PSA BAe 146-200 N365PS "stright stripe" livery ca.1987 for FS5.x 95 and 98 ============================================================================= PSA straight stripe livery by: Rafael Zimmermann Original BAe 146 by: Marcel Ritzema HISTORY: PSA started taking delivery of their BAe 146 in 1984 to replace the 727 fleet. These Bae's flew until APR 1988 when PSA was taken over by USAir. The Bae represented here is a -200 model registrated N356PS and nicknamed "The smile of Disneyland", as many other smiles in PSA fleet. The "straight stripe" livery was introduced in late 1987, and used until the end of PSA. INSTALLATION: For FS5.x users with FSFS: Copy all the *.AF files to your \texture folder, and the *.AIR file to your \pilots folder. For FS95 and 98 users with the proper converter: Copy all files to a temporary folder, go to your converter, choose the folder, than the respective *.AIR file and that's done. NOTES: This file is copyrighted by its original owner and it can be NEVER SOLD. You can distribute it freely to places that have a freeware distribution policy. CONTACT: Marcel Ritzema desinger: My contact (painter): My URL is at: MANY THANKS TO: Marco Balzarotti, my GREATEST friend in the FS world (visit him at: All my friends, close or not :-) FINAL NOTES: N356PS "the smile of disneyland" was operated from 8/85 to 11/87 in PSA fleet. Have a nice flight, and happy landings!! -EOF-