============================================================================= Version 1.0 25 Nov 94 TABLE OF CONTENTS Internet Society Board of Trustees 6th Meeting 15-16 Dec 1994 SECTION 1: Agenda ------ Agenda of the 6th meeting (Doc. 94-300) SECTION 2: Minutes ------- Minutes of June 94 Meeting of Board of Trustees (Doc. 94-250) Actions arising (Doc. 94-251d) Summary of resolutions (Doc. 94-252) SECTION 3: Purposes and Objectives ----------------------- Internet Society Strategic Plan (Doc. 94-305) Ref. Res. 94-21 (mission) SECTION 4: Basic Instruments ----------------- Amendments arising from end of initial period (Doc. 94-254a) Amendments concerning charter members (Doc. 94-255a) Report of the By-Laws Committee (Doc. 94-306) Ref. Actions 94-27,-37; Board Res. 94-17; Council Res. 94-4 SECTION 5: Bodies - Board of Trustees -------------------------- Report of the President (Doc. 94-307) Report of the Elections Committee (Doc. 94-309) Report of the Nominations Committee (Doc. 94-310) Code of Conduct Proceeding (Doc. 94-311) Liability Insurance Ref. Actions 94-39, -40 (vice-pres.), -38 (elections), -36 (insurance); Res. 94-07 (elections committee), 94-19 (elections process), 94-20 (elections timetable) SECTION 6: Financial Matters ----------------- Report and recommendations of the Treasurer, including: - 1993 financial statement - 1994 proposed budget - Review of 1993 audit results - Tax reporting statements (Doc. 94-308) Report and recommendations of the Accountant, including: - financial policies and procedures - synchronization of membership dues (Doc. 94-318) Report on fund raising (Doc. 94-319) Ref. Actions 94-21 (accounting), 94-22,-23 (audits), 94-35 (account statements); Res. 94-01 (budget), 94-02 (reserves), 94-03 (borrowing), 94-04 (1994 budget), 94-05 (audit committee), 94-15 (financial procedures) SECTION 7: Bodies - Internet Architecture Board and IESG --------------------------------------------- Report and recommendations of the IAB Chair (Doc. 94-312) Procedures for Internet Standards (Doc. 94-313) Report of the IAB/IESG Nominations Committee (Doc. 94-314) Ref. Actions 94-12,-31,41 (standards process) SECTION 8: Bodies - Secretariats and Administrative Centres ------------------------------------------------ Report and recommendations of the Executive Director, covering: - International Secretariat - IAB/IANA/RFC Editor Secretariats and NICs - IETF Secretariat - IPRA Secretariat - CERTs (Doc. 94-315) Employee Human Relations Programme and Policies (on request) Ref. Action 94-26 (CNRI contract), -34 (employees), Res. 94-06 (Exec Director), 94-18 (employee benefits) SECTION 9: Publications and Information Services ------------------------------------- Report and recommendations on publications and information services, including: - general membership publications - IEEE ComSoc Proceedings JV - WWW Home page - Global NIS - Provider information - Charts - Other language materials (Doc. 94-329) Ref. Actions 94-28,-29 (server materials) SECTION 10: Conferences ----------- Report and recommendations of the Vice-President, covering: - INETs - NDSS - International Operations - Others (Doc. 94-316) SECTION 11: Legal Matters ------------- Report and recommendations of the ISOC Counsel, including: - standards intellectual property - trademark (Doc. 94-320) Ref. Action 94-31 (legal counsel) SECTION 12: Bodies - Advisory Council ------------------------- Prague meeting and resolutions (Council Doc. 94-001) Election of Council Officers (Council Doc. 94-003) Report of 1st meeting of the Officers (Council Doc. 94-004) Council IETF BOF (Council Doc. 94-005) SECTION 13: Chapters -------- Report and Recommendation on Chapters (Doc. 94-317) Chapter Guidelines (Doc. 94-253) Ref. Res 94-13 SECTION 14: Membership ---------- Report and recommendations on membership, including - individual members - organizational members - friends of ISOC (Doc. 94-321) Ref. Actions 94-32,-33 (membership welcome, profiles); Res. 94-11 (Assoc. member), -12 (Friends of ISOC) SECTION 15: External Relations ------------------ Report and recommendations on public and press relations (Doc. 94-322) Report and recommendations on relations with other organizations, including: - ITU - ISO SC6, SC21 - Others (Doc. 94-323) Report and recommendations of the Awards Committee (Doc. 94-324) Ref. Actions 94-24 (ITU), 94-25 (ISO), 94-03 (ANSI), 94-30 (USGov email), 94-42 (Awards), Res. 94-23 (Awards) SECTION 16: Programmes ---------- Report and recommendations on Third World Infrastructure Project (Doc. 94-325) Report on Disaster Relief Programme (Doc. 94-326) Report and recommendations on other programmes, including: - TIIAP - Soros - Volunteers In Service to Internet - Diffusion models - Headquarters volunteers (Doc. 94-327) SECTION 17: Workshops --------- Report and recommendations on Workshops (Doc. 94-328) SECTION 18: Archive ------- Report and recommendations on Internet archives (Doc. 94-330) =============================================================================