based)artMS is a Bioconductor package that provides a set of tools for the analysis and integration of large-scale proteomics (mass-spectrometry-based) datasets obtained using the popular proteomics software MaxQuant.
The functions available in artMS can be grouped into the following categories:
Click here for details about all the functions available in artMS.
For a graphical overview check the slides presented at the 2021 online workshop of the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF)
Check the repo NEWS file to be up to date with the new features, improvements, bug fixes affecting the package.
artMS version >= 1.10.1
had many changes to adjust for changes in MSstats. This version requires:
R version >= 4.1.0
(check the R version running on your system by executing the function getRversion()
to perform a comprehensive downstream analysis of the quantitative results, then install the following packages:# From bioconductor:
BiocManager::install(c("ComplexHeatmap", "org.Mm.eg.db"))
# From CRAN:
install.packages(c("factoextra", "FactoMineR", "gProfileR", "PerformanceAnalytics"))
Extra: Why Bioconductor? Here you can find a nice summary of many good reasons).
Assuming that you have an R (>= 4.1)
version running on your system,
follow these steps:
Once installed, the package can be loaded and attached to your current workspace as follows:
artMS performs the different analyses taking as input the following files:
Check below to find out more about generating the input files.
requires a large number of arguments, specially those
related to the statistical package MSstats.
To facilite the task of providing all those arguments, the function
takes a config file (in yaml
format) for the
customization of the parameters for quantification (using MSstats
and other operations, including QC analyses, charts, and annotations.
A configuration file template can be generated by running
Check below to learn the details of the configuration file.
Generate the input files: Check the input files section for details
Quality Control: if you are interested in performing only quality control analysis, run the following functions:
: QC based on the evidence.txt
: based on the evidence.txt
: based on the summary.txt
fileRelative Quantification: fill up the configuration file and run the following function:
artmsQuantification(yaml_config_file = "config.yaml")
(here the details)Analysis of Quantifications: performs annotations, clustering analysis, PCA analysis, enrichment analysis by running the function
(here the details)Miscellaneous functions: Check below to discover more useful functions
provided by the artMS
artMS also enables the relative quantification of untargeted
polar metabolites using the alignment table generated by MarkerView.
This means that the metabolites do not need to have an ID
, as the
and retention time
will be used as identifiers. Typical workflow:
Run QC on the metabolomics dataset: artmsQualityControlMetabolomics()
Relative quantification: artmsQuantification()
(notice that a few options
must be changed in the config file before running the function)
Please, keep in mind that most of the functions available in artMS don’t work for metabolomics data due to annotation issues (protein/gene ids are the primary ids for most of the functions). Check the metabolomics section to find out more.
Before you begin, please, set the working directory. artMS will work from that working directory. For example:
Most of the artMS functions will create sub-folders to output files assuming that this working directory has been set and will try to find all the required files in this working directory.
Three basic (tab-delimited) files are required to perform the full pack of operations:
The output of the quantitative proteomics software package MaxQuant. It combines all the information about the identified peptides.
Tab delimited file generated by the user. It summarizes the experimental
design of the evidence file. artMS
merges the keys.txt
and evidence.txt
by the “RawFile” column. Each RawFile corresponds to a unique individual
experimental technical replicate / biological replicate / Condition / Run.
For any basic label-free proteomics experiment, the keys file must contain the following columns and rules:
for label free experiments ('H'
will be used
for SILAC experiments, see below)_
name, and add as suffix
dash (-)
plus the biological replicate number.
For example, if condition H1N1_06H
has too biological replicates,
name them H1N1_06H-1
and H1N1_06H-2
RawFile | IsotopeLabelType | Condition | BioReplicate | Run |
qx006145 | L | Cal_33 | Cal_33-1 | 1 |
qx006146 | L | Cal_33 | Cal_33-2 | 2 |
qx006151 | L | HSC6 | HSC6-1 | 3 |
qx006152 | L | HSC6 | HSC6-2 | 4 |
For more examples, check the artMS data object artms_data_ph_keys
Tip: it is recommended to use Microsoft Excel (OpenOffice Cal / or similar) to generate the keys file. Do not forget to choose the format = Tab Delimited Text (.txt) when saving the file (use save as option)
The comparisons between conditions that the user wants to quantify.
) relative to two additional experimental conditions with drugs
), but also changes in protein abundance between
and DRUG_B
, the contrast file would look like this:WT_DRUG_A-WT_A549
and only one dash symbol is allowed, i.e., only one comparison per line.As a result of the quantification, the condition on the left will take the positive log2FC sign -if the protein is more abundant in condition on the left (numerator), and the condition on the right the negative log2FC -if a protein is more abundant in condition on the right term (denominator).
Example of wrong comparisons
Only condition names are allowed. Individual Bioreplicates cannot be compared. For example, this is wrong:
Before you begin, please, set the working directory. artMS will work from that working directory. For example:
Most of the artMS functions will create sub-folders to output files assuming that this working directory has been set and will try to find all the required files in this working directory.
The configuration file (in yaml
format) contains a variety of options
available for the QC, quantification, and annotations performed by artMS
To generate a sample configuration file, go to the project folder
) and execute:
artmsWriteConfigYamlFile(config_file_name = "my_config.yaml")
Open the my_config.yaml
file with your favorite editor (RStudio for example).
