WsFinger32 v1.7 Alpha 2 You have obviously unipped the archive if you are reading this file. You should have the following files in this archive: SETUP INS 147,449 02-16-96 2:26a SETUP.INS SETUP EXE 47,616 01-22-96 4:59a SETUP.EXE SETUP PKG 165 06-10-96 10:52p SETUP.PKG SETUP INI 31 06-10-96 10:52p SETUP.INI _INST32I EX_ 306,666 01-22-96 5:08a _INST32I.EX_ _ISDEL EXE 8,192 09-07-95 7:22p _ISDEL.EXE _SETUP DLL 10,752 09-26-95 12:33a _SETUP.DLL _SETUP LIB 188,545 06-10-96 10:52p _SETUP.LIB _SETUP 1 64,546 06-10-96 10:52p _SETUP.1 DISK1 ID 5 06-10-96 10:52p DISK1.ID README TXT 0 06-10-96 10:56p ReadMe.txt Run SETUP.EXE to install WsFinger32 on a computer running Win95 or WinNT. Send any comments or problem reports to NOTE: All the supporting files have not yet been updated. Installation makes a number of entries in the registry, which at this time are unused. These entries will replace the wsfinger.ini file that has been used and carrired over from the 16 bit environment. If you need to remove WsFinger32, run Control Panel, Add/Remove programs. Select WsFinger32, click Add/Remove.