Submission comment

Put this comment at the top of your .st file.
"      NAME	Splitter Widget
       FUNCTION	A widget to dynamically adjust the relative size of two forms.
       ST-VERSIONS	VisualAge 3.0, V-Win32
       PREREQUISITES	(none)
       CONFLICTS	(none known)
       DISTRIBUTION	world
       VERSION	1.1
       DATE	12-Mar-97



A subclass of the CwSeparator widget to dynamically set the relative size of attached sibling widgets. 
Sibling widgets are usually CwForms or CwRowColumns.

The cursor changes shape to reflect the vertical or horizontal orientation when the mouse is over the 
widget. The widget's position can then be adjusted by clicking and dragging the mouse. 
Visual feedback is provided via a dragged line. The layout of the splitter widget and the
attached widgets are adjusted when the mouse button is released.

The splitter widget's movement is limited to the boundaries of the parent widget.

See the #example method on the class side for a use of horizontal
and vertical splitters.


- This class is currently limited to the Windows family of platforms
- No VisualAge (tm)  part has yet been created for this widget
- Visually, the CpSplitter works best with  #separatorType: set to XmNOLINE
   This is because the line is not drawn centered on the windows platform
   when the width (or height) is very narrow (at least as of version 3.0a).
- The splitter widget can be attached relative to its parent with
   the following limitations:
	* For vertical widgets, only the #left Attachment is checked and updated
	* For horizontal widgets, only the #topAttachment is checked and updated.


	Faisal Waris, Frank Porcaro, Bob Morris
