CFS Mission Editor Version 2.0.0 CFS Mission Editor is based on MS Mission Editor EXCEL spreadsheet. To complete your understanding in creating missions, you should obtain and read the documentation for this EXCEL editor. With CFS Mission Editor you can create your own missions by "point and click" and load/save *.mis formatted files. Requirement - Combat Flight Simulator - VB 5 Runtime libraries Neither are included in the archive :) Installation Simply dearchive in a temporary directory and double click "Setup.exe". Follow the instruction on the screen. NOTE: The setup will install several bitmaps. These files will only work with a Windows 95 display setting of Large Fonts. If your PC is set for small fonts you will have to download the file "" and replace the files in …\MissEd\MissEd Maps" with the files in this archive. New/Fixes For Version 2.0.0 · Ability to add new aircraft. · Ability to add and modify ground layouts · Works with either Small fonts or Large fonts Windows 95 display setting. · Save Formation patterns and group names in the mission files. · Data for Combo boxes is loaded from database. You can add your own if you so wish. · Fixed number separators for international users who normally use "," as a decimal separator. · List "filters" for Aircraft (by Family and Allegiance) and Ground Layouts types. · Option to set either Metric or Imperial Measurements. · Significant error checking has been added for loading/saving missions. · Numerous bug fixes particularly those that crashed the editor.