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Icons, Mice, and Cursors in CLIM 1.0

change-mouse-glyph.lisp For changing the mouse-pointer-glyph to a bitmap or a spinning ball. icon-examples.lisp Various examples to manage icons by Erik Eilerts icons-stuff-from-j-close.lisp Stationary icons, mouse-movability, command-icons & dragged icons by Jeff Close picture-buttons.lisp A simple implementation of picture icons by Clint Hyde working-cursor.lisp Spinning cursor for busy applications
Origin: []   CLIM Library

CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Mailing List: Contact: Vincent Keunen CLIM Library Network Research Belgium Parc Industriel des Hauts-Sarts 2e Avenue, 65 B-4040 Herstal, BELGIUM Tel: +32 41 407282 Fax: +32 41 481170 (Please cc mail to Keywords: Authors!Close, Authors!Eilerts, Authors!Hyde, CLIM Library, CLIM!Cursors, CLIM!Icons, CLIM!Mice, GUI!Lisp, Graphics, HCI, Lisp!Code References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:31:09 1995