Threat Assessment
                      Malicious Code and Human Threats
                               (NISTIR 4939)

                   Lawrence E. Bassham and W. Timothy Polk

                National Institute of Standards and Technology
                         Computer Security Division

                                October 1992

1     Introduction  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1

2     Malicious Code.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  2
      2.1  Viruses ..  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  2
           2.1.1      History of Viruses .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  3
           2.1.2      Current Protection Against Viruses.  .  .  .  .  5
      2.2  Worms .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6
           2.2.1      History of Worms .  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  6
           2.2.2      Current Protection Against Worms ..  .  .  .  .  7
      2.3  Trends for the Future .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  8

3     Human Threats.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ..  .  .  .  .  9
      3.1  Insider Attacks .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  9
      3.2  Hackers .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ..  .  .  .  .  10
      3.3  Phone Phreaks .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ..  .  .  .  .  11
      3.4  Trends for the Future .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  12
           3.4.1      Configuration Errors and Passwords.  .  .  .  .  12
           3.4.2      Internal Threats .  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  12
           3.4.3      Connectivity .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  13
           3.4.4      Information Dissemination.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  13

4     Summary.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ..  .  .  .  .  14


1     Introduction

As a participant in the U.  S.  Army Computer
Vulnerability/Survivability Study Team, the National Institute of
Standards and Technology has been tasked with providing an
assessment of the threats associated with commercial hardware and
software.  This document is the second and final deliverable under
the Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request number:
W43P6Q-92-EW138.  This report provides an assessment of the threats
associated with malicious code and external attacks on systems
using commercially available hardware and software.  The history of
the threat is provided and current protection methods described.  A
projection of the future threats for both malicious code and human
threats is also given.

Today, computer systems are under attack from a multitude of
sources.  These range from malicious code, such as viruses and
worms, to human threats, such as hackers and phone "phreaks.  " 
These attacks target different characteristics of a system.  This
leads to the possibility that a particular system is more
susceptible to certain kinds of attacks.

Malicious code, such as viruses and worms, attack a system in one
of two ways, either internally or externally.  Traditionally, the
virus has been an internal threat, while the worm, to a large
extent, has been a threat from an external source.

Human threats are perpetrated by individuals or groups of
individuals that attempt to penetrate systems through computer
networks, public switched telephone networks or other sources.
These attacks generally target known security vulnerabilities of
systems.  Many of these vulnerabilities are simply due to
configuration errors.

2     Malicious Code

Viruses and worms are related classes of malicious code; as a
result they are often confused.  Both share the primary objective of
replication.  However, they are distinctly different with respect
to the techniques they use and their host system requirements.
This distinction is due to the disjoint sets of host systems they
attack.  Viruses have been almost exclusively restricted to
personal computers, while worms have attacked only multi-user

A careful examination of the histories of viruses and worms can
highlight the differences and similarities between these classes of
malicious code.  The characteristics shown by these histories can
be used to explain the differences between the environments in
which they are found.  Viruses and worms have very different
functional requirements; currently no class of systems
simultaneously meets the needs of both.

A review of the development of personal computers and multi-tasking
workstations will show that the gap in functionality between these
classes of systems is narrowing rapidly.  In the future, a single
system may meet all of the requirements necessary to support both
worms and viruses.  This implies that worms and viruses may begin to
appear in new classes of systems.  A knowledge of the histories of
viruses and worms may make it possible to predict how malicious
code will cause problems in the future.

Basic Definitions

To provide a basis for further discussion, the following
definitions will be used throughout the report.

      - Trojan Horse - a program which performs a useful function,
      but also performs an unexpected action as well.
      - Virus - a code segment which replicates by attaching copies
      to existing executables.
      - Worm - a program which replicates itself and causes
      execution of the new copy.
      - Network Worm - a worm which copies itself to another system
      by using common network facilities, and causes execution of
      the copy on that system.

