Path:!usenet From: (Reviewer with no e-mail address) Newsgroups: Subject: REVIEW: AsmOne assembler Followup-To: comp.sys.amiga.programmer Date: 25 Jun 1993 19:48:12 GMT Organization: The Amiga Online Review Column - ed. Daniel Barrett Lines: 171 Sender: ( moderator) Distribution: world Message-ID: <20fkps$> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: assembler, programming, 68000 family, commercial PRODUCT NAME AsmOne version 1.02 [MODERATOR'S NOTE: The author of this review, Tomas Nilsson, does not appear to have an e-mail address. - Dan] BRIEF DESCRIPTION A fast assembler/disassembler and debugger for 68000 code. AUTHOR/COMPANY INFORMATION Name: Rune Gram-Madsen Address: DMV - Verlag (the distributor) Postfach 250 D-3440 Eschwege Germany SPECIAL HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS HARDWARE A half meg of memory is enough to start with, but larger programs require more memory. It works fine with any Amiga CPU available today (60000 through 68040). SOFTWARE It runs under any Kickstart version (tested under 1.2 through 3.1). The freely distributable req.library makes your life easier but is not required. MACHINE USED FOR TESTING All available Amiga models with various Kickstart versions. Memory on these machines varied from a machine with 0.5 MB Chip RAM to a machine with 2 MB Chip RAM and 6 MB Fast RAM. REVIEW AsmOne looks very similar to the old K-Seka, but don't be fooled. Under the surface of the program there is a very powerful assembler with lots of options. To start with, it asks you to specify your "work memory." This is a fixed value in kilobytes. Within this workspace, your source is placed together with the assembled program. All external files such as include files will not be placed here. * Writing a source file There is no need for some kind of external editor. It's built in and it's _FAST_! It supports the basic cursor movements together with some extra commands (such as jump 100 lines up/down). There is block mark/copy/save to disk/lowercase/.../... options. Search/search+replace, mark place/jump to marked place... etc. * Assembling speed Assembling is astonishing fast. (Speed results for a 500 KB disassembled file originally written in C took 10.5 seconds to assemble. In comparison, Devpac takes 38.2 seconds.) If you are using include files, that's no problem. AsmOne does not read the files again if you don't ask it to. This speeds up assembling a lot on a floppy disk system. On a fast hard disk, it doesn't matter that much; but anyway, it's almost twice the speed if you assemble a file with lots of include files on a standard Amiga 3000. * Bug killing There are some different type of error tracing methods, but the one I usually run is to stop assembling at an error. If an error occurs, the line that it occurred on is displayed together with an appropriate message. The assembled file can be written as an object file or be run in memory. The link file is somewhat broken. If you choose to run the file from memory (it's the normal way to do it), you can either just run it as if it were run from disk, or run it in the debugger. * The Debugger Running your program from the debugger is the real strength of AsmOne. In debug mode, you can see your source (as it was written in the editor). At the rightmost part of the screen in debugging mode are the normal registers (D0-D7/A0-A7/SSP/USP/SR/PL/PC). Now you can choose several options. The most normal is to set some kind of breakpoint somewhere within the code. This can be done by either setting a address or a label, or just marking a position using the cursor. Now, run the program. It will stop at the marked position. From here is it maybe now interesting to check the failing part of the code. Now, you might want to know what some of registers are pointing to. Well, you simply add a watch(er). Some examples of watches are A0; A0+4; D0; $60000; (D0*3)+D1 and so on. The watches can be interpreted in several ways such as pointer to binary. Now you can step N instruction(s). By tracing the source down like this, you can find any error in a quite simple way. Since there is a built-in-debugger, it handles all faults your program might come up to (such as TRAP-F) without a Guru. A fun side effect of this is that if the AsmOne code itself somehow gets destroyed, its own debugger breaks in. * Programming AsmOne is not system friendly in the same way as Devpac. You can freely walk around in the memory poking around to see what you might find. This can be done either in hex+ASCII, plain ASCII, or as disassembled memory. You might feel, as I do, that you are on top of everything. It's just to peek'n'poke around just as you like and sooner or later you will (hopefully) find your annoying bug. AsmOne itself is programmed this way to be fast, but unfortunately it's sometimes too fast using some rude memory access methods. If you're running the Enforcer together with AsmOne's debug mode you will, each time you step an instruction, get an Enforcer hit on address $8 to $48. * The Program Itself Unlike any other assemblers (except K-Seka), you can either work with the menus or work in a command-line mode. All commands are short and simple to use. Examples are "A" (Assemble), "AO" (Assemble with Optimize) and "h.l $60000" (look at memory address $60000 in hex mode and display it in longwords!). Most of these commands can be found in the menus. One of the commands that can't be found in the menus is the built-in calculator. It can calculate most of the normal programming operations such as AND, OR, NOT, and the normal "+-/*" operations. Results are displayed in hex, decimal, ASCII and binary. LIKES AND DISLIKES The parts that I really like are the speed of the editor/assembling and the great debugger. The parts that I dislike are that it can not run at any screen wider than 80 bytes, it can't edit more than one source at a time, and that it can't run batchfiles upon assembling (like linking a source automatically after assembling). BUGS Well, there are no major bugs, but there's a LOT of minor bugs. For example, if you want to look at memory in longwords you can use "h.l $50000". But if you're using "h.l a0" the memory will be shown in byte format. I can live with this though. CONCLUSIONS The product is great, especially for its speed (as I've told you before :)). I'll give it a 4 out of 5. It would be a 5 if the bugs were removed! My final word is: yes you should buy it. (If you can: it's not sold in all countries.) I've been using it for a long time now and I have never regretted that I tried out this program. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright 1993 Tomas Nilsson. All rights reserved. This text can be spread freely, but with no profit. If your purpose is in ANY kind to make money on this then contact me first. --- Daniel Barrett, Moderator, Send reviews to: Request information: Moderator mail: