Presence and Instant Messaging Protocol BOF (PRIM) Monday, December 11 at 1530-1630 CHAIR: Athanassios Diacakis <> ****************************************** MORE INFO (slides & charter) available at: http://www.networkprojects/prim/ ****************************************** o Agenda overview (Diacakis) o Florencio Mazzoldi presents report on first PRIM draft - Brief history of PRIM - PRIM philosophy - Current PRIM status - CPIM relation o Hiroyasu Sugano disucsses open issues - Mutliple UAs - Data update granularity - Handling of large data - UA authentication for both services - More flexible server authentication - UA capability/version advertisement/negotiation - AStrength header o Summary of presentation so far (Diacakis) o Working group charter presented - Available at URL above o Discussion Q: Does PRIM deal with billing or similar issues A: Not in RFC2779 Q: First bullet point of charter: might be misleading. A: Will edit to fix. Replaced: * Built from the ground up to solve problem described in RFC2778/9 with: * Built from the ground up, solving only problems described in RFC2778/9