2.1   Viruses

The following are necessary characteristics of a virus: 
      - replication
      - requires a host program as a carrier
      - activated by external action
      - replication limited to (virtual) system

In essence, a computer program which has been infected by a virus
has been converted into a trojan horse.  The program is expected to
perform a useful function, but has the unintended side effect of
viral code execution.  In addition to performing the unintended
task, the virus also performs the function of replication.  Upon
execution, the virus attempts to replicate and attach" itself to
another program.  It is the unexpected and generally uncontrollable
replication that makes viruses so dangerous.

Viruses are currently designed to attack single platforms.  A
platform is defined as the combination of hardware and the most
prevalent operating system for that hardware.  As an example, a
virus can be referred to as an IBM-PC virus, referring to the
hardware, or a DOS virus,referring to the operating system.
"Clones" of systems are also included with the original platform.

2.1.1      History of Viruses

The term "computer virus" was formally defined by Fred Cohen in
1983, while he performed academic experiments on a Digital
Equipment Corporation VAX system.  Viruses are classified as being
one of two types: research or "in the wild.  "  A research virus is
one that has been written for research or study purposes and has
received almost no distribution to the public.  On the other hand,
viruses which have been seen with any regularity are termed "in
the wild.  "  The first computer viruses were developed in the early
1980s.  The first viruses found in the wild were Apple II viruses,
such as Elk Cloner, which was reported in 1981 [Den90].  Viruses
have now been found on the following platforms:

      - Apple II
      - IBM PC
      - Macintosh
      - Atari
      - Amiga

Note that all viruses found in the wild target personal computers.
As of today,the overwhelming number of virus strains are IBM PC
viruses.  However, as of August 1989, the number of PC, Atari ST,
Amiga, and Macintosh viruses were almost identical (21, 22, 18, and
12 respectively [Den90]).  Academic studies have shown that viruses
are possible for multi-tasking systems,but they have not yet
appeared.  This point will be discussed later.

Viruses have "evolved" over the years due to efforts by their
authors to make the code more difficult to detect, disassemble, and
eradicate.  This evolution has been especially apparent in the IBM
PC viruses; since there are more distinct viruses known for the DOS
operating system than any other.

The first IBM-PC virus appeared in 1986 [Den90]; this was the Brain
virus.  Brain was a bootsector virus and remained resident.  In
1987, Brain was followed by Alameda(Yale), Cascade, Jerusalem,
Lehigh, and Miami (South African Friday the 13th).  These viruses
expanded the target executables to include COM and EXE files.
Cascade was encrypted to deter disassembly and detection.  Variable
encryption appeared in 1989 with the 1260 virus.  Stealth viruses,
which employ various techniques to avoid detection, also first
appeared in 1989, such as Zero Bug, Dark Avenger and Frodo (4096 or
4K).  In 1990,self-modifying viruses, such as Whale were introduced.
The year 1991 brought the GP1 virus, which is "network-sensitive"
and attempts to steal Novell NetWare passwords.  Since their
inception, viruses have become increasingly complex.

Examples from the IBM-PC family of viruses indicate that the most
commonly detected viruses vary according to continent, but Stoned,
Brain, Cascade, and members of the Jerusalem family,have spread
widely and continue to appear.  This implies that highly survivable
viruses tend to be benign, replicate many times before activation,
or are somewhat innovative, utilizing some technique never used
before in a virus.

Personal computer viruses exploit the lack of effective access
controls in these systems.  The viruses modify files and even the
operating system itself.  These are "legal" actions within the
context of the operating system.  While more stringent controls are
in place on multi-tasking, multi-user operating
systems,configuration errors, and security holes (security bugs)
make viruses on these systems more than theoretically possible.

This leads to the following initial conclusions:

      - Viruses exploit weaknesses in operating system controls and
      human patterns of system use/misuse.
      - Destructive viruses are more likely to be eradicated.
      - An innovative virus may have a larger initial window to
      propagate before it is discovered and the "average" anti-viral
      product is modified to detector eradicate it.

