CFS MISSION EDITOR VERSION 3.0.3 Three seperate archives have been uploaded for this new release. They are: 1. "" (CFS Mission Editor and MDB) 2. "" (Documentation) 3. "" (Maps for Small Font display settings) archive addresses several problem within previous Versions. It contains a new *.exe file as well as a new version of the *.mdb IF YOU HAVE VERSION 3.0.0 INSTALLED AND HAVE EXPERIENCE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Formation Tab: The Aircraft Dropdown list is partially hidden when selected. 2. Menu Tools/Mission Summary: An error indicating that a field is not large enough to hold the data. IF YOU HAVE VERSION 3.0.1 INSTALLED AND ATTEMPTED TO VIEW "MISSION SUMMARIES" A RUNTIME ERROR WOULD OCCUR WHEN THE DATA WAS SORTED. IN MY EFFORT TO FIX A PROBLEM WITH VERSION 3.0.0 I CREATED AN OTHER PROBLEM WITHIN THE DATABASE. Replace both files on you drive with the files included in the archive. No other setup is required. VERSION 3.0.0 MUST BE INSTALLED FOR THESE FILES TO WORK. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD HERE "" "" as well as a variety of FlightSim sites. DOCUMENTATION ( I receive several emails a day asking "How do I..." type questions. I am tempted to respond with the acronym RTFMD (other who support SW will know what it means) but being polite as I am I implore that check the documentation before sending me mail. If the documentation is incomplete or unclear, by all means let me know. NEW FOR VERSION 3.0.3, THE DOCUMENTATION IS NOW HYPERLINKED. You must have Word97 (or greater) for these links to work, though. This documentation has been uploaded in a seperate archive called "". Please download and read it!!! DISPLAY PROBLEMS ( If you notice that the maps are covering part of the controls such as dropdowns or text boxes on the Waypoints Tab it is likely that your WIN9x display setting is set to Small Fonts. The default *.bmp files provided with previous archives only work under Large Font settings. To use Small Fonts you must replace all *.bmp files used by CFS Mission Editor with the files formatted for Small Fonts. Previous releases provided these replacement files in an archive called "" but most people have not been able to find this archive. A new archive called "" has been uploaded along with the archives described above. Please download this archive if your Display is set to Small fonts. NEW FOR VERSION 3.0.3 Many people have reported a variety of runtime errors when loading custom-made missions. Most, if not all, are due to the fact that these missions use codes or ID's for aircrafts, runways, etc that are not found within the database. Where possible, this version will attempt to default to another type (e.g. A map referenced in a *.mis file not found in *.mdb will cause CFS MISSION EDITOR to default to Map1Bfe). In most cases, however, this is not possible (e.g. A missing runway or Aircraft ID). THIS VERSION TRAPS THESE ERRORS A LITTLE MORE GRACEFULLY AND PROVIDES MORE DETAILS ON THE PROBLEM. It still will not allow you to load such missions, however, until you either: - Revise the *.mis file with a text editor. - Add the missing data to the database. Unfortunately adding runways is not possible directly within CFS MISSION EDITOR. I will consider adding this feature in future releases. NEW FEATURE UNDER MENU TOOLS/OPTIONS The option "AC List Size" can be used to adjust the number of AC entries that appear in the DropDown list. The choices are "Normal" (Typical dropdown list), "Increase" (adds 2 entries to the list each time it is selected) and "Decrease" (removes 2 entries to the list each time it is selected). You will have to experiment with these setting till you get the list that suits your needs and/or display. Cor Dikland