Note: Although the configuration file might look complex, the default options work very well.
The configuration (yaml
) file contains the following sections:
Assuming that your working directory (e.g. setwd(/path/to/my/working_directory/project_proteomics/)
) has the following structure:
`-- data
|-- projectx-contrasts.txt
|-- projectx-evidence.txt
`-- projectx-keys.txt
The files
section of the configuration file should look like this:
files :
evidence : data/projectx-evidence.txt
keys : data/projectx-keys.txt
contrasts : data/projectx-contrast.txt
summary: data/projectx-summary.txt # Optional
output : results_folder/projectx--results.txt # this will be created
Notice that in this example all the input files are located in the data/
folder, however, for the results file, an extra folder has been added in the output
section of the configuration file example (results_folder
): artMS will create that folder structure (no need to create it before hand) and will save the results files (and all the extra outputs) in that folder. This means that you could write another completely different folder for the output (e.g. “results_folder2/other-name-results.txt
”) and artMS will create the folder for you.
basic: 1 # 1 = yes; 0 = no
extended: 1 # 1 = yes; 0 = no
extendedSummary: 0 # 1 = yes; 0 = no
Select to perform both ‘basic’ and ‘extended’ quality control based on the
file or ‘extendedSummary’ based on the summary.txt
Read below
to find out more about the details of each type of analysis.
enabled : 1 # 1 = yes; 0 = no
enabled : 0 # 1 for SILAC experiments
enabled : 1
contaminants : 1
protein_groups : remove # remove, keep
modifications : AB # PH, UB, AC, AB, APMS
sample_plots : 1 # correlation plots
Let’s break it down data
enabled : 1
: to pre-process the data provided in the files section.
: won’t process the data (and a pre-generated MSstats file will be expected)
enabled : 1
: check if the files belong to a SILAC experiment.
See Special case: SILAC below for detailsenabled : 0
: no silac experiment (default)filters
enabled : 1
Enables filtering (this section)contaminants : 1
Removes contaminants (CON__
and REV__
labeled by MaxQuant). To keep contaminats: 0
protein_groups : remove
choose whether remove
or keep
protein groupsmodifications :
select if a PTM proteomics experiment, i.e.:
: Global protein abundant (default), i.e, no-modificationPH
, UB
, or AC
: shortcuts for the most frequent posttranslational modificationsPTM:XXX:yy
: User defined PTM, i.e. this is another way to select any PTM supported by MaxQuant, including the most frequent PTM. Replace XXX
with 1 or more 1-letter amino acid codes on which to find modifications (all uppercase). Replace yy with modification name used within the evidence file (require lowercase characters). Example for phosphorylation: PTM:STY:ph
will find modifications on aa S,T,Y with this example format _AAGGAPS(ph)PPPPVR_
. This means that you could use the shortcut modifications: PH
or modifications: PTM:STY:ph
and both would analyze phosphorylation peptidesAPMS
: affinity purification mass-spectrometrysample_plots
Generate correlation plots0
Section updated in artMS version > 1.10.1. It allows the user to customize all the arguments of the MSstats dataProcess function for running the quantification. This new version of the msstats
section is fully compatible with the previous version. However, we recommend to use the latest version of the configuration file.
msstats :
enabled: 1
profilePlots: none
normalization_method: equalizeMedians
summaryMethod: TMP
MBimpute: 1
feature_subset: all
n_top_feature: 3
logTrans: 2
remove_uninformative_feature_outlier: FALSE
min_feature_count: 2
equalFeatureVar: TRUE
censoredInt: NA
remove50missing: FALSE
fix_missing: NULL
maxQuantileforCensored: 0.999
use_log_file: TRUE
append: FALSE
log_file_path: NULL
Let’s break down the most important arguments:
enabled :
Choose 1
to run MSstats, 0
otherwise.msstats_input :
leave it blank if MSstats will be run
(previous enabled : 1
). But if MSstats was already run and the
file is available, then choose enabled : 0
and provide here the evidence-mss.txt
file path/nameprofilePlots :
Choose one of the following options:
plot before normalizationafter
plot after normalizationbefore-after
: recommended, although computational expensivenone
no normalization plotsnormalization_method :
available options:
: no normalization (not recommended)globalStandards
if selected, specified the reference protein in
(next SECTION)normalization_reference :
provide a protein id if and only if normalization_method: globalStandards
is selected
as the normalization_method
(above), otherwise leave blank. If multiple protein IDs are used for normalization, then provide them comma separated (for example normalization_reference: Q86U42, O75822
)summaryMethod :
(default) means Tukey’s median polish, which is robust estimation method. linear
uses linear mixed model. logOfSum
conducts log2 (sum of intensities) per run.censoredInt :
(default) Missing values are censored or at random. ‘NA’ assumes
that all ‘NA’s in ’Intensity’ column are censored.0
uses zero intensities as censored intensity. In this case,
NA intensities are missing at random. The output from Skyline should use
. Null assumes that all NA
intensities are randomly missing.MBimpute :
only for summaryMethod="TMP"
and censoredInt='NA'
or 0
TRUE (default) imputes ‘NA’ or ‘0’ (depending on censoredInt option) by
Accelerated failure model.FALSE
uses the values assigned by cutoffCensored.For all the other parameters, please, check the documentation for the dataProcess function of MSstats.
