ARGENTINA SCENERY FOR FS98 by Alejandro Pablo D'Adamo SEE THE ARG2.DOC (WORD6.DOC FOR DETAILS) Requeriments: The same that are Requiered for Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 I haven't tested this scenery with FS95 so I cant't tell if it is compatible with my Scenery I recommended the PATCH1. file for FS98, this makes the scenery run better and faster.... Scenery Coverage: This scenery covers all main Airports of Argentina, (more than 100 Airports, that means that this scenery is the largest Scenery of Argentina realized by the moment ) with Special emphasis in the Provinces of Buenos Aires and Cordoba. Some areas are not really well enhanced, you will able to see only the airport and not too much than that... The next version will have more detailed areas. You will notice that I’ve include non Argentine Airports such as Colonia and Montevideo (Uruguay) and the Airport of Asunción in in Paraguay . that is just because they are very close to this country... I have also included the Port Stanley Airport (Malvinas Islands) This verson fixs some probems with my old scenery (ARG1.ZIP) Have fun