Changelog for CinemaVision [- 1.0.6 -] - fix: Encoding errors when playing a sequence - add: Setting in Playback section: "Ignore Kodi playlist with only one item if there is a selection" (Default: Enabled) [- 1.0.5 -] - fix: Errors when adding a new trailer module or loading a sequence where trailer scrapers have never been set [- 1.0.4 -] - add: Ability to pass multiple movie IDs to the addon: movieid=|||... - add: Ability to pass nodialog to the addon to suppress the playlist editor dialog - fix: Error caused when when playing movies passed via movieid arg - change: Change script:// action to python:// (though script:// will still work) - add: Now shows a dialog on failure to write a sequence file - fix: Another error caused by non-ascii characters in genres - fix: Bug causing trailers from the CV Trailers folder not to work - change: 'Content Folder' scraper for trailers name changed to 'CV Trailers Folder' [- 1.0.3 -] - fix: Encoding errors caused by non-ascii characters in genres - add: Warning dialog when saving a sequence that does not contain a feature module [- 1.0.2 -] - change: Improve logging and add a dialog for sequence loading errors - fix: Error when testing play/resume/abort actions when the action file is not set [- 1.0.1 -] - add: Now disables GUI sounds when playing a sequence - fix: Trivia Slides->Trivia rename failed on some platforms - change: Trivia Slides->Trivia rename now removes Trivia folder first and logs the actions - fix: Bug preventing the selection of non-default sequences [- 1.0.0 -] - add: Default 3D sequence - add: You can now load the default sequences - fix: Videos with multiple audio streams could sometimes fail audio format detection - fix: Error caused by trailers with missing release date - add: Setting in section 'General' under heading 'Extras': 'Install context menu add-on' [- 1.0.0b1 -] - fix: When clearing action file in the module, was displaying Default() - add: Localize settings strings - add: Added ability to test actions from the module and addon settings - change: Removed settings button in Actions: 'Check action file(s) for errors' - add: Add 'Test' button for 'Pause', 'Resume' and 'Abort' action settings - change: Change Action module option 'Check for errors' to 'Test' - change: Sequence title now displays in the upper right background - add: Addon version now displays in the upper left background - change: Trivia Slides directory name changed to Trivia - will auto-rename when loading content - change: Added more details to the playlist editor [- 0.0.50 -] - change: .cvseq file format is now JSON instead of XML - add: Option for action modules to check action file errors - add: Option in settings in 'Action' section to check action files errors [- 0.0.49 -] - change: Switch from demo mode to normal now works more intuitively (i.e. trailers are not lost) - change: You can now set the count for all video bumper types except file - add: In section 'Content' as a subsetting to 'Trailers: Kodi Database' added 'Ignore YouTube trailers' - add: In section 'Content' as a subsetting to 'Trailers: Kodi Database' added 'Mark watched if movie is watched' [- 0.0.48 -] - add: Scan Trailers directory recursively - change: Heading 'Trailers Scrapers' in section 'Content' changed to 'Content Scrapers' - add: Unavailable trailers will now be removed from the database when updating content - fix: When trivia paused during music fade in, music would not play - fix: Error when 'Enable video skips' was disabled - change: 'Scrapers' source for Trailers renamed to 'Content' - change: 'Scrapers filter (by priority)' renamed to 'Content filter (scrapers)' - add: Kodi database trailers now stored with release year for ordering - add: Trailer setting 'Content order' with the options 'Newest' and 'Random' - change: 'Scope (Restart editor to apply)' moved to advanced section and renamed 'Scope (requires add-on restart)' - add: Setting 'Execute action on sequence resume' now has options Off, Last and File (default=File). Last will use the last module action file executed - fix: Fade time for trivia music was being extended arbitrarily [- 0.0.47 -] - fix: Sequence repeats/jumps when shuffle is enabled for playlists - fix: Error caused when actions were included in a sequence [- 0.0.46 -] - fix: Fix error with music enabled for trivia when locale is one that uses commas to represent a decimal point - fix: iTunes trailers now will use whatever is available (such as teasers) when no trailers are available - fix: Trailers that failed to resolve a URL were reducing the number of played trailers by one - add: Support for scoped screens - fix: Volume not being set for video bumpers unless they were set to