From west Wed Jan 30 15:06 MST 1991 Received: from by (5.61/3.3) with SMTP id <>; Wed, 30 Jan 91 15:06:16 -0700 Received: by (5.54/0.1) id <AA06434>; Wed, 30 Jan 91 15:07:25 MST Received: by (5.61/3.3) id <>; Wed, 30 Jan 91 15:06:10 -0700 Date: Wed, 30 Jan 91 15:06:10 -0700 From: (James Jones) Message-Id: <> To: Status: R This is the current list of known character escape codes: (The characters ^[, ^N, ^O, ^G, and ^L are ctrl codes) ^[[xA Move x lines up from current position (Default = 1) ^[[xB Move x lines down from current position (Default = 1) ^[[xC Move x columns right of current position (Default = 1) ^[[xD Move x columns left of current position (Default = 1) ^[[xJ Screen clearing code. Substitute one of the following for x: 0 = Clear all lines below current line (Default) 2 = Clear screen and move to bottom ^[[xm Change output format. Substitute one of the following for x: 0 = Normal (Default) 1 = Bold 4 = Underlined 5 = Flashing 7 = Inverted ^[[y;xf Move y lines from top and x columns from left of screen edges (if y = 0, then use ^[[xf) ^[[?x Change setup. Substitute one of the following for x: 1h = Application cursor keys 1l = Normal cursor keys 3h = 132 columns 3l = 80 columns 4h = Smooth scroll 4l = Jump scroll 5h = Dark letters, Light screen 5l = Light letters, Dark screen 6h = Move to top (?) 7h = Auto wrap 7l = No auto wrap ^[#x Change print style. Substitute one of the following for x: 0 = Normal 3 = 2 characters wide X 2 characters tall (Top half) 4 = s characters wide X 2 characters tall (Bottom half) ^[)0 Allow ^N to enter graphics mode. ^G Beep ^L Move down one line (?) ^N Enter graphics screen mode ^O Exit graphics screen mode (Does not work in echo commands) The following commands exist, but have unknown functions: ^[(A ^[(B ^[[3;1H ^[< ^[[K