enabled : 1 # if 0, won't process anything on this section
annotate :
enabled: 1
species : HUMAN
volcano: 1
heatmap: 1
LFC : -0.58 0.58 # Range of minimal log2fc
FDR : 0.05 # adjusted p-value, false discovery rate
heatmap_cluster_cols : 0
heatmap_display : log2FC # log2FC or pvalue
Extra actions to perform based on the MSstats results, including annotations and plots (heatmaps and volcano plots). Let’s break it down:
enabled :
1 (default) enables this section, 0 turns it offannotate :
: 1 (default), will generate a -results-annotated.txt
file that includes Gene
and Protein.Name
(only for supported species)species
: The supported species are: HUMAN, MOUSE, ANOPHELES,
XENOPUSplots :
options for additional plots
volcano :
1LFC :
log2 fold change cutoff (minimal negative and positive value)FDR :
false discovery rate cutoff for significance (recommended: 0.05)heatmap :
correlation plotsheatmap_cluster_cols :
1 perfoms clustering of columns,
0 (default) doesn’theatmap_display :
choose to display either log2FC
or pvalue
To handle protein fractionation experiments, one additional column “Fraction
” must be added to the keys.txt
file with the information about fractions. For example:
Raw.file | IsotopeLabelType | Condition | BioReplicate | Run | Fraction |
S9524_Fx1 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 1 |
S9524_Fx2 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 2 |
S9524_Fx3 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 3 |
S9524_Fx4 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 4 |
S9524_Fx5 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 5 |
S9524_Fx6 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 6 |
S9524_Fx7 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 7 |
S9524_Fx8 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 8 |
S9524_Fx9 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 9 |
S9524_Fx10 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 10 |
S9525_Fx1 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 1 |
S9525_Fx2 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 2 |
S9525_Fx3 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 3 |
S9525_Fx4 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 4 |
S9525_Fx5 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 5 |
S9525_Fx6 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 6 |
S9525_Fx7 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 7 |
S9525_Fx8 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 8 |
S9525_Fx9 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 9 |
S9525_Fx10 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 10 |
S9526_Fx1 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 1 |
S9526_Fx2 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 2 |
S9526_Fx3 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 3 |
S9526_Fx4 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 4 |
S9526_Fx5 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 5 |
S9526_Fx6 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 6 |
S9526_Fx7 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 7 |
S9526_Fx8 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 8 |
S9526_Fx9 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 9 |
S9526_Fx10 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 10 |
Deprecated: In previous versions of artMS (v <= 1.9), the config.yaml
file contained an additional fractions section that had to be activated as follow:
enabled : 1 # 1 for protein fractions, 0 otherwise
This option is not longer required, as artMS will use the “Fraction
” of the keys file to detect that multiple fractions are available.
One of the most widely used techniques that enable relative protein
quantification is stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture
(SILAC). The keys.txt
file can capture the typical SILAC experiment.
The following example shows a SILAC experiment with two conditions,
two biological replicates, and two technical replicates:
RawFile | IsotopeLabelType | Condition | BioReplicate | Run |
QE20140321-01 | H | iso | iso-1 | 1 |
QE20140321-02 | H | iso | iso-1 | 2 |
QE20140321-04 | L | iso | iso-2 | 3 |
QE20140321-05 | L | iso | iso-2 | 4 |
QE20140321-01 | L | iso_M | iso_M-1 | 1 |
QE20140321-02 | L | iso_M | iso_M-1 | 2 |
QE20140321-04 | H | iso_M | iso_M-2 | 3 |
QE20140321-05 | H | iso_M | iso_M-2 | 4 |
It is also required to activate the silac option in the yaml file as follows:
enabled : 1 # 1 for SILAC experiments
provides 3 functions to perform QC analyses.
-based)The basic quality control analysis takes as input both the evidence.txt
and keys.txt files
and generates several QC plots exploring different aspects of
the MS data. Run it as follows:
evidence_file = artms_data_ph_evidence,
keys_file = artms_data_ph_keys,
prot_exp = "PH")
The following pdf
can be generated:
: contaminants, PROT
peptides, REV
sequences used by MaxQuant to estimate the FDR);
Box plots
of MS Intensity values per biological replicates and conditions;
bar plots
of total intensity (excluding contaminants) by bioreplicates and conditions;
Bar plots of total feature counts by bioreplicates and conditions.PH
, UB
, AC
, PTM:##) an extra pdf file will be generated with stats related to the selected modification, including: *bar plot of peptide counts and intensities*, broken by
PTM/other` categories; bar plots of total sum-up of MS intensity values by
other/PTM categories.Check ?artmsQualityControlEvidenceBasic()
to find out more options. Remember: by default, all the plots are printed to a pdf
file by running:
evidence_file = artms_data_ph_evidence,
keys_file = artms_data_ph_keys,
prot_exp = "PH",
printPDF = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
## Warning: The dot-dot notation (`..prop..`) was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `after_stat(prop)` instead.
## ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the artMS package.
## Please report the issue at <https://github.com/biodavidjm/artMS/issues>.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
## Warning: The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: fill.
## ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in the data.
## ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical variable into a factor?
## The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: fill.
## ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in the data.
## ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical variable into a factor?
## Warning: The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: fill.
## ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in the data.
## ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical variable into a factor?
## The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: fill.
## ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in the data.
## ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical variable into a factor?
## The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: fill.
## ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in the data.
## ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical variable into a factor?
## The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: fill.
## ℹ This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in the data.
## ℹ Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical variable into a factor?
-based)It takes as input the evidence.txt
and keys.txt
files as follows:
evidence_file = artms_data_ph_evidence,
keys_file = artms_data_ph_keys)
and generates the following QC plots:
plotCS (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.ChargeState): charge state distribution of PSMs confidently identified in each BioReplicate.
plotIC (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.PCA.pdf): pairwise intensity correlation and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
plotIONS (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.Ions.pdf): A peptide ion is defined in the context of m/z, in other words, a unique peptide sequence may give rise to multiple ions with different charge state and/or amino acid modification.
plotME (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.MassError.pdf): Distribution of precursor error for all PSMs confidently identified in each BioReplicate.
plotMOCD (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.MZ.pdf): Distribution of precursor mass-over-charge for all PSMs confidently identified in each BioReplicate.
plotPIO (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.PepIonOversampling.pdf):
plotPEPDETECT (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.PeptideDetection.pdf): frequency of peptide detection across BioReplicates by condition, showing the percentage of peptides detected once, twice, thrice, and so on (based on the number of bioreplicates for each condition).
plotPEPICV (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.PeptideIntensity.pdf):
Peptide intensity coefficient of variance (CV) plot.
The CV is calculated for each feature (peptide ion) identified in more
than one replicate.
plotPEPTIDES (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.Peptides.pdf): peptide statistics plot.
plotPEPTOVERLAP (qcExtended_evidence..qcplot.PeptidesOverlap.pdf): peptide overlaps across bioreplicates (page 1) and conditions (page 2)
plotPROTDETECT (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.ProteinDetection.pdf): Protein detection frequency plot:
plotPROTICV (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.ProteinIntensityCV.pdf): protein intensity coefficient of variance (CV) plot. The CV is calculated for each protein (after summing the peptide intensities) identified in more than one replicate.
plotPROTEINS (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.Proteins.pdf): protein statistics,
plotPROTOVERLAP (qcExtended_evidence..qcplot.ProteinOverlap.pdf): Protein overlap across bioreplicates (page 1) and conditions (page 2)
plotPSM (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.PSM.pdf) : Peptide-spectrum-matches (PSMs).
plotIDoverlap (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.ID-Overlap.pdf): heatmap of pairwise identification overlap:
plotSP (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.SamplePrep.pdf): sample quality metrics.
plotTYPE (qcExtended_evidence.qcplot.Type.pdf): identification type. MaxQuant classifies each peptide identification into different categories (e.g., MSMS, MULTI-MSMS, MULTI-SECPEP). This plot shows the distribution of identification type in each BioReplicate
Examples: printing plotTYPE
, plotPEPICV
, and plotPCA
plots only:
evidence_file = artms_data_ph_evidence,
keys_file = artms_data_ph_keys,
plotPCA = TRUE,
plotTYPE = TRUE,
plotPSM = FALSE,
plotPIO = FALSE,
plotCS = FALSE,
plotME = FALSE,
plotIDoverlap = FALSE,
plotSP = FALSE,
printPDF = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE)
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
## Warning in par(usr): argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter
based)It requires two files:
file. As described by MaxQuant’s table.pdf
, the
summary file contains summary information for all the raw files processed
with a single MaxQuant run, including statistics on the peak detection.
The QC analysis of this file gathers a quick overview on the
quality of every RawFile based on this summary.txt
. Run it as follows:artmsQualityControlSummaryExtended(summary_file = "summary.txt",
keys_file = artms_data_ph_keys)
It generates the following pdf
plotMS1SCANS (.qcplot.MS1scans.pdf): generates MS1 scan counts plot:
Page 1 shows the number of MS1 scans in each BioReplicate.
If replicates are present, Page 2 shows the mean number of MS1 scans
per condition with error bar showing the standard error of the mean.
If isFractions
, each fraction is a stack on the individual
bar graphs.
plotMS2 (.qcplot.MS2scans.pdf): generates MS2 scan counts plot:
Page 1 shows the number of MSs scans in each BioReplicate.
If replicates are present, Page 2 shows the mean number of MS1 scans per
condition with error bar showing the standard error of the mean.
If isFractions
, each fraction is a stack on the individual bar graphs.
plotMSMS (.qcplot.MSMS.pdf): generates MS2 identification rate (%) plot:
Page 1 shows the fraction of MS2 scans confidently identified in each
BioReplicate. If replicates are present, Page 2 shows the mean rate of MS2
scans confidently identified per condition with error bar showing the
standard error of the mean.
If isFractions
, each fraction is a stack on the individual bar graphs.
plotISOTOPE (.qcplot.Isotope.pdf): generates Isotope Pattern counts plot:
Page 1 shows the number of Isotope Patterns with charge greater than 1 in
each BioReplicate. If replicates are present, Page 2 shows the mean number
of Isotope Patterns with charge greater than 1 per condition with error bar
showing the standard error of the mean.
