Air California "classic" Boeing 737-293 in delivery colors ca.1968 for FS 5.x 95 and 98 ======================================================================================== Air California paint by: Rafael Zimmermann Original 737 model by: Brian Quayle HISTRORY: Air California started operations in 1967 to link Oragne County to the rest of the state of CA. Air California routes were internal then, but the 1978 deregulation brought new chances, and the airline started servive outside CA, making flights to Reno NV with their new Boieng 737. The time passaed and then, in 1981, the airline was reowned and its name shortened to "Air Cal". The same year brought even more frequencies and aircrafts, such the DC-9 super 80. By 1984 Air Cal was serving Seatlle, Portland, Vancouver, Las Vegas, Lake Tahoe (one of the only big jet operations there in that time) and Reno. And this don't include the 10 cities served in CA. Around this same year of 1984, the new BAe 146 came to the fleet, and in the following 1985, the brand new Boeing 737-300. The competition was hard at the side of PSA in California, but Air Cal could survive to this. The only nightmare it couldn't take was the big bang of bankrupticies and mergers of the 80's. By July 1987, Air Cal was gone, acquired by American Airlines. INSTALL: For FS5.x users with FSFS: Copy all the *.AF files to your \texture folder and the *.AIR file to your \pilots folder. For FS95 and 98 users with the proper converter: Copy all files to a temp folder, go to your converter, choose this folder, than the respective *.AIR file and that's done. NOTES: This file is TOTALLY FREEWARE, it can be NEVER SOLD. You con distribut it to places that have a freeware distribution policy. MANY THANKS TO: Marco Balzarotti, my GREATEST friend of the FS world, due to all the help he provided me. (visit him at: for the ones that don't know yet, I'm Marco's partner in FS aircraft repaints, I'm very pleased to work with him :-) All my friends, close or not :-) CONTACT: My e-mail is: My URL is at: (now with FORUMS!!) FINAL NOTES: The model represented here for FS is N461GB, with original registration, and it was operated by Air California from 11/68 to 07/07 (a pioneer!! :-) I dedicate this plane for all the FS capitains of CA, that I consider a great state with a real special aviation story, specially if we consider PSA and Air Cal. Enjoy this classic!! :-) Have a nice flight and happy landings! :-) Rafael Zimmermann - Curitiba - BRAZIL