It has been suggested that viruses for multi-user systems are too
difficult to write.  However, Fred Cohen required only "8 hours of
expert work" [Hof90] to build a virus that could penetrate a UNIX
system.  The most complex PC viruses required a great deal more

Yet, if we reject the hypothesis that viruses do not exist on
multi-user systems because they are too difficult to write, what
reasons could exist?  Perhaps the explosion of PC viruses (as
opposed to other personal computer systems) can provide a clue.
The population of PCs and PC compatibles is by far the
largest.  Additionally, personal computer users exchange disks
frequently.  Exchanging disks is not required if the systems are all
connected to a network.  In this case large numbers of systems may
be infected through the use of shared network resources.

One of the primary reasons that viruses have not been observed on
multi-user systems is that administrators of these systems are more
likely to exchange source code rather than executables.  They tend
to be more protective of copyrighted materials, so they exchange
locally developed or public domain software.  It is more convenient
to exchange source code, since differences in hardware architecture
may preclude exchanging executables.

The advent of remote disk protocols, such as NFS (Network File
System) and RFS(Remote File System), have resulted in the creation
of many small populations of multi-user systems which freely
exchange executables.  Even so, there is little exchange of
executables between different "clusters" of systems.

The following additional conclusions can be made:

      -To spread, viruses require a large population of homogeneous
      systems and exchange of executable software.

2.1.2      Current Protection Against Viruses

Although many anti-virus tools and products are now available,
personal and administrative practices and institutional policies,
particularly with regard to shared or external software usage,
should form the first line of defense against the threat of virus
attack.  Users should also consider the variety of anti-virus
products currently available.

There are three classes of anti-virus products: detection tools,
identification tools, and removal tools.  Scanners are an example
of both detection and identification tools.  Vulnerability monitors
and modification detection programs are both examples of detection
tools.  Disinfectors are examples of a removal tools.  A detailed
description of the tools is provided below.

Scanners and disinfectors, the most popular classes of anti-virus
software,rely on a great deal of a priori knowledge about the viral
code.  Scanners search for "signature strings" or use algorithmic
detection methods to identify known viruses.  Disinfectors rely on
substantial information regarding the size of a virus and the type
of modifications to restore the infected file's contents.

Vulnerability monitors, which attempt to prevent modification or
access to particularly sensitive parts of the system, may block a
virus from hooking sensitive interrupts.  This requires a lot of
information about "normal" system use, since personal computer
viruses do not actually circumvent any security features.  This type
of software also requires decisions from the user.

Modification detection is a very general method, and requires no
information about the virus to detect its presence.  Modification
detection programs, which are usually checksum based, are used to
detect virus infection or trojan horses.  This process begins with
the creation of a baseline, where checksums for clean executables
are computed and saved.  Each following iteration consists of
checksum computation and comparison with the stored value.  It
should be noted that simple checksums are easy to defeat; cyclical
redundancy checks (CRC) are better, but can still be defeated;
cryptographic checksums provide the highest level of security.

2.2   Worms

The following are necessary characteristics of a worm:
      - replication
      - self-contained; does not require a host
      - activated by creating process (needs a multi-tasking system)
      - for network worms, replication occurs across communication

A worm is not a trojan horse; it is a program designed to
replicate.  The program may perform any variety of additional tasks
as well.  The first network worms were intended to perform useful
network management functions [SH82].  They took advantage of system
properties to perform useful action.  However, a malicious worm
takes advantage of the same system properties.  The facilities that
allow such programs to replicate do not always discriminate between
malicious and good code.

2.2.1      History of Worms

Worms were first used as a legitimate mechanism for performing
tasks in a distributed environment.  Network worms were considered
promising for the performance of network management tasks in a
series of experiments at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in
1982.  The key problem noted was "worm management;" controlling the
number of copies executing at a single time.  This would be
experienced later by authors of malicious worms.