If isFractions
, each fraction is a stack on the individual bar graphs.
The relative quantification is a fundamental step in the analysis of MS data.
facilitates and simplifies the analysis using
MSstats, a fantastic statistical package for the relative
quantification of Mass-Spectrometry based proteomics.
All the options and parameters required to run a relative quantification
analysis using MSstats
(in addition to other options) are summarized in
through a configuration file in .yaml
format. Check the
input-files section to find out more about each of the options.
Different types of proteomics experiments can be quantified including changes in global protein abundance (AB), affinity purification mass spectrometry (APMS), and different type of posttranslational modifications, including phosphorylation (PH), ubiquitination (UB), and acetylation (AC).
also enables the relative quantification of untargeted polar metabolites
using the alignment table generated by
This means that artMS
does not require an ID for the metabolites,
as the m/z and retention time will be combined and used as identifiers.
The quantification of changes in protein abundance between different conditions requires to fill up the following sections of the config file:
evidence : /path/to/the/evidence.txt
keys : /path/to/the/keys.txt
contrasts : /path/to/the/contrast.txt
output : /path/to/the/output/results_ptm_global/results.txt
modifications : AB
The remaining options can be left unmodified (and run the default parameters).
Then run the following artMS
yaml_config_file = '/path/to/config/file/artms_ab_config.yaml')
Warning: This quantification is only possible for experiments that have used methods to enrich for the modified peptides (e.g. phosphorylation) prior to the mass spectrometry analysis.
The global PTM quantification analysis calculates changes of the PTM at the protein level. This means that all the modified peptides for every protein are used to quantify changes in protein phosphorylation, ubiquitination, or acetylation between different conditions. The site-specific analysis (explained next) would quantify changes at the site level, i.e., each modified peptide for every PTM site is / are quantified independently between the different conditions (one or more different peptides could be detected for the same PTM)
Only two sections need to be filled up using the default configuration file:
evidence : /path/to/the/evidence.txt
keys : /path/to/the/keys.txt
contrasts : /path/to/the/contrast.txt
output : /path/to/the/output/results_ptm_global/results.txt
modifications : PH
The remaining options can be left unmodified.
Once the configuration yaml
file is ready, run the following command:
yaml_config_file = '/path/to/config/file/artms_phglobal_config.yaml')
Warning: This quantification is only possible for experiments that have used methods to enrich phosphopeptides or ubiquitinated peptides prior to the mass spectrometry analysis.
= Protein phosphorylationUB
= Protein UbiquitinationAC
= Protein AcetylationPTM:XXX:yy
: User defined PTM (any PTM supported by MaxQuant).
Replace XXX with 1 or more 1-letter amino acid codes on which to find modifications (all uppercase). Replace yy with modification name used within the evidence file (require lowercase characters). Example: PTM:STY:ph
will find modifications on aa S,T,Y with this example format _AAGGAPS(ph)PPPPVR_
The site-specific
analysis quantifies changes at the modified peptide level.
This means that changes in every modified (PH, UB, AC, or PTM) peptide of a given protein
will be quantified individually. The caveat is that the proportion of missing
values should increase in general relative to a typical non-PTM global analysis (protein global abundance quantification).
Both sites and global ptm analysis are highly correlated due to the usually only
one or two peptides drive the overall changes in PTMs for every protein.
To run a site/peptide specific analysis follow these steps:
Leading razor protein
, Leading protein
, or Proteins
and re-annotates it to incorporate the ptm-site/peptide-specific information.
By default, this function converts the column Leading razor protein
This step is computational expensive, which means that it might take several
minutes to finish (depending on the size of the fasta database, evidence file,
computer power, etc)It also requires the same reference proteome (fasta sequence database) used for the MaxQuant search.
For phosphorylation:
evidence_file = "/path/to/the/evidence.txt",
ref_proteome_file = "/path/to/the/reference_proteome.fasta",
output_file = "/path/to/the/output/ph-sites-evidence.txt",
mod_type = "PH")
As a result, the IDs in the “Leading razor protein” column will contain site/peptide-specific notation. For example:
Before: P12345
After: P12345_S23_S45
For ubiquitination:
evidence_file = "/path/to/the/evidence.txt",
ref_proteome_file = "/path/to/the/reference_proteome.fasta",
output_file = "/path/to/the/output/ub-sites-evidence.txt",
mod_type = "UB")
For acetylation:
evidence_file = "/path/to/the/evidence.txt",
ref_proteome_file = "/path/to/the/reference_proteome.fasta",
output_file = "/path/to/the/output/ac-sites-evidence.txt",
mod_type = "AC")
For all PTMS supported by MaxQuant (in addition to PH, AC, UB):
Example with PH and UB:
# Phosphopeptide in evidence file: `_AAGGAPS(ph)PPPPVR_`
evidence_file = "/path/to/the/evidence.txt",
ref_proteome_file = "/path/to/the/reference_proteome.fasta",
output_file = "/path/to/the/output/ac-sites-evidence.txt",
mod_type = "PTM:STY:(ph)")
# Ubiquitinated peptide: `_AAASK(gl)LGEFAK_`
evidence_file = "/path/to/the/evidence.txt",
ref_proteome_file = "/path/to/the/reference_proteome.fasta",
output_file = "/path/to/the/output/ac-sites-evidence.txt",
mod_type = "PTM:K:(gl)")
Tip: How to re-annotate all the Protein columns on the same file.
