyjs changed ( "3d" added )
//   Letter changed  ("Size=ratio" added )
//   Mkketcindyjs changed ( Local="n" as default)
//   Slider changed  ( for no end points )
// 20190208
//   Mkketcindyjs changed ( Local="y" as default)
// 20190206
//   Mkketcindyjs changed ( kettex added to init slot, "only ketjs" added)
// 20190203
//   Mkketcindyjs debugged  ( in case of local=y )
// 20190202
//   Bezier changed  ( (nm, ptlist(2)) supported)
//   Htickmark,Vtickmark changed  ( option added)
// 20190201
//   Mkketcindyjs debugged  ( for removing button case the last is not "," )
//   Ketjsoption  renamed to Setketcindyjs
//   Mkketcindyjs changed  ( "grid" option added )
// 20190131
//   Mkketcindyjs changed (removespace of ignoretun,buttons to be removed)
// 20190130
//   Mkketcindyjs changed (USEDFUN (global) added)
//   Ketjsoption changed  (color)
// 20190129
//   "/LF/"  => "/L"+"F/"
//   Ketjsoption added
//   Mkketcindyjs changed  ( option "Web","Local","Scale","Nolabel")
//   Copyketcindyjs debugged  ( for Windows )
//   Mkketcindyjs changed  ( option "Color" added)
// 20190128
//   Mkketcindyjs changed  ( texflg removed , katex is OK )
//   Copyketcindyjs added
// 20190126
//   Windispg debugged (for Pointdata)
//   Mkketcindyjs change  ( point size )
// 20190125
//   Windispg redebugged ("size")
// 20190123
//   Windispg debugged ("size")
// 20190123
//   Dashlinedata debugged/changed  (ptn )
//   Windispg changed  (ptn=0)
// 20190122
//   Windispg changed  ("connect"=>"drawall" for do,da )
//   no ketjs added (Windispg,Mkketcindyjs)
//   Dashlinedata added
// 20190120
//   Slider changed  (color,size options )
// 20190119
//   Mkketcindyjs debugge  ( ketlib slot addede to csinit ) 
//   Windispg changed  ( size of "dr" supported);
// 20190118
//   Mkketcindyjs changed  ( position of "katex", ketlib slot addede to csinit ) 
//   Windispg debugged  ( dashtype,linecolor v.s. opcindy )
// 20190116
//   Findfun, Extractfun, Extractall, Mkketcindyjs added (for new ketcindyjs)
// 20190103
//   Drwxy changed  (Addax(0) added in the case of add=0 )
//   Drwxy changed  ( "O=" option added )
// 20190101
//   Viewtex changed ( for tikz )
// // 20181231
//   Drwxy debugged  (GENTEN used, xrng/yrng changed )
//   Drwpt debugged ( Pointdata used )
//    Viewtex debugged  ( tikz )
// 20181224
//   WritetoRS changed  (Closefile("0"))
// 20181219
//   BBdata debugged  (macosx => ismacosx )
// 20181218
//   Letter, Expr changed  (pt,dir,str,options added )
// 20181217
//    Drwxy debugged
// 20181216
//   Drwxy changed  ( linestyle,colorax,colorla )
// 20181215
//   Setax, Drwxy, Windispg changed  ( Axstyle )
// 20181214
//   WritetoRS changed ( Definition of Acos,Asin,Atan,Sqr,Factorial,Norm added )
// 20181213
//   Usegraphics, WritetoRS changed ( tikz added)
// 20181125
//   Mkslides, Mksldesummary chanded  (Fillblack added )
//   Presentation changed ( load => readfile2str )
// 20181106
//   WritetoRS changed ( Abnormal point ignored )
// 20181030
//   ReadOutData debugged (option Disp= )
// 20181024
//   ReadOutData changed (option Disp= )
// 20181021
//   Htickmark,Vtickmark debugged ( Setscaling )
//   Partcrv, Pointdata debugged  (iif => if )
// 20181020
//   if(color!=KCOLOR => if((Noflg==0)&(color!=KCOLOR)
// 20181017
//   Htickmark,Vtickmark debugged (for scaling )
// 20181001
//   Bezier changed (BezierCtrL added as global )
// 20180917
//   Makebat debugged  ( case where work folder is under C )
// 20180908
//   Presentation debugged  (slidepage blank line added )
//   Presentation changed  (SlideMargin added)
// 20180904
//   Color setting changed ( for KCOLOR)
// 20180903
//  Presentation changed (ketmargin => setmargin )
// 20180901
//  Inwindow added
// 20180820,22
//  CRspline chaged  (rewritten )
// 20180820,21
//  Drwxy chaged  ( options added )
// 20180817
//  WritetoRS, Viewtex changed (GPACK added )
// 20180815
//  Maketitle changed (to make a new text file )
// 20180813
//  Setslidehyper debugged  ( cl,... )