Worms were first noticed as a potential computer security threat
when the Christmas Tree Exec [Den90] attacked IBM mainframes in
December 1987.  It brought down both the world-wide IBM network and
BITNET.  The Christmas Tree Exec wasn't a true worm.  It was a
trojan horse with a replicating mechanism.  A user would receive an
e-mail Christmas card that included executable (REXX) code.  If
executed the program claimed to draw a Xmas tree on the display.
That much was true, but it also sent a copy to everyone on the
user's address lists.

The Internet Worm [Spa89] was a true worm.  It was released on
November 2, 1988.  It attacked Sun and DEC UNIX systems attached to
the Internet (it included two sets of binaries, one for each
system).  It utilized the TCP/IP protocols, common application
layer protocols, operating system bugs, and a variety of system
administration flaws to propagate.  Various problems with worm
management resulted in extremely poor system performance and a
denial of network service.

The Father Christmas worm was also a true worm.  It was first
released onto the worldwide DECnet Internet in December of 1988.
This worm attacked VAX/VMS systems on SPAN and HEPNET.  It utilized
the DECnet protocols and a variety of system administration flaws
to propagate.  The worm exploited TASK0, which allows outsiders to
perform tasks on the system.  This worm added an additional
feature; it reported successful system penetration to a specific

This worm made no attempt at secrecy; it was not encrypted and sent
mail to every user on the system.  About a month later another
worm, apparently a variant of Father Christmas, was released on a
private network.  This variant searched for accounts with "industry
standard" or "easily guessed" passwords.

The history of worms displays the same increasing complexity found
in the development of PC viruses.  The Christmas Tree Exec wasn't
a true worm.  It was a trojan horse with a replicating mechanism.
The Internet Worm was a true worm; it exploited both operating
system flaws and common system management problems.  The DECnet
worms attacked system management problems, and reported information
about successful system penetration to a central site.

Several conclusions can be drawn from this information:

      - worms exploit flaws (i.  e, bugs) in the operating system or
      inadequate system management to replicate.
      - release of a worm usually results in brief but spectacular
      outbreaks, shutting down entire networks.

2.2.2      Current Protection Against Worms

Protecting a system against a worm requires a combination of basic
system security and good network security.  There are a variety of
procedures and tools which can be applied to protect the system.

In basic system security, the most important means of defense
against worms is the identification & authentication (I&A)
controls, which are usually integrated into the system.  If poorly
managed, these controls become a vulnerability which is easily
exploited.  Worms are especially adept at exploiting such
vulnerabilities; both the Internet and DECnet worms targeted I&A

Add-on tools include configuration review tools (such as COPS
[GS91] for UNIX systems)and checksum-based change detection tools.
Design of configuration review tools requires intimate knowledge of
the system, but no knowledge of the worm code.

Another class of add-on tools is the intrusion detection tool.
This is somewhat analogous to the PC monitoring software, but is
usually more complex.  This tool reviews series of commands to
determine if the user is doing something suspicious.  If so, the
system manager is notified.

One type of network security tool is the wrapper program.  Wrapper
programs can be used to "filter" network connections, rejecting
or allowing certain types of connections (or connections from a
pre-determined set of systems).  This can prevent worm infections
by "untrusted" systems.  Overlaps in trust may still allow
infection to occur (A trusts B but not C; B trusts C; C infects B
which infects A) but the rate of propagation will be limited.

These tools do not protect a system against the exploitation of
flaws in the operating system.  This issue must be dealt with at the
time of procurement.  After procurement, it becomes a procedural
issue.  Resources are available to system managers to keep them
abreast of security bugs and bugfixes, such as the CERT computer
security advisories.

