Overview ======== Bmeps converts PNG-, JPEG- and NetPBM-images to EPS and PDF. It also generates bounding box files for use with LaTeX. License ======= This project uses a BSD-style license, type "bmeps -v" for details. Usage ===== Conversions ----------- bmeps [] [ [outputfile]> [] bmeps [] [] converts the specified files. If not output file is specified bmeps writes to standard output. If there is no input file name bmeps reads from standard input, a file type spcecification (``-t'') is needed. When run on a directory, bmeps searches for files it can process and starts a conversion. If make mode is activated, a conversion is started only if there is no output file yet or the output file is not up to date. Options to override configuration file settings should be specified after input and output file name. Permanent options ----------------- bmeps -c -l... saves the argument of ``-l'' as default configuration. bmeps -u removes the default settings. bmeps -C shows the current configuration. bmeps -r ... ignores the default settings (permanent settings) for this one program invokation. This option must be used before any other command line argument. bmeps -h shows this help text. bmeps -v shows version number and license conditions. Conversion options ------------------ -f -f - chooses the frame to convert. By default bmeps converts all frames found in the input file. -m -m- activates/deactivates make mode. -l chooses the named configuration, either one of the built-in configurations (``ps'', ``ps1'', ``ps2'', ``ps3'', ``eps'', ``eps1'', ``eps2'', ``eps3'', ``pdf'', ``pdf12'', ``pdf13'', ``pdf14'' or ``faxpdf'') or a configuration defined in the configuration file. -o= overwrites one configuration entry. -t specifies the input file type (``png'', ``jpeg'', ``pbm'' or ``tiff''). -a create the output file name automatically based on the input file name. -A -A- suppresses (-A) or enables (-A-) the notification about alpha channels transferred from PNG to PDF. Configuation entries ==================== The configuration entries are listed by abbreviation here. For details, see bmeps.pdf or http://dktools.sourceforget.net/bmeps.html . o.t output file type, ``ps'', ``pdf'' or ``bb''. l output level, ``1'', ``2'' or ``3'' for PS or ``1.2'', ``1.3'' or ``1.4'' for PDF. c Boolean, activates colored output. e Encoding and compression, a colon-separated list of algorithms, abbreviations can be used, i.e. ``a:r:d:f'' instead of ``ascii85:run-length:dct:flate''. m.d.s Boolean, creates multiple data sources (red, green, blue) in PS/EPS output. This enables run-length compression for areas or horizontal lines in the same color. i Boolean, activates image interpolation. j.i Boolean, activated image interpolation also for pass-through of DCT-encoded data from JPEG input files. p.f Zoom factor when opening PDF output files, ``width'', ``height'' or ``page''. m Boolean, activates mixing against background color if the input file contains an alpha channel. b default background color as RGB-triple in the range [0;1], i.e. 1.0:1.0:0.5 for yellow. a.u.d.b Boolean, always uses default background color (no matter whether or not the input file contains a background color definition). c.i.m Boolean, creates image mask from alpha channel data. i.m.t.l Trigger level for image mask generation, must be in range [0;1]. t.a.c Boolean, transfers alpha channel from input to output. Deactivates mixing and image mask creation. o.d Boolean, uses the dictionary version of the image operator. sh Boolean, uses the showpage operator. s.d Boolean, uses a separate dictionary. This prevents dictionary entries in the enclosing document from being overwritten. v Boolean, write ``1 vmreclaim'' to output to ask the interpreter for garbage collection. u.r.c Boolean, uses image resolution data from input to scale output. m.s Paper size - by name: ``A3'', ``A4'', ``A5'', ``B4'', ``B5'', ``Letter'', ``Legal'', ``Tabloid'', ``Ledger'', ``Statement'', ``Executive'', ``Folio'', ``Quarto'', ``10x14''. - 4 numbers: x0, y0, x1, y1 (lower left and upper right corner in PS-Points). - 8 numbers: bbx0, bby0, bbx1, bby1, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1. The bb...-rectangle specifies the bounding box, the i...-rectangle is used to place the image. j.s.s list of allowed DCT SOF markers, i.e. ``.0:1'' for SOF0 and SOF1. d Boolean, activated draft mode (only create placeholder rectangles). Examples ======== bmeps -lbb input.png output.bb creates a bounding box file bmeps -leps2 input.png output.eps creates an EPS file for use with LaTeX. The result after latex/dvips is to be printed on a PS2-color printer. bmeps -leps2,color=no input.png output.eps creates an EPS file for use with LaTeX. The result after latex/dvips is to be printed on a PS2-grayscaled printer. bmeps -lps2,m.s=A4 input.png output.ps creates a print file which can be send directly to a printer. The image optimally fits an A4 page. bmeps -lpdf input.png output.pdf creates a PDF-file for use in a *.tex document which is processed by pdflatex. This is useful for images containing an alpha channel. bmeps -lfaxpdf input.tiff output.pdf converts a TIFF file from the fax gateway into a PDF file for more convenient viewing.