Doctor Fun Cartoons for June 10 through 14, 2002

Each cartoon is a 640x480 pixel, 24-bit color JPEG file, approximately 100K in size. Click on the thumbnail or text to download the cartoons.

Please enjoy these newly-uploaded cartoons from 1988 while Doctor Fun is on break the week of May 27.

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Wandering down a lonely road in a forgotten neck of the woods, Farmer Bob encounters the compelling display of the Cow of Paradise.

The Lord of the Rings for cockroaches

The sounds of ringing doorbells, cheerful chattering, and clomping casts, meant that once again it was Squirrel Gout Cookie time.

The next day saw the largest recall ever in the history of the Acme Condom Corporation.

"Stopped in the brink of time - plunger trap!"

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