// 20180809
//  Mkcircles,Mksegment changed
// 20180805
//   Letterrot debugged (' => "")
//   Letterrot, Exprrot changed (help )
// 20180802
//   iftoR debugged  ( for nested case )
//   Exprrot debugged  ( ' => "")
// 20180725
//   Periodfun changed ( "connect" option)
// 20180724
//   Periodfun debugged and changed (rep=[n,n])
// 20180722
//   color localized
// 20180721
//    WritetoRS changed (case where "Letter" and "Expr" in Com2ndlist)
// 20180710
//    Htickmark,Vtickmark changed  (Expr used )
// 20180708
//    Putoncurve changed ( Help )
// 20180701
//    Repeatsameslide changed ( % added to thin )
// 20180627
//   Presentation debugged  ( sort(parafiles))
// 20180619
//   Writetosci(Arg) added (=WritetoRS(Arg))
//   CRspline changed  (Ctrpt not displayed )
// 20180616
//   presentation debugged (slide title )
// 20180610
//   WritetoRS changed  ( \\ => /)
// 20180608
//   Setslide changed ( old style of setting title resupported )
// 20180604
//   Mkslides,Mkslidesummary debugged  ( to make kc.sh executable )
//   Changework changed  (set to Dircdy if dir not found )
// 20180603
//   Rotatedata,... changed (KCOLOR)
//   Letter,Letterrot,Exprrot changed (color)
//   Scaledata changed ( case where x,y is the same ratio)
// 20180602
//   divoptions ( 8,9 ->length(tmp)-1,length(tmp))
//   Rotatedata,... changed (color supported )
//   Rotataedata,... debugged  ( level RSform =>1 )
//   Settitle debugged  ( color option batted )
//    Presentation debugged (for repeat=1)
//    Repeatsameslide debugged (for minipage with thin)
//    Presentation changed ( page jump button )
//    Presentation changed ( pageend, \slidepage, pagestyle{empty})
//    Setpara changed ( "m" as default)
//    WritetoRS,Makebat changed ( to execsrc.r)
//    WritetoRS,Makebat changed ( UTF-8)
//    Mksummary changed ( calcbyR, quit )
//    WritetoRS,Makebat changed ( "shell" used )
//    WritetoRS debugged ( setwd )
//    WriteoRS,Makebat changed ( use "sjis.txt")
//    Makebat debugged
//    Tlistplot changed ("Msg");
//    WritetoRS debugged  ( openfie(..,Cdy= ))
//    WritetoRS, Makebat changed  (for Zenkaku)
//    Convsjiswin removed
//    Mkslidesummary debugged
//    Convsjiswin added
//    Makebat changed (for convsjis )
//    Presentation  changed  (for wallpaper )
//    Settitle changed (Title option )
//    Letter debugged  (for ` )
//    IftoR, FortoR,Deffun rewritten
//    Bezier, Translatedata,Rotatedata,Reflectdata debugged  ( [ ] )
//    RSform : help added
//    WritetoSci() added (=WritetoR(),  for old Parent button ) 
//    Setslidehyper changed ("Size=","Pos=[]")
//    Mkslides changed (for animation)
//    MakeRarg (from Makesciarg ) added ( RSslash )
//    Setax, Htickmark, Vtickmark changed ( MakeRarg )
//    Slidework changed ( makedir)
//    Rotatedata debugged  ( MeasureDepth)
//    Slidework changed ( for the case of (ex) dir="...../")
//    Figpdf debugged 
//    Presentation debugged  ( usepackage{ketpic} etc. )
//    Viewtex changed ( path of ketpicstyle )
//    WritetoRS changed ( generator is written )
//    Mksummary changed for R
//    Letter,Letterrot,Exprrot debugged  (\ and \\)
//    Viewtex debugged  ($ removed for xelatex)
//    Mkslides debugged  ( line4 from last,path)
//    Makebat,Makeshell changed(flow="tt" supported)
//    Makebat,Makeshell,Mkslides debugged  (Shellfile,Sehllchild removed )
//    Makeshell debugged ( Case of no "/" )
//    Mkslides debugged  (Sheslide=>Shellslide )
//    WritetoRS changed  (for pict2e)
//    Helplist debugged  ( for r )
//    RSform debugged
//    Viewparent debugged  (WritetoRS)
//    WritetoRS debugged  ("\" => "/")
//    RSslash added
//    Letter changed (RSslash used)
//    Defvar changed  ("=" removed)
//   WritetoRS changed  (Com1st,..., VLIST )
//   Extractdata changed
//    SCIWR,SCIRE removed
//   WritetoRS added
//   Viewtex changed ( Writetosci => WritetoR )
//   RSform, Deffun, IftoR, FortoR changed( added )
//   Makeshell, Makebat changed