From!!rochester!!olivea!uunet!!CSD-NewsHost.Stanford.EDU!CS.Stanford.EDU!pehoushe Wed Dec 2 14:59:07 EST 1992 Article: 8733 of comp.lang.lisp Path:!!rochester!!olivea!uunet!!CSD-NewsHost.Stanford.EDU!CS.Stanford.EDU!pehoushe From: pehoushe@CS.Stanford.EDU (Dan Pehoushek) Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Subject: Satisfiability Program Message-ID: <1992Dec1.105309.11489@CSD-NewsHost.Stanford.EDU> Date: 1 Dec 92 10:53:09 GMT Sender: news@CSD-NewsHost.Stanford.EDU Organization: Computer Science Department, Stanford University Lines: 1503 A while ago, I posted a notice of the availability of a satisfiability program, in common lisp. The response was large enough to warrant posting the source code for general use. It is in comp.lang.lisp, but should end up in a source code repository before long. In many instances, the Quine Tree algorithm is quite fast. It is eminently suitable for small to moderate sized, and some large sized propositional inference problems. If you do anything with the program, I'd be interested in receiving a quick summary. Also, if you let me know that you are using it, I may be able to send you patches, upgrades, etc. I expect some descendent of this code to be accessible via the Lisp or AI FAQs, until a clearly better algorithm is found. So, here's the original new group msg plus the source code. If you are into benchmarks, please check out 5-5-regular problems, as described below. If you'd like some hard, random, small (180 var), satisfiable, instances of 3-sat, I can send them to you. They are of the 5-5-regular type described below, and seem significantly harder than MSL prblems. It's not "production quality" code; it was not meant to be read by other than myself, but I figured that I could save some people alot of development time by making it available. It is supposed to work on any boolean expression, but was mainly designed for 3sat. If you have any comments, please send them to me. Distribute this code as you like. While I've oscillated on the P=NP question, I have to firmly commit myself to the NEGATIVE, based on several years of effort on the problem. That is, I believe P<>NP. As fairly clear evidence to anyone who thinks they have a poly-time algorithm, I offer the random, almost always satisfiable, 5-5-regular instances described below. There are many highly structured, hard, unsatisfiable formula, but I think the 5-5-regular instances have much to offer investigators of sat algorithms, because they are hard, small, and satisfiable. I'll be around intermittently until Christmas to answer questions and fix bugs. After that, my network connection will be tenuous at best. Satisfactorially yours, Dan Pehoushek Earlier Newsgroup msg posted by me: I am making the source code to a satisfiability program available, and if there's enough interest, I will post it in comp.lang.lisp (1500 lines of code). The program is competitive with the fastest complete algorithms that I know of. If you use a propositional inference engine in your work, give this one a try. If you haven't put a significant amount of time an effort into your inference system, this program is probably faster in a majority of cases. On Mitchell, Selman, Levesque hard spot problems, the program takes from 1 minute to 15 minutes on 150 variable instances, including unsatisfiable instances, averaging under 10 minutes. The program appears to run in time N*2^(N/22) on MSL hard spot instances. Easy Instances: Using the program, the author (me) discovered empirically that almost all randomly generated 4-regular graphs (and indeed, almost all randomly generated k-regular graphs, with sufficiently many vertices), are 3-colorable. Instances with thousands of vertices were translated to 3-sat and then colored. There is a fairly simple counting argument that proves this empiricaal result. Empirically, the 3-coloring problem on almost all (in Bollobas sense) 4-regular graphs is easy (near linear time). However, the main potential practical result is that, given a random instance of an NP-complete problem, and then translating it to 3-sat, does not make the resulting instance hard. The program appears to run in near O(N) time on almost all of these 3-coloring instances. Please note, however, these so-called "easy" instances appear to be quite hard for the Davis-Putnam algorithm. Fairly Hard Instances: There is a simple method to generate instances that are significantly harder than the MSL hard spot. Generate random 3-clauses such that each variable appears 5 times positively and 5 times negatively. The resulting 3-cnf formulae tend to be harder and smaller than MSL hard spot formulae, but also tend to be almost always satisfiable, given more than 100 or so variables. The program tends to run in time 2^(N/17) or so on these instances, but they could get even harder as N gets larger. These "5-5-regular" instances are the hardest, almost always satisfiable, 3-CNF problems that I know of. Hardest Known Instances: The hardest (based on size of 3-CNF formulae) of any instances are 6-5-regular (each variable occurs 6 times positively and 5 times negatively), with many of these being unsatisfiable. 150 variable instances of these problems can take several hours. I'm very interested in "in practice" kinds of instances. I wonder how hard the NP-complete instances that actually arise in areas outside of CS theory really are. If you'd like to trade "hard" instances, let me know. I may not be on the net after Christmas, because the job hunting situation in this area is very bad. So if you'd like the source code for the program, let me know soon. Also, if you have any pointers to "research programming" type jobs, I'd very much appreciate them. Dan Pehoushek Source code for Quine Tree Algorithm: ;;; Formal Notice: This satisfiability program may be used by anyone, ;;; anywhere, anywhen, for any reasonably good purposes; you may charge ;;; money for it, or not, as you like. It is not gauranteed to be bug ;;; free, of course. ;;; Signed, Dan Pehoushek.