Another class of security tools can be employed to protect a
network against worms.  The firewall system [GS91] protects an
organizational network from systems in the larger network world.
Firewall systems are found in two forms: simple or intelligent.  An
intelligent firewall filters all connections between hosts on the
organizational network and the world-at-large.  A simple firewall
disallows all connections with the outside world, essentially
splitting the network into two different networks.  To transfer
information between hosts on the different networks, an account on
the firewall system is required.

2.3   Trends for the Future

Personal computers have been immune to worms because they are
single task systems.  The increasing functionality of personal
computer operating systems will soon change this.  Personal
computers will become true multi-tasking systems, and will inherit
both the functionality and security vulnerabilities that those
systems have exhibited.

Multi-user systems have never been attractive virus targets, due to
limited population, low software interchange rates, and because
they use some form of access control.  The advent of 486-class PCs
is likely to change this.  In addition to the increased performance
of PC based machines,the UNIX workstation market is growing
rapidly, producing high-performance machines at extremely
affordable prices.  Multi-user systems will be gaining market
share, increasing their attractiveness to virus authors.

This large homogeneous population of multi-user systems will be an
attractive target for both virus authors and worm developers.
Personal computer worms or virus/worm hybrids may become the new
threat the 90s.  With a large homogeneous population of systems
available, it is conceivable that authors of malicious code will
combine the previously disjoint attacks of viruses and worms.  An
attack consisting of a worm traversing a network and dropping
viruses on the individual hosts becomes a startling possibility.

As the functionality of personal computers continues to grow, new
types of tools will be required to achieve the same degree of
security.  Scanners must be supplemented with configuration review
tools.  Identification & authentication tools (non-existent or
neglected on most PCs) will become an important security tool on
personal computers.  Intrusion detection tools may become
applicable to personal computers.  Change detection will also play
an increased role.

Administrators of personal computer networks must become familiar
with a new set of practices, tools, and techniques, such as
firewalls.  They will need to draw upon the world of multi-user
systems for this knowledge.

As the differences between PC and multi-user environments
decreases, the likelihood of these environments facing similar
threats will increase.  Viruses will be more likely in the
multi-user world; worms will become a threat in personal computer

3     Human Threats

Insiders, hackers and "phone phreaks" are the main components of
the human threat factor.  Insiders are legitimate users of a
system.  When they use that access to circumvent security, that is
known as an insider attack.  Hackers are the most widely known
human threat.  Hackers are people who enjoy the challenge of breaking
into systems.  "Phreakers" are hackers whose main interest is in
telephone systems.

3.1   Insider Attacks

The primary threat to computer systems has traditionally been the
insider attack.  Insiders are likely to have specific goals and
objectives, and have legitimate access to the system.  Insiders can
plant trojan horses or browse through the file system.  This type
of attack can be extremely difficult to detect or protect against.

The insider attack can affect all components of computer
security.  Browsing attacks the confidentiality of information on the
system.  Trojan horses are a threat to both the integrity and
confidentiality of the system.  Insiders can affect availability by
overloading the system's processing or storage capacity, or by
causing the system to crash.

These attacks are possible for a variety of reasons.  On many
systems, the access control settings for security-relevant objects
do not reflect the organization's security policy.  This allows the
insider to browse through sensitive data or plant that trojan
horse.  The insider exploits operating system bugs to cause the
system to crash.  The actions are undetected because audit trails
are inadequate or ignored.

3.2   Hackers

The definition of the term "hacker" has changed over the years.
A hacker was once thought of as any individual who enjoyed getting
the most out of the system he was using.  A hacker would use a
system extensively and study the system until he became proficient
in all its nuances.  This individual was respected as a source of
information for local computer users; someone referred to as a
"guru" or "wizard.  "  Now, however, the term hacker is used to
refer to people who either break into systems for which they have
no authorization or intentionally overstep their bounds on systems
for which they do have legitimate access.