By default, artmsProtein2SiteConversion
doesn’t allow to overwrite the
file for security reasons (you don’t want to lose the
evidence file if something goes wrong). To overwrite the evidence file the
argument overwrite_evidence
must be turned on (overwrite_evidence = TRUE
If the column_name
argument is not used, artmsProtein2SiteConversion
converts the Leading razor protein
column, which is used in the
quantification step when protein_groups : remove
is selected (default). However,
if protein_groups : keep
is used, artMS
will use the Proteins
To convert the Proteins
column to the site/peptide-specific notation, then
add the argument column_name = "Proteins"
To annotate both columns of the same file, first generate the
“site-evidence.txt” file, and then use this same output file as the
and activate overwrite.evidence = TRUE
In summary, to annotate both the “Leading razor protein” and Proteins
follow these steps:
# Convert 'Leading razor protein' evidence's file column
evidence_file = "/path/to/the/evidence.txt", # ORIGINAL
column_name = "Leading razor protein",
ref_proteome_file = "/path/to/the/reference_proteome.fasta",
output_file = "/path/to/the/phsites-evidence.txt", # SITES VERSION
mod_type = "PH")
# Convert 'Proteins' evidence's file column
evidence_file = "/path/to/the/phsites-evidence.txt", # <- USE SITES VERSION
column_name = "Proteins",
overwrite_evidence = TRUE, # <--- TURN ON
ref_proteome_file = "/path/to/the/reference_proteome.fasta",
output_file = "/path/to/the/phsites-evidence.txt", # <- SITES VERSION
mod_type = "PH")
) as explained above, but using the “new”
file instead of the original
evidence : /path/to/the/evidence-site.txt
keys : /path/to/the/keys.txt
contrasts : /path/to/the/contrast.txt
output : /path/to/the/output/results_ptmSITES/sites-results.txt # <- this one
modifications : PH # <- Don't forget this one.
Once the new yaml
file has been created, execute:
yaml_config_file = '/path/to/config/file/phsites_config.yaml')
The files generated after succesfully running artmsQuantification
(based on
MSstats documentation):
: Protein IDLabel
: comparison (from contrast.txt)log2FC
: log2 fold changeSE
: standard errorTvalue
: test statistic of the Student testDF
: degree of freedom of the Student testpvalue
: raw p-valuesadj.pvalue
: p-values adjusted among all the proteins in the specific
comparison using the approach by Benjamini and Hochbergissue
: shows if there is any issue for inference in corresponding
protein and comparison, for example, OneConditionMissing or CompleteMissing.MissingPercentage
: percentage of random and censored missing
in the corresponding run and protein out of the total number of
feature in the corresponding protein.ImputationPercentage
: percentage of imputationOneConditionMission
and log2FC=Inf
or -Inf
even though pvalue=NA
For example, if for the comparison Condition A - Condition B
one protein is completely missed for condition B, then
log2FC = Inf
and adj.pvalue = 0
, Tvalue
, and pvalue
will all be NA
but 3 more columns of
annotations, i.e., Gene
, ProteinName
, and EntrezID
and quantification
step (check
MSstats documentation to find out more),
Before running this function, the following packages must be installed on your system:
BiocManager::install(c("ComplexHeatmap", "org.Mm.eg.db"))
install.packages(c("factoextra", "FactoMineR", "gProfileR", "PerformanceAnalytics"))
performs a comprehensive analysis of the
quantifications outputs obtained from the function
artmsQuantification(). It includes:
below)It takes as input two files generated from the previous quantification step (artmsQuantification())
: MSstats quantification results-results_ModelQC.txt
: MSstats abundance values. It will be used to extract details about reproducibility.To run this analysis:
And then run the following function (e.g., for a protein abundance “AB” experiment)
artmsAnalysisQuantifications(log2fc_file = "ab-results.txt",
modelqc_file = "ab-results_ModelQC.txt",
species = "human",
output_dir = "AnalysisQuantifications")
A few comments on the available options for artmsAnalysisQuantifications
: two options:
: use for protein abundance (AB
), Affinity Purification-Mass
Spectrometry (APMS
), and global analysis of posttranslational modifications
, UB
, AC
) use the option ."ptmsites"
: use for site specific PTM analysis.species
: this downstream analysis supports (for now) "human"
: outliers can be kept (default) or could be removed from the abundance data. Options:
: keeps the outliersiqr
: removes any outlier outside +/- 6 x interquartile range from the mean (recommended)std
: it removes any outliers outside +/- 6 x the standard deviation from the meanenrich
, it will perform enrichment analysis using gProfileR
. If enrich = TRUE
, the user can provide a background
gene list (add the file path as well)mnbr
Minimal number of biological replicates for “naive
imputation” and filtering. Default: mnbr = 2
Intensity values for proteins/PTMs that are completely missed in one
of the two conditions compared (“condition A”), but are found in
at least 2 biological replicates (mnbr = 2
) of the other “condition B”,
are imputed (values artificially assigned) and the log2FC values calculated.
