WSSoup 0.81 (c) Magnus Cameron 1995, All Rights Reserved. Welcome to WSSoup. WSSoup gathers Usenet news and mail offline via SLIP/PPP and/or WINSOCK WSSoup is a WINSOCK compliant program that uses NNTP to retrieve and post usenet news in the SOUP format. It also uses SMTP and POP3 to send and retrieve personal mail. This utility is aimed at those SLIP and PPP users that want to use SOUP but find it difficult to get their Internet providers to set up UQWK for them. === FILES IN FileName Location Description READ1ST.TXT wssoup This file WSSOUP.WRI wssoup Documentation in "Write" format (double click on the file from file manager to view). WSSOUP.INI wssoup System configuration GETSOUP.EXE wssoup Main program to collect and send news and mail SUBSOUP.EXE wssoup Program to (un)subscribe to groups COMMANDS wssoup\outbound Example COMMANDS file FAQ.TXT wssoup Frequently Asked Questions WSSYARN.BAT wssoup Example of how to integrate WSSoup with Yarn. REGISTER.TXT wssoup The registration form for when you have decided you like it enough and it has saved you a fortune. BC450RTL.DLL wssoup Borland C++ RTL DLL BIDS45.DLL wssoup Borland C++ Container Class DLL OWL250.DLL wssoup Borland C++ OWL DLL CTL3DV2.DLL windows\system Microsoft's 3D controls RELEASE NOTES FOR THIS VERSION - Unsubscribing from a single news group will no longer eat all your subscribed groups. Sorry about that one folks! - There may still be a problem with some news servers. If getsoup.exe causes a General Protection Fault shortly after connecting to your news server then set the option "GetNewGroups" to "0" (zero). INSTALLATION WSSoup.WRI contains information on how to install the software. NEXT RELEASE There are currently no plans to release any future versions of this software. I would like to implement a few nice features such as Kill files and improve performance of message summaries. However, the small number of people who have registered the software, the LARGE amount of time it takes to improve and test the software and answer mail are not worth the effort. If there are any bugs that need fixing then I will release future versions and patches. NOTES FOR THOSE UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS Upgrading from 0.8 to 0.81 requires changing the line in wssoup.ini "[WSSoup 0.8]" to "[WSSoup 0.81]", in addition to installing the distribution files. If you are upgading from any previous version then you should either get hold of version 0.8 first and read its instructions or just start from scratch. KNOWN PROBLEMS If you use PreProcess and PostProcess and the program to be executed could not be executed for some reason (eg, the program could not be located) no error message will be displayed. See the section "REPORTING PROBLEMS" in the documentation for more detail. FEEDBACK Send any mail to Work and family commitments make it impossible to answer all of the mail I receive but I will attempt to respond to all mail within a week. I am happy if you just send me a note to say "its working fine". If you don't get an answer from me don't feel offended, just send me another message and I will try to answer that.