Methods used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to systems

      - Password cracking
      - Exploiting known security weaknesses
      - Network spoofing
      - "Social engineering"

The most common techniques used to gain unauthorized system access
involve password cracking and the exploitation of known security
weaknesses.  Password cracking is a technique used to
surreptitiously gain system access by using another users account.
Users often select weak password.  The two major sources of weakness
in passwords are easily guessed passwords based on knowledge of the
user (e.g. wife's maiden name) and passwords that are susceptible
to dictionary attacks (i.e.brute-force guessing of passwords using
a dictionary as the source of guesses).

Another method used to gain unauthorized system access is the
exploitation of known security weaknesses.  Two type of security
weaknesses exist: configuration errors, and security bugs.  There
continues to be an increasing concern over configuration errors.
Configuration errors occur when a the system is set up in such a
way that unwanted exposure is allowed.  Then, according to the
configuration, the system is at risk from even legitimate actions.
An example of this would be that if a system "exports" a file
system to the world (makes the contents of a file system available
to all other systems on the network), then any other machine can
have full access to that file system (one major vendor ships
systems with this configuration).  Security bugs occur when
unexpected actions are allowed on the system due to a loophole in
some application program.  An example would be sending a very long
string of keystrokes to a screen locking program, thus causing the
program to crash and leaving the system inaccessible.

A third method of gaining unauthorized access is network spoofing.
In network spoofing a system presents itself to the network as
though it were a different system (system A impersonates system B
by sending B's address instead of its own).  The reason for doing
this is that systems tend to operate within a group of other
"trusted" systems.  Trust is imparted in a one-to-one fashion;
system A trusts system B (this does not imply that system B trusts
system A).  Implied with this trust, is that the system
administrator of the trusted system is performing his job properly
and maintaining an appropriate level of security for his system.
Network spoofing occurs in the following manner: if system A trusts
system B and system C spoofs (impersonates) system B, then system
C can gain otherwise denied access to system A.

"Social engineering" is the final method of gaining unauthorized
system access.  People have been known to call a system operator,
pretending to be some authority figure, and demand that a password
be changed to allow them access.  One could also say that using
personal data to guess a user's password is social engineering.

3.3   Phone Phreaks

The "phone phreak" (phreak for short) is a specific breed of
hacker.  A phreak is someone who displays most of the
characteristics of a hacker, but also has a specific interest in
the phone system and the systems that support its operations.
Additionally, most of the machines on the Internet,itself a piece
of the Public Switched Network, are linked together through
dedicated, commercial phone lines.  A talented phreak is a threat to
not only the phone system, but to the computer networks it

There are two advantages of attacking systems through the phone
system.  The first advantage is that, phone system attack are hard to
trace.  It is possible to make connections through multiple switching
units or to use unlisted or unused phone numbers to confound a
tracing effort.  Also by being in the phone system, it is sometimes
possible to monitor the phone company to see if a trace is

The second advantage to using the phone system is that a
sophisticated host machine is not needed to originate an attack nor
is direct access to the network to which the target system is
attached.  A simple dumb terminal connected to a modem can be used
to initiate an attack.  Often, an attack consists of several hops,
a procedure whereby one system is broken into and from that system
another system is broken into, etc.  This again makes tracing more

3.4   Trends for the Future

3.4.1      Configuration Errors and Passwords

Today, desktop workstations are becoming the tool of more and more
scientists and professionals.  Without proper time and training to
administer these systems,vulnerability to both internal and
external attacks will increase.  Workstations are usually
administered by individuals whose primary job description is not
the administration of the workstation.  The workstation is merely a
tool to assist in the performance of the actual job tasks.  As a
result, if the workstation is up and running, the individual is

This neglectful and permissive attitude toward computer security
can be very dangerous.  This user attitude has resulted in poor
usage of controls and selection of easily guessed passwords.  As
these users become, in effect, workstation administrators, this
will be compounded by configuration errors and a lax attitude
towards security bugfixes.  To correct this, systems should be
designed so that security is the default and personnel should be
equipped with adequate tools to verify that their systems are

Of course, even with proper training and adequate tools threats
will remain.  New security bugs and attack mechanisms will be
employed.  Proper channels do not currently exist in most
organizations for the dissemination of security related
information.  If organizations do not place a high enough priority
on computer security, the average system will continue to be at
risk from external threats.

