Mosaic-to-Netscape ini file converter v1.05a. ------------------------------------- If you're like me, you've probably got at least 50 URLs in your mosaic.ini. If you decide to try out Netscape instead, then they have to be retyped in manually, and then the menu structure reassembled. This program converts the URLs in your mosaic.ini file into a bookmark.html file, as is used by netscape to store its bookmarks, and also attempts to maintain the menu structure that you've lovingly assembled in your mosaic.ini. Your mosaic.ini hotlist (if present) is added as a toplevel menu. Notes on use. ------------- This is a Visual basic application, and as such needs the vbrun300.dll file in your windows/system directory. This can easily be found using Mosaic. (Try opening URL and go from there) It also hasn't been tested on OS/2, so be warned. This really designed to be run immediately after installing netscape, as if there's nothing in the bookmark file already. Be warned, if you have got URLS in your netscape bookmark file, they will be over written without warning. There is a backup checkbox, to save a copy of your original bookmark file if you want. Note that the netscape stores your email addresses in your bookmark file, and this will be overwritten, and you'll have to retype it in. If you haven't set this up yet then do it afterward. (off the "Options" menu, "Preferences", then select "mail and proxies" in the listbox. Limitations ----------- I didn't bother creating an icon for this program, (which I wrote basically just to learn VB) as you'll probably only use it once. In older versions of Mosaic, the first line of mosaic's hotlist reads "file:///c|/". This is unavoidably left in. You'll just have to remove it manually..(Go to the bookmarks menu, select "view bookmarks", etc...). This is not a problem in the beta versions of mosaic, that use a different approach for hotlists. The file associations stored in mosaic.ini are not converted.(eg wav, mpeg etc) They go in netscape.ini, not bookmark.htm. You have to do those manually. If you don't bother, then the first time netscape meets a file of an unknown type, you have the option to set it up for future reference. Distribution ------------ This program is freeware, which in my book means you can't claim it's yours or sell it; you can give it away though. Source code freely available on request. Martin Towner. Version History --------------- v1.05 - fixed bug that cropped up when the last menu in mosaic.ini was toplevel. Had to add code to cope with two more changes in mosaic.ini file format used by mosaic beta 1 (spaces are removed from the menu names, and hotlist section has been replaced with a "Hotlist Manager"). v1.02 - added code to cope with changes in mosaic.ini file format in Mosaic version alpha 9 (change of format of the hotlist section and also word wrapping had been added when long addresses were entered). v1.00 - initial release.