ACSGPS FLOATING WINDOW = ADD-ON FOR ALAIN CAPT'S ACS GAUGES =========================================================== OKAY ALAIN, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU !!!! [UPDATE] window00=why window01=what window02=how window03=when [window00] This update have the same files than my previous upload, a small change or two, to the *.bmp files to make it look better. The only reason I am updating this, is for Alain Capt (author and owner of ACS) who ask me to remove his gauges from my update or publish all his material with it - which will lead to a massive double download for those who have it already. [window01] I used to have GPS'98 but wanted to use the ACS panel from Alain Capt but didn't understand all the technical detail of panel designing. All I wanted to do was to use the UTIL with whatever panel I wanted to. I design some GPS BMP background and placed the *.GAU files on top. Now you could place any of the four GPS windows on any panel and drag-and-drop, stretch-and-resize any GPS to your heart's desire. If you are not use to edit the panel.cfg files, I recommend that you make back-ups any be very careful before starting to copy-and-paste some of this. [window02] Every *.BMP file will show you in it's respective *.GIF file what it will look like. Copy the *.GAU files (with the respective names that you will get from Alain's files) to your GAUGES folder and ADD the content of the *.CFG files to the respective panel you want to edit for use of the ACS GPS system. Make sure to copy the *.BMP files to the panel folder as well! ACSGPSV1 = the typical BOEING 747/757/767/777 brownish color! ACSGPSV2 = the typical Airbus and MD greyish looking color! ACSGPSV3 = the typical cluttered panels where you don't have much space! GPSKLN9 = the typical KINGAIR and smaller Turbo or Twin aircraft panel! The same thing in other words: Copy the *.bmp you want you use into the panel folder that you wish to update. Open my respective panel.cfg file that goes with the *.bmp file and ... Copy the respective window content into your panel.cfg. Make sure the respective gauges are in you GAUGE folder. When in FS98 drag and size the window where you would like to use it! [window03] Drop me a note if you have some problems, it works fine in 2D, 3D, and VOODOO! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It goes without saying that you will need the ACSGPS files from Alain Capt! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The big bonus is, that you could create a flight in Super Flight Planner and EXPORT it to ACSGPS and fly to the moon and back, without to much PT and planning! Well Alain - time for that second cup of tea! Hope everyone is happy now! Enjoy it. Terblanche Jordaan