SCORING ------- 1. Whoever answers all the questions first shall be declared the winner. 2. In the event that nobody answers all the questions, the player with the highest point total shall be declared the winner. 3. If there is a tie for highest point total, the player who responded first shall be declared the winner. 4. Assume you're answering the question for someone who understands the basic network tools (ftp, telnet, finger, gopher, etc.), but just doesn't know where the data is. Answers like: ftp ...will not score as high as: anonymous ftp to cd /pub/documents file is called important.txt.Z Don't feel like you have to tell someone how to use ftp. Instead, tell them where they can find what they're looking for, what tool to use to find it, and if necessary, the end information itself. 5. It's always a good idea to let us know how you decided where to begin looking. After all, we can't have everyone thinking that you're all geniuses with innate Net-knowledge! :-) 6. Read the question carefully. If it's asking for specific information (like "What is the chorus to Jingle Bells?"), then supply that info in your answer. Sometimes you may find a pointer to a source that no longer exists. Providing the end information tells me that you actually checked the source out.