How to receive Doctor Fun via e-mail

Here are the instructions as I've received them. Thanks (and questions) should go to Nicholas Barnard for maintaining this service.

To subscribe to the Dr-Fun Mime list send an an E-mail to with the Subject "Dr-Fun MIME". You will receive an E-mail when you have been added to Dr-Fun Mime list List. This list is run by Nicholas Barnard,

To subscribe to the Dr-Fun UUE list send an an E-mail to with the Subject "Dr-Fun UUE". You will receive an E-mail when you have been added to Dr-Fun UUE list List. This list is run by Nicholas Barnard,

To unsubscribe to the Dr-Fun Mime list send an an E-mail to with the Subject "Dr-Fun MIME". You will receive an E-mail when you have been removed from Dr-Fun Mime list List. This list is run by Nicholas Barnard,

To unsubscribe to the Dr-Fun UUE list send an an E-mail to with the Subject "Dr-Fun UUE". You will receive an E-mail when you have been removed from Dr-Fun UUE list List. This list is run by Nicholas Barnard,

David Farley
Last modified: Mon Oct 21 00:28:31 EDT