File name: Author: Damon Gallaty Web URL: E-mail: Suggested location: /winsock-l/WindowsNT/mail AND /winsock-l/Windows95/mail Description: This file replaces EPPI is the acronym for Eudora/PGP Plug-In. It is a "Plug-In" module for Eudora for Windows. Eudora Plug-Ins are simply programs that utilize the new Extended Messaging Services API (EMSAPI) that were introduced with Eudora 3.0. EPPI makes it easier to use PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) with e-mail via Eudora. Note that EPPI does not contain any encryption/decryption routines, so it should not violate anybody's export/import restrictions. It simply calls the PGP executable with the appropriate command-line options in order to perform the requested functions. It's also 100% free! Get a copy, give it to your friends, spread it around...