3.4.2      Internal Threats

System controls are not well matched to the average organization's
security policy.  As a direct result, the typical user is permitted
to circumvent that policy on a frequent basis.  The administrator
is unable to enforce the policy because of the weak access
controls, and cannot detect the violation of policy because of weak
audit mechanisms.  Even if the audit mechanisms are in place, the
daunting volume of data produced makes it unlikely that the
administrator will detect policy violations.

Ongoing research in integrity and intrusion detection promise to
fill some of this gap.  Until these research projects become
available as products, systems will remain vulnerable to internal

3.4.3      Connectivity

Connectivity allows the hacker unlimited, virtually untraceable
access to computer systems.  Registering a network host is akin to
listing the system's modem phone numbers in the telephone
directory.  No one should do that without securing their modem
lines (with dial-back modems or encryption units).  Yet, most
network hosts take no special security precautions for network
access.  They do not attempt to detect spoofing of systems; they do
not limit the hosts that may access specific services.

A number of partial solutions to network security problems do
exist.  Examples include Kerberos, Secure NFS [GS91], RFC 931
authentication tools [Joh85] and "tcp wrapper" programs (access
controls for network services with host granularity).  However,
these tools are not widely used because they are partial solutions
or because they severely reduce functionality.

New solutions for organizations are becoming available, such as the
Distributed Intrusion Detection System (DIDS) [L+92] or filtering
network gateways.  DIDS monitors activities on a subnet.  The
filtering gateways are designed to enforce an organization's
network policy at the interface to the outside network.  Such
solutions may allow the organization to enjoy most (if not all) of
the benefits of network access but limit the hackers' access.

3.4.4      Information Dissemination

The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), an
organization whose members work together voluntarily to deal with
computer security problems and their prevention, has established
valuable channels for the dissemination of security information.
It is now possible to obtain security bug fix information in a
timely fashion.  The percentage of system administrators receiving
this information is still low, but is improving daily.

Hackers continue to make better use of the information channels
than the security community.  Publications such as "Phrack" and
"2600" are well established and move information effectively
throughout the hacking community.  Bulletin boards and Internet
archive sites are available to disseminate virus code, hacking
information, and hacking tools.

4     Summary

Poor administrative practices and the lack of education, tools, and
controls combine to leave the average system vulnerable to attack.
Research promises to alleviate the inadequate supply of tools and
applicable controls.  These controls, however, tend to be add-on
controls.  There is a need for the delivery of secure systems,
rather than the ability to build one from parts.  The average
administrator has little inclination to perform these
modifications, and no idea how to perform them.

The joint NIST/NSA Federal Criteria project holds the most promise
to drive the creation of reasonably secure systems.  By building
upon the various criteria projects that precede it (the TCSEC, the
ITSEC, and the Canadian criteria), this project intends to address
security requirements for commercial systems in a meaningful way.
The initial version, which will focus on criteria for operating
systems, will include extensions/enhancements in integrity,
communications, and other areas.  Future versions will address
criteria for distributed systems.

Extensive connectivity increases system access for hackers.  Until
standards become widely used, network security will continue to be
handled on a system by system basis.  The problem can be expected
to increase if and when the Integrated Systems Digital Network
(ISDN) is implemented without appropriate security capabilities.

A promising note for the future does exist.  Multiple sets of tools
do not need to be developed in order to solve each of the potential
threats to a system.  Many of the controls that will stop one type
of attack on a system will be beneficial against many other forms
of attack.  The challenge is to determine what is the minimum set of
controls necessary to protect a system with an acceptable degree of


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