.1 @run@ Menu item or toolbar button %%index text="run conversion" name=run reference%% %%index text="conversion" name=run reference%%
%%img src=sc09.png alt=""Datei→Start" menu item" title%%   %%img src=sc10.png alt="toolbar button to run conversion" title%%


Use the "File→Run" menu item or the third button in the toolbar to start a conversion.

.1 @progress@ Progress %%index text="progress dialog box" name=progress reference%%
%%img src=sc11.png alt="Conversion progress" title%%

The "Conversion progress" dialog box shows a progress bar. You can use the "Cancel" button if necessary to stop the conversion process.

.1 @results@ Results %%index text=Ergebnisse name=results reference%%

After finishing the conversions the results and diagnostic messages are shown in the main windows text field.

%%img src=sc12.png alt="Results and messages" title%%