The amiga screen can be controlled by the use of escape codes which can be
envoked from shell. These codes were printed in the Workbench 1.3 manual
but where later on removed by some reason (?). I have been looking for
these codes ever since I bought my Workbench 3.0 and sold my old A500.
So here they are - if you know any others, let me know:

adr:	Mikael Lund
	Mannerupvej 5
	4000 Roskilde
phone:	+45 46496115

NOTE: The following section contains escape codes - View in a text editor!


c	Reset window
A	x lines up
B	x lines down
C	x chars left
D	x chars right
E	x lines down and move to the left
F	x lines up and move to char 1
;yH  move cursor to line x, char y
J	ClearScreen:	x=0 clear all below
			x=2 clear all and move to bottom
	Clear line to the right of cursor
L	Insert x lines above current line
M	Insert x lines and move current line up
m	Change output:	style x=(0,1,3,4,7) -> (normal,bold,italic,underlined,inverted)
m;ym			foreground y=(30,31,32,33) -> (blue,white,black,orange)
m;ym;zm		background z=(40,41,42,43) -> (blue,white,black,orange)
P	Delete x to the left of cursor
[0 p   Remove cursor
    Bring back cursor
S	Move current line x lines up
T	Move current line x lines down
t	x=number of lines in window
U	x=number of column in window
u	x=chars per line
x	x=pixels from left border
y	x=pixels from top border

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ*full* set of ANSI escapecodes for Amiga@END_FILE_ID.DIZ