BenMail - A Windows(tm) based Mail reader (part of the BenNet suite of programs) BenMail is a Windows 3.1 based internet mail reader, for use with WINDIS, KA9Q, and DICS, or any similar SMTP queueing systems. It features: - Simple, friendly interface, featuring HintBars. - Supports multiple mailboxes. - Keeps a copy of all messages sent in a special mailbox. - Group reply feature for replying to mailing lists. - Records messages as new, read, or unread. - Right mouse button menus, and short cut keys. - Built in address book. BenMail was developed with my own time & resources. Its aim is to provide my wife and I with a friendly mail program. It is still developing and growing, many features still need to be added - and I am very open to suggestions and comments! If you haven't got the VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX files somewhere you will need these, I have put them in a ZIP file: BENLIB.ZIP Why should you try it??? Well, here are some comments from users: "...It took me about two minutes to set it all up and I was very impressed that it just fitted straight over the top of the PCElm setup." - Jez Higgins "I have recently started using Demon Internet, and I was ready to give it up as a bad job when I found how difficult it was to use any of the Windows-based email packages. Then I discovered BenMail. ...It is easy to install and use, and doesn't take up masses of disk space." - E J Scaplehorn This version is "Shareware" - Please feel free to share, use and enjoy it for non-commercial/non-profit-making purposes (otherwise contact me to negotiate). I am proposing a small (£15) voluntary registration fee, to fund development (I need to register a help editor, and if I can buy VB 4, make a 32-bit version). Registered users receive a help file, and can be included on the beta-testers list. Here you can ask for specific features to be added to upcoming versions, all registered users receive free registration of later versions. Enjoy - Comments etc to - Benjamin Ellis Please note: BENNET, BENMAIL AND ASSOCIATED PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, IMPLIED OR EXPRESS. INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY & FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL BENJAMIN ELLIS, OR OTHER AUTHORS, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER - INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER DAMAGES. THESE PROGRAMS, AND DOCUMENTATION, ARE COPYRIGHT BENJAMIN M J ELLIS 1994. YOU ARE GRANTED PERMISSION TO USE THESE PROGRAMS FOR YOU OWN PERSONAL USE