National Institute of Standards and Technology 
Gaithersburg, MD


March 1993

Computer Security Division
Computer Systems Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology

A Protection Profile for the
U.S. Information Security Standard



The Minimum Security Requirements for Multi-User Operating Systems (MSR)
document provides basic commercial computer system security requirements
applicable to both government and commercial organizations.  These
requirements include technical measures that can be incorporated into multi-
user, remote-access, resource-sharing, and information-sharing computer
systems.  The MSR document was written from the prospective of protecting the
confidentiality and integrity of an organization's resources and promoting the
continual availability of these resources.  The MSR presented in this document
form the basis for the commercially oriented protection profiles in Volume II
of the draft Federal Criteria for Information Technology Security document
(known as the Federal Criteria).  The Federal Criteria is currently a draft
and supersedes this document.

The MSR document has been developed by the MSR Working Group of the Federal
Criteria Project under National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
leadership with a high level of private sector participation.  Its contents
are based on the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) C2
criteria class, with additions from current computer industry practice and
commercial security requirements specifications.    


     Abstract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     ii

1.   Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

     1.1   Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
         1.1.1   Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC). . . 1-2
         1.1.2   Information Technology Security Evaluation
                  Criteria (ITSEC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
         1.1.3   Security Requirements in the Commercial Sector . . . . . 1-3
         1.1.4   System Security Study Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
         1.1.5   Federal Criteria Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
         1.1.6   Minimum Security Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
     1.2   Scope of the MSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
     1.3   Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
     1.4   Terminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
     1.5   Document Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
2.   Rationale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

     2.1   Intended Method of Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
     2.2   Environmental Assumptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
     2.3   Expected Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
     2.4   Security Features and Assurances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
         2.4.1   Identification and Authentication. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
         2.4.2   Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
         2.4.3   Audit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
         2.4.4   System Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
         2.4.5   Data Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
         2.4.6   Reliability of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
         2.4.7   Product Development Assurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
         2.4.8   Product Documentation Assurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5


3.   Functionality Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

     3.1   Identification and Authentication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
         3.1.1   Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
         3.1.2   Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
         Password Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
     3.2   Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
         3.2.1   System Access Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
         3.2.2   Resource Access Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
         Object Reuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
         3.2.3   Privileges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
     3.3   Audit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
         3.3.1   Data Recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
         3.3.2   Data Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
     3.4   System Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
     3.5   Data Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
     3.6   Reliability of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18

4.   Assurance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

     4.1   Product Development Assurances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
     4.2   Product Documentation Assurances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
         4.2.1   User Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
         4.2.2   Administrator Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
         4.2.3   Operator Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

Appendix:  Threat Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APX-1

References    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REF-1

Glossary of Acronyms and Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GL-1


Government and commercial organizations rely heavily on information technology
(IT) products to meet their operational, financial, and information requirements.

The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of key software systems,
databases, and data networks are major concerns throughout these sectors.  The
corruption, unauthorized disclosure, or theft of an organization's
electronically-maintained resources can have a disruptive effect on the
continuity of operations as well as serious and immediate financial, legal, and
public confidence impact.

The Minimum Security Requirements (MSR) contained in this document are intended
to provide both government and commercial organizations with a basic set of
security requirements to protect the confidentiality and integrity of an
organization's resources and to promote the continual availability of these


In 1991, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the
National Security Agency (NSA) established a joint project, termed the Federal
Criteria for Information Technology Security (known as the Federal Criteria
Project), to develop new Federal Criteria for Trusted Systems Technology.  The
purpose of this project is to produce a Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS) on developing, specifying, and evaluating IT security products that will:

     o    Be consistent with international marketplace demands

     o    Provide for mutual recognition of security evaluation results
          between the United States and the European Community

     o    Replace the existing Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria
          (TCSEC) [1] with a second generation iteration that has a less
          restrictive approach and wider commercial appeal

     o    Provide for the open distributed computing environment of the 1990's
          and beyond

The MSR form the basis of one of the protection profiles of volume II of the
preliminary Federal Criteria FIPS, the CS2, as mentioned in section 1.1.  It is
hoped that this Protection Profile, if widely accepted, will form the basis for
mutual recognition of system evaluations between nations.

