Convair CV340 Requires Flight Shop ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modified by Dave McQueen & Rich Boehringer December, 1996 ------------------------------------------ Previous mod by Tom Gibson ********************************************************** FS5/FSFS Convair 240/340/440 a "FREEWARE" file ********************************************************** Copy .AIR files to your PILOTS directory Copy all .#af files to your TEXTURE directory **************************************************************************** I wish to thank Keith Waugh's kind sharing of his original model. Original model by Keith Waugh Modified by Tom Gibson, Convair, which is a contraction of Consoldated-Vultee Aircraft, was located in San Diego (the home of the Classic Airliner Page), and produced the B-24 Liberator and the B-36 Peacemaker, among other famous planes. The Convair-Liner project started with the CV-110 prototype, but American convinced Convair to alter it into the CV-240. Convair wanted American's order for 50 aircraft, and took a large loss on the order which CR Smith eventually allowed to be reduced to allow Convair to sell the planes at a profit. Other US operators included Western, Pan Am, Continental, and Northeast. After the aborted negotiations with TWA and Eastern for a "Super 240", Convair realized that airlines were not going to accept their current offering, and in response to a United inquiry, developed a plane very similar to the cancelled Super 240, and called it the CV-340. United took 55, and more US orders came from Braniff, Continental, Delta, Northeast, and National. The CV-340 earned an enviable reputation for reliability and profitability, and was also popular in South America. The final piston-powered development of the Convair-Liner was the CV-440 Metropolitan, which was 5 mph faster and quieter than the CV-340. Although a fine aircraft, most sales were made overseas, and especially in Europe. In the US, Continental, National, Braniff, Delta, and Eastern all had small fleets. NOTE: This plane and many other classic airliners can be downloaded free from Tom Gibson's WEB site at - Specifications: (FS5.1 airspeed indicator is calibrated in KNOTS!) CV-240 Cruising Speed: 240 mph (209 knots) Maximum Speed (Vne): 270 mph (235 knots) Stall Speed (clean): 100 knots Stall Speed (full flaps): 90 knots Range: 1800 miles (with max. payload) CV-340 Cruising Speed: 254 mph (221 knots) Maximum Speed (Vne): 284 mph (245 knots) Stall Speed (clean): 100 knots Stall Speed (full flaps): 90 knots CV-440 Cruising Speed: 270 mph (235 knots) Maximum Speed (Vne): 300 mph (261 knots) Stall Speed (clean): 100 knots Stall Speed (full flaps): 90 knots ************************************************************************** Now the legal stuff: ENJOY, AND FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS. I INTEND ON OFFERING MANY LIVERIES OF THIS AIRCRAFT. THIS AIRPLANE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE AUTHOR, AND CANNOT BE RE-SOLD OR PACKAGED WITH ANY PRODUCT FOR SALE, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHORS. THIS IS FREEWARE!! YOU MAY UPLOAD THIS PLANE TO ANY OTHER SERVER THAT HAS A FREE DISTRIBUTION POLICY. IF THIS PLANE IS UPLOADED TO RESTRICTED SERVERS (I.E. COMPUSERVE FSFORUM)(NOT THE AUTHOR'S INTENTION), IT MAY BE DOWNLOADED AND UPLOADED TO OTHER SERVERS. THIS NOTICE CONSTITUTES THE AUTHORS PERMISSION TO DO THIS. THIS ENTIRE TEXT FILE MUST BE INCLUDED IN ANY DISTRIBUTION. THE AUTHORS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY LIABILITIES THAT YOU MIGHT INCUR AS A RESULT OF USING THESE PRODUCTS. YOU ASSUME THE RISK OF USE.