The goal is to keep those proteins/PTMs that are consistently found in
one of the two conditions (in this case “condition B”) and facilitate the
inclusion in downstream analysis (if wished). The imputed intensity values
are sampled from the lowest intensity values detected in the experiment,
and (WARNING) the p-values are just randomly assigned between
0.05 and 0.01 for illustration purposes (when generating a volcano
plot with the output of artmsAnalysisQuantifications
) or to include
them when making a cutoff of p-value < 0.05
for enrichment analysis or similar.
would also add the constraint that any protein
must be identified in at least nmbr
biological replicates of the
same condition or it will be filtered out. That is,
if mnbr = 2
, a protein found in two conditions but only in one
biological replicate in each of them, it would be removed.Summary file (summary.xlsx
Reminder: for any given relative quantification, as for example WT-Mutant:
log2fc > 0
) are more abundant
in the condition on the left / numerator (WT)log2fc < 0
) are more abundant
in the condition on the right / denominator (Mutant)The summary excel file (results-summary.xlsx
) gathers several tabs:
: includes quantitative results.
) indicates whether the iLog2FC value has been imputed according to the nmbr
criteria (see above)wide_iLog2fc
: log2fc values (including imputed values) in wide format, i.e.,
each row is a unique protein/ptmsite. The columns shows the values for each
of the comparisons.wide_iPvalue
: same as before, but for pvalues (including imputed)enrichALL
: enrichment analysis using GProfileR for all the proteins changing
significantly in any direction (ab(log2fc) > 0 and pvalue < 0.05)enrich-MACpos
: enrichment of only the positive significant changes
(log2fc > 1, pvalue < 0.05)enirch-MACneg
: enrichment of only the negative significant changes
(log2fc < -1, pvalue < 0.05)enMACallCorum, enMACposCorum, enMACnegCorum
: same as above but only for
protein complex enrichment analysis (based on CORUM)Text files
: same as the log2fcImputed
tab from the
summary fileresults-log2fc-wide.txt
: wide version (i.e., each row is an individual
protein) of pvalues and adj.pvalues for each comparisonGene Enrichment analysis: enrichment analysis only supported for human and mouse. Check the GprofileR documentation to find out more about the details:
: all significant changes
(abs(log2fc) > 1 & pvalue < 0.05)results-enrich-MAC-positives.txt
: only positive significant changes
(log2fc > 1 & pvalue < 0.05)results-enrich-MAC-negatives.txt
: all significant changes (based on p-value
only)Protein Complex Enrichment analysis (based on CORUM)
Based on relative abundance
Based on significant changes
also provides a number of very handy functions.
Takes the given columnid
(of Uniprot IDs) from the input data.frame,
and map the gene symbol, name, and entre id
(source: bioconductor annotation packages)
# This example adds annotations to the evidence file available in
# artMS, based on the column 'Proteins'.
evidence_anno <- artmsAnnotationUniprot(x = artms_data_ph_evidence,
columnid = 'Proteins',
species = 'human')
Taking as input the evidence file, it will summarize and return back
the average intensity, average retention time, and the average calibrated
retention time for each protein. If a list of proteins is provided, then only
those proteins will be summarized and returned. Check ?artmsAvgIntensityRT()
to find out more options.
artmsAvgIntensityRT(evidence_file = '/path/to/the/evidence.txt)
Changes a given column name in the input data.frame
artms_data_ph_evidence <- artmsChangeColumnName(
dataset = artms_data_ph_evidence,
oldname = "Phospho..STY.",
newname = "PH_STY")
Protein abundance dot plots for each unique uniprot id. It can take a long time
artmsDataPlots(input_file = "results/ab-results-mss-normalized.txt",
output_file = "results/ab-results-mss-normalized.pdf")
Enrichment analysis based on a data.frame with Gene
and Comparison
protein (i.e, typical MSstats results)
# The data must be annotated (Protein and Gene columns)
data_annotated <- artmsAnnotationUniprot(
x = artms_data_ph_msstats_results,
columnid = "Protein",
species = "human")
# And then the enrichment
enrich_set <- artmsEnrichLog2fc(
dataset = data_annotated,
species = "human",
background = unique(data_annotated$Gene),
verbose = FALSE)
Function that simplifies enrichment analysis using gProfileR
# annotate the MSstats results to get the Gene name
data_annotated <- artmsAnnotationUniprot(
x = artms_data_ph_msstats_results,
columnid = "Protein",
species = "human")
# Filter the list of genes with a log2fc > 2
filtered_data <-
unique(data_annotated$Gene[which(data_annotated$log2FC > 2)])
# And perform enrichment analysis
data_annotated_enrich <- artmsEnrichProfiler(
x = filtered_data,
categorySource = c('KEGG'),
species = "hsapiens",
background = unique(data_annotated$Gene))
Converts the MaxQuant evidence file to the 3 required files by SAINTexpress. Choose one of the following quantitative MS metrics:
artmsEvidenceToSaintExpress(evidence_file = "/path/to/evidence.txt",
keys_file = "/path/to/keys.txt",
ref_proteome_file = "/path/to/org.proteome.fasta")
Converts the MaxQuant evidence file to the required files by SAINTq. The user can filter
based on either peptides with spectral counts (use msspc
) or all the peptides
(use all
) for the analysis. The quantitative metric can be also chosen
(either MS intensity or spectral counts)
artmsEvidenceToSAINTq(evidence_file = "/path/to/evidence.txt",
keys_file = "/path/to/keys.txt",
output_dir = "saintq_input_files")
It generates the Phosfate input file from the imputedL2fcExtended.txt
resulting from running the artmsAnalysisQuantifications()
on a ph-site
quantification (see above). Notice that the only species suported by PHOTON
is humans.