The MSR specify a set of security requirements needed in a class of products
colloquially called "general purpose, multi-user operating systems".  These
requirements have been developed by the MSR Working Group of the Federal Criteria
Project under NIST leadership with a high level of private sector participation. 
They are based on the TCSEC C2 criteria class, with additions from current
computer industry practice, from commercial security requirements specifications,
and from the on-going work of the Federal Criteria Project.  

The following sub-sections provide descriptions of each of these sources, and
also further background on the motivation for and development of the MSR.

1.1.1   Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) 

The TCSEC [1], originally published in 1983 and revised in 1985, was the first
publicly available document that expressed general security requirements that
could apply to a specific class of technology (e.g., operating systems).  It
represents the culmination of many years of effort to address IT security issues
within the Department of Defense (DoD) classified world.  Since its publication,
the TCSEC has influenced vendors, consumers, and the authors of other
requirements documents both in the U.S. and abroad.  The impact of the TCSEC on
the field of IT security is widely recognized.

The TCSEC is made up of IT security features and assurances derived and
engineered to support a very specific DoD security policy -- the prevention of
unauthorized disclosure, or "leakage," of classified information (i.e.,
confidentiality).  Although it has been helpful, the TCSEC does not completely
address the security requirements of organizations handling sensitive (but
unclassified) information.    Besides confidentiality, organizations outside the
classified world are also concerned with the other two components of security --
integrity and availability.

Until recently, the government paid more attention to classified information
processing than to addressing the IT security needs of commercial and government
organizations that process unclassified sensitive information.  During the past
few years, commercial and government organizations processing sensitive
information have begun to pay increasing attention to IT security needs. 
Although the TCSEC-motivated security features address some security problems,
these features do not provide a complete solution.  TCSEC requirements were
specified because a more appropriate set of security functions was not been

The MSR is intended to be the first step in providing a set of security
requirements appropriate for commercial and government organizations concerned
with protecting sensitive information.

1.1.2   Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC)

In recognition of the fact that a harmonized criteria was necessary to permit the
mutual recognition of evaluation results, Germany, France, the United Kingdom,
and the Netherlands created a harmonized set of security criteria referred to as
the Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC) [2].  Version 1
was published in June of 1990, with a second version released in June of 1991.

The ITSEC does not specify security requirements for specific IT systems. 
Instead, it provides a framework within which specific IT security requirements
can be defined.  The ITSEC defines two distinct evaluation criteria:
functionality and assurance.

Functionality requirements are the technical security features (referred to as
"security enforcing functions") that are implemented in an IT system in order to
support the system's requirements for the maintenance of confidentiality,
integrity, and availability.  The ITSEC defines ten example functionality
classes:  F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, and F10.  Functionality classes F1
- F5 are roughly equivalent to the TCSEC classes C1, C2, B1, B2, and B3. 
Functionality classes F6 - F10 represent integrity, availability, data
communications integrity, data communications confidentiality, and data
communications confidentiality and integrity, respectively. 

Assurance requirements provide confidence to the customer of the system as to how
well the functionality has been implemented.  The ITSEC considers assurance to
be a combination of correctness (of the security enforcing functions) and
effectiveness (of these functions).  The evaluation levels range from E0 (no
confidence) through E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, and E6 (the highest level of assurance). 
These ratings correspond roughly to the TCSEC D, C1, C2, B1, B2, B3, and A1
levels respectively.  Assurance is measured as a combination of a correctness
rating and a judgement as to the effectiveness of the security enforcing

The ITSEC describes an approach for specifying and justifying the security
functionality and the level of assurance (i. e., a combination of a correctness
level and a judgement of effectiveness) required in a particular system.

1.1.3   Security Requirements in the Commercial Sector

Recognizing that the TCSEC was a valuable starting point, but not sufficient for
their security needs, two commercial companies--Bellcore and American Express
Travel Related Services (TRS)--independently initiated efforts to develop
security requirements for their environments.  At Bellcore, these efforts
resulted in a Bellcore Standard Operating Environment Security Requirements [3]
document and at American Express, the efforts resulted in the internal C2-Plus
company security standard.

