1. Program Name: FTP Voyager 2. Version #: 3. Type: Shareware 4. Release Date: 3/14/2000 5. Release Status: final 6. Program Size (in bytes): 2.33 MB (2,447,304 bytes) 2389 KB 7. Installed Size (in bytes): 3.50 MB (3,500,000 bytes) 8. Filename (*.zip / *.exe): ftpvsetup.exe 9. Cost: $39.95 10. Install/Uninstall Routine (explain): both 11. Trial Period (HOW MANY DAYS/USES): 30 days/unlimited use 12. Limitations (MOST IMPT!): None 13. Shortest Description Possible (program): ---- 73 characters ---- FTP Voyager from RhinoSoft.com is the most powerful FTP client available. 14. Short Description (program): ---- 315 characters ---- FTP Voyager is the most powerful FTP client program for Windows 9x/NT on the market. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, FTP Voyager lets you update a Web site with a single click, transfer files directly between FTP servers, and resume interrupted downloads. FTP Voyager is available from RhinoSoft.com. 15. Long Description: (program, 450 byte, or no more than 2500bytes) ---- 440 characters ---- FTP Voyager is the most powerful FTP client program for Windows 9x/NT on the market. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, FTP Voyager lets you update a Web site with a single click, transfer files directly between FTP servers, and resume interrupted downloads. A perfect tool for Web developers or anyone that moves files on the Internet. FTP Voyager is available for evaluation and can be downloaded for free from RhinoSoft.com. 16. 32-bit program URL: ftp://download.rhinosoft.com/rhinosoft/ftpvoyager/ftpvsetup.exe 17. 2nd 32-bit program URL: ftp://ftp.netsales.net/rhinosoft/ftpvoyager/ftpvsetup.exe 18. 3rd 32-bit program URL: N/A 19. Possible Categories: FTP Clients, FTP, Internet Utilities, Network Utilities 20. URL of Screen Shot (gif or jpg): http://www.ftpvoyager.com/images/ftpvoyagerscr.gif 21. URL of Program Icon (gif or jpg): http://www.ftpvoyager.com/images/ftpv32x32.gif 22. Application Info URL: http://www.ftpvoyager.com/ 23. Order Page URL: http://www.ftpvoyager.com/purchase.htm 24. Any Additional Ordering Information Available: http://www.ftpvoyager.com/pricing.htm 25. Supported Platform (s): Windows 95, 98, NT 4, Windows 2000. 26. System Requirements: Pentium 60, 8MB Ram, 5MB free disk space. 27. Password for some shareware sites (7 letters at least): 28. Company Name: RhinoSoft.com 29. Company Address: P.O. Box 53 30. Company Address (2): Helenville, WI 53137 31. Company Address (3): 32. Information Phone #: (262) 593-2751 33. Phone Order #: (888) 661-2931 - or - (262) 593-2751 (outside US) 34. Fax #: (262) 593-2753 35. Company URL: http://www.RhinoSoft.com 36. Company Site Description Short: RhinoSoft.com, authors of great Internet software 37. Company Site Description Long: RhinoSoft.com is a software development company specializing in Internet software. RhinoSoft.com is the author of award winning Internet software such as FTP Voyager, AllegroSurf, AllegroMail, FtpTree, and NetProbe. RhinoSoft.com helps novice and expert users to leverage the power of the Internet. 38. Company Site Keywords (take care with order, high priority first): FTP, Free, Special Offer, Mail, Proxy, Modem, Sharing, EMail, Software, RhinoSoft.com 39. Contact Person: Mark P. Peterson 40. Contact E-mail: sales@rhinosoft.com 41. Company E-mail: sales@rhinosoft.com 42. Support E-mail: support@rhinosoft.com 43. PC or Mac Version: PC 44. ASP Member: Yes 45. ESC Member: No 46. Reason for Update: New Version