random - fix: Bug where if fewer than count+5 trailers matched, none were returned - add: Added setting to 'Advanced': 'Video pre-delay (ms)' which allows adding a delay before a video plays [- 0.0.45 -] - add: Addon now sets the following home window properties: script.cinemavision.module.current = current module (ie. video, trivia, feature, trailer, audioformat) = next module (ie. video, trivia, feature, trailer, audioformat) - change: Changed Trailers setting 'Play unwatched trailers first' to 'Prefer unwatched over priority' Note: When enabled will search unwatched by source priority then watched by source priority When disabled will search unwatched and then watched for each source by priority - change: Settings in section 'General' under heading 'Content' moved to new 'Content' section - add: Settings in 'Content' section under 'Scrapers (trailers)': Apple iTunes, Kodi Database,, Content Folder - add: Detection of 3D trailers based on tag match for Kodi Database trailers - add: Trailers scraper - add: Trailers module setting 'Filter 3D based on feature' - change: Removed 'Content' from Trailers setting 'Source' - added as option to Trailers Setting 'Scrapers' as 'Content Folder' - add: Content trailers now checked for 3D tags - add: Trailer source 'Directory' now uses 3D tags to filter files when 'Filter 3D based on feature' is enabled - fix: Unified some strings between addon level and module level settings - change: Trailers ratings now compared to features remaining in the queue instead of initial queue - change: Re-order settings sections - change: Re-order moudules in sequence editor in 'add' menu - change: 'Rating style selection' now defaults to random [- 0.0.44 -] - fix: Error for video bumpers with source as directory, random set and count set greater than number of files - add: When sending a log to PasteBin, you are now asked if you would like to send the current or old log - change: Now ignores trivia slides in root of Trivia Slides folder when scanning for content - change: Removed trailer source options: Apple iTunes and Kodi Database - replaced with: Scrapers - change: Removed Trailers setting 'Fallback to KodiDB (iTunes only)' - add: Added Trailers sub-setting 'Scrapers' for setting scrapers to use when source is 'Scrapers' - change: Move Video Bumpers above Trailers in the sequence editor and rename to Videos [- 0.0.43 -] - fix: Broken transitions - fix: Error when playlist dialog was disabled [- 0.0.42 -] - add: Added setting in 'Trailers' - 'Fallback to Kodi DB (iTunes only)' - fix: Addon setting for limiting trailers by genre was not being used as a default - fix: Trailers were always being marked as broken when selected for - add: Addon setting in 'Advanced' - 'Clear trailers broken status' :) [- 0.0.41 -] - change: iTunes trailers now gets all trailers and gives priority to most recent and unwatched, falling back to watched if necessary - change: Save/Load now saves and loads to the 'Sequences' folder in the Cinemavision content path - add: Import/Export loads and saves sequences to locations outside the content 'Sequence' folder - add: The ability to change which sequence to use from the playlist dialog - change: Default 2D/3D sequence is now set by name - fix: When current sequence is modified, loading a seqence now confirms the action - change: Improve the default 3D detection regex - add: Loaded sequence name now shows in seqence editor - fix: Skipping back to a previous bumper with an action following was just skipping to the action - fix: Action files: HTTP actions with a HEADERS: line were not executing - add: Action files: Added sleep:// command to insert a pause between actions [- 0.0.40 -] - fix: Issue on helix where navigation was broken on sequence first load - add: Videos bumpers now have friendlier names on Kodi OSD. Trailers have movie title and thumbnail - change: Default 3D detection regex now uses case insensitive matching - fix: Prevent switching to other windows when experience is playing Note: Pressing C for playlist is not useful as the initial playlist is gone, and switching to other windows is problematic anyway - add: 'Volume' setting added to all applicable modules - fix: Bug which in some instances caused volume to be set to 0 - add: Up/Down in trivia now skips forward/back 3 slides - fix: Trivia sometimes stopping when navigating to it within the sequence - fix: Trivia music fadeout issues when music ends while navigating slides [- 0.0.39 -] - add: Ability to post logs via Pastebin - fix: 3D ratings bumpers were not able to be randomly selected [- 0.0.38 -] - add: Added more comprehensive debug logging [- 0.0.37 -] - change: Trailer setting 'Limit rating' moved to module