The Bellcore document was developed to meet the security needs of Bellcore and
its client companies, the Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs).  The
requirements specified in the Bellcore document were derived both from commonly
recurring security requirements for RBOC computer applications and from
experiences of Bellcore's computer security assessment group.
In developing the C2-Plus document, TRS found that, while the TCSEC met many
requirements of the commercial sector, the prescribed features at the C2-level
(and its F2-level counterpart in the European standards) fell short in several
areas that were either introduced at higher TCSEC-levels or were not addressed
at all.  Consequently, the TRS document was developed as an enhanced,
commercialized version of the TCSEC C2-level.  

Using the TRS document as the base document, the Commercial International
Security Requirements (CISR) [4] was developed by the International Information
Integrity Institute (I-4), a consortium of large international corporations. 
Part of the rationale for the development of the CISR was that:

     "Military-oriented information security requirements (i. e., TCSEC) are
     not suitable in many respects for the needs of international businesses."

The final version of the CISR was published in April 1992.

1.1.4   System Security Study Committee

The System Security Study Committee was formed in 1988 in response to a request
from the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to address the security
and trustworthiness of U.S. computing and communications systems.  The Committee,
composed of 16 individuals from industry and academia including computer and
communications security researchers and practitioners and software engineers, was
charged with developing a national research, engineering, and policy agenda to
help the U.S. achieve a more trustworthy computing technology base by the end of
the century.  In 1991, the Committee published the Computers at Risk - Safe
Computer in the Information Age [5] report, which presents the Committee's
assessment of key computer and communications security issues and its
recommendations for enhancing the security and trustworthiness of the U.S.
computing and communications infrastructure.  

The development of the MSR was guided by one of the recommendations from this
report that:

     "...a basic set of security-related principles for the design, use, and
     management of systems that are of such broad applicability and
     effectiveness that they ought to be a part of any system with significant
     operational requirements" [5]

be developed.

1.1.5   Federal Criteria Project

As a result of the Computer Security Act of 1987 [6], NIST was assigned
responsibility "for developing standards and guidelines for Federal computer
systems ... drawing on the technical advice and assistance ... of the National
Security Agency, where appropriate."   In addition, NIST was "authorized to
assist the private sector, upon request, in using and applying the results of the
[NIST-initiated] programs and activities under the" Act.  In 1991 (as mentioned
previously), NIST and NSA established a working agreement to develop a new FIPS
for Trusted Systems Technology called the Federal Criteria for Information
Technology Security (FC).

One of the first tasks addressed by the Federal Criteria Working Group was the
development of a framework within which distinct sets of security requirements
intended to meet the protection needs of varied interest groups can be specified.

This framework is referred to as a Protection Profile.  A Protection Profile
"describes generic protection needs"; it is "product independent, describing a
range of systems that could meet this same need."  Finally, a Protection Profile
addresses the following:  Rationale, Functionality, and Assurance.

The Rationale includes the following: (1) the intended use of products built to
meet the protection profile, (2) the assumed environment within which products
built to meet the protection profile will operate, and (3) the threats that the
protection profile is intended to counter.

The Functionality describes the security features that must be provided by a
system built to meet the protection profile.  

The Assurance describes assurance requirements levied on the vendor building a
product to meet the protection profile and on the product's evaluations.  Two
types of assurance requirements are defined: development assurance requirements
and evaluation assurance requirements.  

1.1.6   Minimum Security Requirements

As noted in Section 1.1, one of the objectives of the Federal Criteria Project
is replacement of the TCSEC with a second generation iteration.  As the first
step of satisfying that objective, the MSR Working Group was tasked with
developing a Protection Profile that described an enhanced C2-like class of
requirements intended to satisfy the most common security needs of computer
system users.  The MSR are the NIST effort to satisfy this objective.  Much of
the MSR are derived from the TCSEC, the ITSEC, the Bellcore Standard Operating
Environment Security Requirements and the CISR with overall guidance from the
Computers at Risk report.

The MSR form the basis of one of the protection profiles of volume II of the
preliminary Federal Criteria FIPS, the CS2, as mentioned in section 1.1.  It is
hoped that this Protection Profile, if widely accepted, will form the basis for
mutual recognition of system evaluations between nations.


