Windows Play Any File - version 1.2 May 1995 DESCRIPTION: WPLANY will detect and play any sound file through a Windows 3.1 audio device. The proper drivers for your sound card (or PC speaker) must be loaded prior to using WPLANY. Currently supported sound types: SoundBlaster .VOC Sun/NeXT/DEC .AU Windows .WAV Sounder/Soundtools .SND Amiga .8SVX .IFF Stereo/Mono 8-bit/16-bit ADPCM compressed USAGE: Start File Manager. Copy WPLANY to a directory on your hard disk, for instance C:\WINDOWS. Select 'File' and 'Associate...'. In the box 'Files with Extension:' enter 'AU'. Tab to the 'Associate With:' box and enter 'C:\WINDOWS\WPLANY'. Click on 'OK' Repeat for file extensions 'VOC', 'SND', 'WAV', etc To play a file, double-click on the file name. To stop a file currently playing, double-click on the file name again. COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS: Bill Neisius