DEUTSCHE VA . German Wings Airbus 310-300 Version 1.1 14.08.1998 for Flightsimulator 98 , FS 6 and Fs 5.1 . repaint : Oliver Weidlich Hamburg Thanks to : simflight/flightsim for webspace !! Orginal : D.Mrawek Switzerland Dynam.: D.Mrawek ---Install-- unzip this file to a temp area take the free aircraft converter (download at flightsim , to install it in your Aircraft directory Fly as Pilot in the DEUTSCHE VA. and visitedt us at : The complete fleet and scenerys at : This Aircraft is only for Privat and not for comercial ! Dieses Produkt darf nur nach ausdrücklicher Genehmigung für komerzielle Zwecke genutzt werden . Happy Landings Oliver Weidlich GermanWingsVA.Hamburg