Panel for early Boeing 737-200 series: ================================ This is my first panel which I hope you will like. I found my inspiration by Eric W. Ernst, who is a great panelmaker. Also like to thank Christian Koegler for customizing some gauges for me. Most instruments are analog, which was common in the early "70th" Todays planes have mostly digital instruments with avanced navigation and radarsystems. I spent lost of hours to adjust the right gauges and panel colours. After intensive testflights the panel works in both 800x600 and 1024X768 modes. Preferable is 1024X768 mode. The panel is friendly for "framerate" decreasing. I used a Diamond Viper-330 in normal and fullscreen modes. All seems to work OK. Just unzip the files into a directory. Copy -all- gauges into Flightsim\gauges. The gauges will not damage or overwrite others. All gauges have unique names. Copy .bmp files and the panel.cfg in aircraft\panel of your choise. Questions or sugestions are welcome to Peter Mess Email: ~"~ Peter ~"~