as 'Rating Limit' with options for None, Max and Match features - add: Trailer module subsetting 'Limit rating: Max' which allows choice of ratings from the default rating system - fix: Possible fix for encoding issues when using trailers from the Kodi Database - fix: Changes to database handling to hopefully prevent 'OperationalError: unable to open database file' errors - add: Add 'APPLY TO QUEUE' option to playlist dialog - change: Rearrange some settings sections and make wording on some settings clearer - add: Added 'Content' as a source for Trailers which will play trailers in the CinemaVision 'Trailers' directory - fix: Rating style setting was always showing MPAA styles - add: Playlist dialog now also shows the year if available - add: Ability to use context menu on a collection - change: Removed option from settings (site down - for good?) - fix: Possible fix for crashes with mediacodec? Needs testing - add: Added the ability for skinners to pass 'movied=' as an argument - add: Added the ability for skinners to pass 'selction' as an argument (will play current listitem) - add: Added the ability to add a line to action files for http headers -> HEADER:{"header_key":"header_value"} <-JSON string [- 0.0.36 -] - fix: Rating bumper not showing when 'Style' set to 'Default' in the module - fix: Improved feature rating detection - add: New setting in 'Feature' - 'Default rating system' - add: Recursive directory scanning for Video Bumpers, Audio Format Bumpers, Trivia and Music - add: In action files, allow http data to be prepended with POST:, PUT: and DELETE: to specify method - defaults to POST - add: New settings tab 'Actions' - add: Settings on 'Actions' tab to specify action files for pause, resume and abort events - add: Added the ability to pause trivia [- 0.0.35 -] - fix: Error in iTunes scraper causing sequence playback to fail [- 0.0.34 -] - add: 'Advanced' section in addon settings - add: 'Debug logging' to 'Advanced' in addon settings - add: 'Send log to (via Kodi Log Uploader)' to 'Advanced' in addon settings - fix: Possible fix to black screen with audio when playing a bumper video - fix: When cleaning the database if an item was missing, all items of that type were removed - fix: Error with some music files [- 0.0.33 -] - fix: Queue dialog was showing : when rating was not available - change: 'Music' setting now shows 'None' instead of 'Off' - change: 'Rating limit' setting now shows 'None' instead of 'No Limit' - fix: Possible fix for crash on Fire TV with MediaCodec acceleration enabled - needs testing - add: New setting '3D tag detection regex' for modifying 3D detection - fix: Queue dialog showing wrong text color on buttons in some skins - fix: Now disables visualization and closes visualization window when trivia is playing - add: Support for ratings systems added via system.xml in rating system folder - fix: Fix for failure to update content when some types of audio files are present in the music folder [- 0.0.32 -] - fix: Sequence saves on some platforms were generated with extraneous characters causing errors on load - fix: When playing a sequence from the editor, the addon was asking if you wanted to set as default the temporary sequence - fix: Queue dialog now allows moving items with a mouse - fix: Video bumpers failed to play when 'Random' was selected and 'Directory' set as source - fix: Trailers module playing repeats when source was iTunes or Kodi DB [- 0.0.31 -] - add: Support for BBFC, DEJUS, FSK ratings systems - change: Improve Kodi rating parsing - change: Add settings category 'Playback' - change: Move setting 'Allow video skipping' to 'Playback' category - add: Settings option 'Hide queue dialog' and subsetting 'If only one item queued' - add: Support ratings 'style' sub-folders - add: Feature setting 'Rating style selection' for selecting between 'random' and 'style' - add: Feature subsetting 'Rating style' - fix: Bug where bad iTunes trailer prevents any trailers from playing - add: Now cleans content database when updating [- 0.0.30 -] - add: When the experience is run with no queue, it uses the selected item - add: When the user tries to update content with no content directory set, it shows a dialog saying it is not set or applied - change: Moved the 'Update content' and 'Auto update when editor starts' settings to under 'Content path' setting - add: Set the window properties when running for skin integration - add: Now logs disabled modules as disabled when building the sequence. Previously not logged at all - add: Updating content is now cancelable - add: Asks if you want to set the save as a default when default 2D sequence is not set or save does not match 2D/3D sequences