This is the top level directory containing all Tcl source files required to run OSQL, an X-Windows and Oracle-based SQL query tool. This software is only executable in a UNIX environment.
To install and run OsqL, you must have installed the version of wish (Tcl-based windowing shell) corresponding to the Tcl/Tk and assorted Tcl extension files found in ../tcl.
After building and installing the correct version of wish, you must modify the osql source file as indicated by the comments found there to:

  1. point to an appropriate wish interpreter
  2. include or exclude the reference to tcl_cruncher depending on whether you have installed it or not
  3. point to the correct file path for the location of this directory

The help feature of OsqL provides all program usage documentation. Before executing OsqL, however, the TWO_TASK environment variable should be set to a valid instance of Oracle you wish to query.
Please direct inquiries and bug reports to the help desk at POSC (
The following files are contained in this directory:

File Description
.osql_Xdefaults X-Windows defaults file for OSQL.
Help Directory of help files for OSQL.
README The ASCII version of this file.
README.htm The HTML version of this file.
entrywin.tcl Tcl code file used by OSQL.
examples Directory of example SQL queries for testing OSQL.
fsel.tcl Tcl code file used by OSQL.
lib Library directory for OSQL.
osql OSQL executable.
osql.tcl Tcl code file used by OSQL.
plsql.tcl Tcl code file used by OSQL.
tclIndex Tcl index file for auto loading Tcl code.

Move one directory up.