png2pdf - A converter from PNG to PDF ===================================== Usage: png2pdf -h png2pdf --help shows this help text. png2pdf -v png2pdf --version shows version information png2pdf -c png2pdf --configure sets permanent options. See below for options you can set png2pdf -C png2pdf --show-configuration shows the current set of permanent options. png2pdf -u png2pdf --unconfigure removes the permanent options. png2pdf -r png2pdf --reset temporarily overrides the permanent options. Options: -------- -p --pdf specifies the PDF level. Maybe 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4. -n --interpolation adds an entry to the image dictionary suggesting PDF viewers to show an interpolated image. This is usefull for stretched images (small images shown in a large screen area). -m --mix-background mixes against the background contained in the file's background chunk or against the specified background color if the file doesn't have a background chunk. -s --mix-specified[=bool] sets the background specified in the -m option to have higher priority than the background from the file's background chunk. -i --image-mask[=bool] writes an image mask based on the PNG file's alpha channel if available. -a --transparency[=bool] writes transparency data based on the PNG file's alpha channel if available. -l --invert-levels[=bool] inverts the decision level for image mask creation. Normally only pixels having 0 opacity are masked out. This option masks all pixel having opacity in range 0...254. -t --alpha-transparency[=bool] treats the alpha channel data as transparency. By default the alpha channel is treated as opacity data. -f --file-time-check[=bool] When running on a directory we do it in make style. A new PDF file is created only for those PNG files which are newer than the appropriate PDFs. Examples: --------- png2pdf -c -p 1.4 sets PDF format level to 1.4. png2pdf -m 255,255,255 x.png x.pdf converts x.png to x.pdf. If x.png has a background chunk the color from that chunk is used for color mixing, otherwise we mix against a white background. png2pdf -m 204,204,255 -s x.png x.pdf converts x.png to x.pdf mixing against a light blue background regardless whether or not there is a background chunk in the file.