Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard Version 1.0 for Win95 Welcome to the Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard version 1.0. Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard enables users to easily post web pages (files) to their World Wide Web or Intranet site. WPW supports multiple Webpost Service Providers such as CompuServe, Sprynet, AOL and GNN. The default Webpost Service Provider DLL can post to some of the popular type of Internet Servers, including the National Center for Supercomputing Applications' (NCSA's) HTTPD, APACHE Web server and Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS). The Web Publishing Wizard connects to the Internet Service Provider (ISP), determines the protocol needed to copy the files, and uploads the files to the appropriate directory on the ISP computer. Along with the Web Publishing Wizard, Microsoft released the Webpost SDK included in the ActiveX SDK available on the Microsoft web site . Several Authoring Tools vendors are already implementing a one-button Publish to their applications using the Webpost APIs. Microsoft is also working with a large number of ISPs to ensure that posting using the Web Publishing Wizard and the Webpost APIs is fully supported.