rndbytes - generate blocks of random bytes ========================================== Program invokation ------------------ rndbytes [] Options ------- -b specifies the blocksize. --blocksize= -n specifies the number of blocks to write --nblocks= (0 can be used to create an ``endless'' sequence of blocks, the program may be interrupted by signals or -- on Windows -- by keyboard input). -a specifies the set of allowed PRNGs --prngs= (pseudo random number generators) use either ``all'' or one or multiple (comma separated) choices from: openssl the OpenSSL PRNG random initstate()/setstate()/random() rand48 nrand48() rand rand() The program attempts to initialize the allowed PRNGs in the order openssl, random, rand48 and rand. The first PRNG successfully initialized will be used to generate random data for output. For cryptographic purposes and authentication I recommend to use the OpenSSL PRNG. Permanent options ----------------- rndbytes -c -b 1024 -n 1 -a all rndbytes --configure --blocksize=1024 --nblocks=1 --prngs=all saves block size 1024, number of blocks 1 and allows to use all PRNGs available at the system. rndbytes -C rndbytes --show-configuration shows the saved defaults. rndbytes -u rndbytes --unconfigure removes the defaults saved by the user. Help and version information ---------------------------- rndbytes -h rndbytes --help shows this help text. rndbytes -v rndbytes --version shows version information.