[ 1 ] L. Burnard and H. Short, Feasibility study into establishing an Arts and Humanities Datacentre: a proposal to the Joint Information Systems Committee, February 1994.
[ 2 ] See para 299 of the Report (hereafter Follett, 1993).
[ 3 ] Information Technology in Humanities Scholarship, British Library R \\& D Report 6097, London 1993.
[ 4 ] Towards an Arts and Humanities Data Service: Report of a Workshop held at the British Academy on 29 - 30 March 1994.
[ 5 ] These are the Witt Computer Index, at the Witt Library, Courtauld Institute of Art, and the Census of Antique Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance developed jointly by the Warburg Institute in London and the Biblioteca Herziana in Rome.
[ 6 ] The History Data Unit was established by a grant from esrc ending in December 1994.
[ 7 ] For example, Chadwyck-Healey's English Poetry Database has a price in excess of 20,000 pounds per institution.
[ 8 ] The results of this survey have not yet been published.
[ 9 ] Formerly the Joint Network Team (jnt)
[ 10 ] This was a study group set up by the jnt and chaired by Michael Breaks. An edited version of its report is included in Libraries and IT.
[ 11 ] Follett, 1993.
[ 12 ] FIGIT's planned modus operandi is set out in JISC Circular 4/94 - Follett Implementation Group on Information Technology: Framework for Progressing the Initiative.
[ 13 ] JISC 4/94.
[ 14 ] JISC Circular 4/94, Introduction, paragraph 18.
[ 15 ] See Appendix 8.3.1 Network and metadata projects ?z
[ 16 ] Source: private conversations with cla staff.
[ 17 ] One example, of many, is Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (ssadm). This widely used methodology was originally developed by Learmont and Burchett, and was subsequently adopted as a standard within the Civil Service. Most of these methodologies are aimed at administrataive systems involving the dynamic flow of data, but there are elements which can be applied to data design in academic research projects.
[ 18 ] ISO/IEC 9075 (1989).
[ 19 ] ISO/IEC 8879 (1986)
[ 20 ] For example, the biron system provides an on-line catalogue of the data sets held by the ESRC Data Archive. However, since the catalogue is itself a networked resource, it too will require a unique network identifier.
[ 21 ] Part 4 of C.M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard, Editors, Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3), Chicago and Oxford, 1994. For a more detailed discussion of these and other approaches, see L. Dempsey, Network Resource Discovery: a European library perspective, in N. Smith, Editor, Libraries, networks and Europe: A European Networking Study, London, 1994 (hereafter Dempsey, 1994).
[ 22 ] Where the scale of copying required from an old medium to a new one makes the task too costly, it may be necessary for old hardware and/or software to be retained. The ESRC Archive, for example, retains a punched card reader in order to maintain the availability of certain of its older data sets.
[ 23 ] For a recent summary of electronic publishing in the UK, see David Brown: Electronic publishing in the UK publishing industry in Libraries and IT. Publishers of course have a particular interest in journal publication. Inter alia, Brown describes the work of the spirs Publishing Group and the intention to establish an Electronic Journal Testbed.
[ 24 ] JISC 4/94
[ 25 ] See Appendix 8.3.2 Art and Art History projects?z.
[ 26 ] A number of issues and projects in this area are described in Dempsey, 1994.
[ 27 ] Something of this type could provide the starting point for a national Humanities Gateway, but it would be important for this to be developed within the framework of UK and international developments. Its Universal Resource Locator (url) is http://www.ox.ac.uk/depts/humanities/.
[ 28 ] JISC 4/94.
[ 29 ] The SR protocol is ISO 10162/3. For more detailed discussion of access protocols and related issues, see Dempsey, 1994.
[ 30 ] JISC 4/94.
[ 31 ] In Denmark, the Danish Data Archive is co-ordinating a massive Data Entry Project in which a small army of volunteers is being organized to encode in electronic form all extant Danish census, parish, land and military registers, for research use.
[ 32 ] As an example of what is possible we may cite the outreach work of the Norwegian Social Sciences Data Archive (nsd). This Archive co-ordinates mock elections in Norwegian secondary schools before national elections and referendums, analyzing and publishing the results nationally. Their NSDStat statistical software package is now used in over 80 percent of Norwegian schools, and in most entry-level University social science courses.
[ 33 ] If the ahds is set up as a jisc-funded service, the ahds Director will become eligible to participate in a forum for all jisc-funded academic service providers. This forum is convened three times per year to discuss matters of mutual interest, and to report to and receive reports from ISSC and jisc.
[ 34 ] These will include not only standards on the number of security copies, frequency of update, and the location and security of the vaults in which they are held, but also the technical aspects relating to media type.
[ 35 ] David White, A list of Information Technology projects within the British Library and T H Cannon, IT research supported by the British Library R & D Department, both in Libraries and IT.
[ 36 ] This initiative is sponsored by the Getty Art History Information Program, the Coalition for Networked Information, and the American Council of Learned Societies.
[ 37 ] Current and planned Bunyip services are described in Dempsey, 1994, pp 16-17
[ 38 ] In February 1994, rlg announced a project to specify the requirements for an Archival Server --- a repository of digital images and full-text files --- and to demonstrate the validity of the concept with a prototype implementation. The announcement is contained in a paper ---Preliminary Thoughts on an Archival Server, 18 February 1994. The paper was included in a pack of rlg information sent to authors by John Haeger of rlg.
[ 39 ] It has to be said that some of the earlier and some less well-featured relational software packages do not have good data export facilities.
[ 40 ] Selfridge-Field, 1993-4
[ 41 ] Sitter, forthcoming.
[ 42 ] Newcomb, Kipp and Newcomb, 1991.
[ 43 ] SMDL is as yet still in draft form (ISO/IEC DIS 10743); see Sloan, 1992.
[ 44 ] Dr Neuman agreed to be interviewed during a visit to the UK.
[ 45 ] This visit was carried out on the authors' behalf by Alan Morrison, Oxford Text Archive.
[ 46 ] The Oxford CTI Centre also covers the humanities disciplines not covered by any other centres, e.g. Philosophy and Theology.
[ 47 ] The Archive has an arrangement with the Economic and Social Sciences Research Council whereby all contracts which involving data collection specify that the data must be deposited with the Archive.
[ 48 ] These figures are from February 1993.
[ 49 ] 1993 figures.
[ 50 ] This information is taken from Dempsey (1994), Sidebar 6. A more detailed account will be contained in T. Van der Werf, InfoServices: co-operation between the National Research Network Service and the National Library in the Netherlands. Journal of Information Networking, 2(1), 1994 (forthcoming).
[ 51 ] This information is taken from Dempsey (1994), Sidebar 5.