artmsPhosfateOutput(inputFile = "your-imputedL2fcExtended.txt")
It generates the Photon input file from the imputedL2fcExtended.txt
resulting from running the artmsAnalysisQuantifications()
on a ph-site
quantification (see above). Please, notice that the only species suported by
PHOTON is humans.
artmsPhotonOutput(inputFile = "your-imputedL2fcExtended.txt")
Remove contaminants and erroneously identified ‘reverse’ sequences by MaxQuant, in addition to empty protein ids
evidencefiltered <- artmsFilterEvidenceContaminants(x = artms_data_ph_evidence)
Generate extended detailed ph-site file, where every line is a ph site instead of a peptide. Therefore, if one peptide has multiple ph sites it will be breaking down in multiple extra lines for each of the sites.
artmsGeneratePhSiteExtended(df = dfobject,
species = "mouse",
ptmType = "ptmsites",
output_name = log2fc_file)
enables the relative quantification of untargeted polar metabolites
using the alignment table generated by MarkerView.
This means that the metabolites do not need to have an id in order to perform
the quantification, as the m/z and retention time will be used as identifiers.
MarkerView is an
ABSciex software that supports the files generated by Analyst software
) used to run our specific mass
spectrometer (ABSciex Triple TOF 5600+).
It also supports .t2d
files generated by the
Applied Biosystems 4700/4800 MALDI-TOF.
Markview is used to align mass spectrometry data from several
samples for comparison. Using the import feature in the software, .wiff
(also .t2d
MALDI-TOF files and tab-delimited .txt
mass spectra data
in mass-intensity format) are loaded for retention time alignment.
Once the data files are selected, a series of windows will appear wherein
peak finding, alignment, and filtering options can be entered and selected.
These options include minimum spectral peak width, minimum retention time
peak width, retention time and mass tolerance, and the ability to filter
out peaks that do not appear in more than a user selected number of samples.
The alignment file is further processed and formatted to perform QC
and relative quantification using the following artMS
Pre-process the markview .txt
file to generate
an “evidence-like” file by running:
artmsConvertMetabolomics(input_file = "markview-output.txt",
out_file = "metabolomics-evidence.txt")
Perform quality control analysis on the metabolomics data by running:
artmsQualityControlMetabolomics(evidence_file = "metabolomics-evidence.txt",
keys_file = "metabolomics-keys.txt")
It generates the following plots:
contains both Box-dot plot
and Jitter plot of biological replicates based on MS (raw)
intensity values.plotREPRO.pdf
correlation dotplot for all the
combinations of biological replicates of conditions, based on MS Intensity
values using features (mz_rt+charge)plotCORMAT.pdf
, includes up to 3 pdf files for
technical replicates, biological replicates, and conditions.
Each pdf file contains:
the pdf contains several pages, including
bar plots of Total Sum of Intensities in BioReplicates,
Total Sum of Intensities in Conditions,
Total Feature Counts in BioReplicates,
Total Feature Counts in conditions separated by categories
(INT: has a intensity value NOINT: no intensity value )
Box plots of MS Intensity values per
biological replicates and conditions; bar plots of total intensity
by bioreplicates and conditions; Barplots of
total feature counts by bioreplicates and conditions.The relative quantification is performed using
. It requires a configuration file (yaml
format, please check above).
A template can be generated by running:
artmsWriteConfigYamlFile(config_file_name = "metab_config.yaml")
The relative quantification is performed by running:
artmsQuantification(yaml_config_file = "metabConfig.yaml")
The artMS package provides the following testing datasets
Phosphoproteomics dataset:
example dataset consisting of two head and neck cancer cell lines
(conditions "Cal33"
and "HSC6"
), 2 biological
replicates each). The number of peptides was reduced to 1/8 due to bioconductor
limitations on data size.
: results after running
on the reduced versionThe full data set (2 conditions, 4 biological replicates) can be found at the following urls:
url_evidence <- 'http://kroganlab.ucsf.edu/artms/ph/evidence.txt'
url_keys <- 'http://kroganlab.ucsf.edu/artms/ph/keys.txt'
Protein Complexes dataset: downloaded (2017-08-01) from
CORUM database
and further enriched with annotations of mouse mitochondrial complexes
not available at CORUM. Used for complex enrichment calculations.
Pathogens Uniprot IDs:
: Legionella pneumophila philadelphia
(downloaded 2017-07-17)artms_data_pathogen_TB
: Mycobacterium tuberculosis
strain ATCC 35801 / TMC 107 / Erdman (downloaded 2018-04-01)Check the individual help pages (e.g, ?artms_data_ph_evidence
) to find out
more about them.
Errors or warnings? try to update the package first (resinstall) just in case a newer version is already available fixing the issue.
Does the issue persist after reinstallation? Then, please, submit your error as a new issue at the official Github repository.
Any other inquiries: artms.help@gmail.com