The MSR specify computer-based protection mechanisms for the design, use, and
management of information systems.  These requirements include technical measures
that can be incorporated into multi-user, remote-access, resource-sharing, and
information-sharing computer systems.  The MSR provide administrators of the MSR-
conformant computer system with the tools to control the sharing of information
and resources based primarily on the identity of users, but also on the time of
day, terminal location, or type of access requested by users.  The technical
measures also provide tools to protect both against common user actions that may
compromise security and against deliberate penetration attempts by "crackers". 
In addition, there are requirements that a conformant computer system provide a
tailorable ability to log events that may impact the security of either the
system or the information that it is processing. 

Systems conforming to this Protection Profile are intended to be useful to a
broad base of users, including those in commercial, civil government, and
national defense environments.  Recognizing that IT product vendors operate in
an international marketplace, this Profile has been built to complement
international efforts, such as the ITSEC and International Standards Organization
(ISO) initiatives.

This Protection Profile specifies "baseline" requirements that constitute
generally accepted security expectations for multi-user operating systems.  These
requirements apply commonly to multi-user workstations, minicomputers, and
mainframes.  Most required mechanisms are specified to be configurable so that
individual customers can satisfy their unique security policies and objectives.

The intent of this Protection Profile is to promote the wide availability of
products possessing security enforcing functions that are of such broad
applicability and effectiveness that they become part of the "normal" operational
requirements of all multi-user operating systems.    


These requirements are targeted at three distinct audiences:  users, vendors, and


     The MSR address the basic security needs of general-purpose computer
     operating systems users.  This includes application developers, end users,
     and administrators in the private, civil and defense government sectors. 
     The requirements focus on the basic security requirements of most
     commercially available multi-user operating system.  All functionality
     requirements are based on existing and well understood security practices. 
     It is hoped that this set of security requirements will set a basic level
     of expectation within the user community for the security of the operating
     systems they purchase.  

     This document provides vendors with a single, well-defined set of security
     requirements that can be accepted across their entire customer base. 
     These requirements represent the integration of a number of security
     requirement specifications from various sources into a single set that is
     expected to have very wide acceptance.  Vendors can more confidently use
     this set to focus on a single system offering what will meet the needs of
     a significant customer base.  The level of detail provided by these
     requirements should help clarify what the vendor must do to comply.  


     This document provides product and system evaluators, certifiers, and
     accrediters with a well-defined set of security requirements.  The
     detailed level of the requirements significantly decreases the need for
     evaluator interpretation.  It is hoped that the similarity of the MSR
     format to the ITSEC Security Target format will provide a basis for
     international acceptance that can help lead to mutual recognition of


The following terminology is used throughout this document:

     Requirement:  Feature or function that is necessary to satisfy the needs
     of a typical commercial or government organization.  Failure to meet a
     Requirement may cause application restrictions, result in improper
     functioning of the system, or hinder operations.  A Requirement contains
     the word shall and is identified by the letter "R" in parentheses: (R)

     Advisory:  Feature or function that may be desired by a typical commercial
     or government organization.  An Advisory represents a goal to be achieved. 
     An Advisory may be reclassified as a Requirement at some future date.  An
     Advisory contains the word should and is identified by the letter "A" in
     parentheses: (A)


The MSR is divided into four sections and includes an Appendix, a Glossary and
References.  Section 1, Introduction (this section), provides introductory and
background information.  Section 2, Rationale, provides rationale to support the
MSR Protection Profile.  This includes descriptions of the intended use of the
system, the environmental assumptions that were made for the MSR-compliant
system, and the expected threats.  Section 3, Functionality Requirements,
specifies the security functionality that the MSR-compliant system is required
to provide.  Section 4, Assurance Requirements, specifies the assurances that the
MSR-compliant system is required to provide.  The Appendix provides a threat
analysis, which describes how each threat (identified in Section 2) is countered. 
The list of documents in the References section acted as guides, inspiration, or
information in preparing this document.  Those referenced have a square bracket
around a number ([]).  The Glossary defines key terms and acronyms used
throughout the document.  The reader will note that the first occurrence of any
term defined in the Glossary has been underlined as an aid to the reader.  


This section provides information for prospective purchasers of the MSR-
conformant IT system.  This information is to aid the purchaser in deciding
whether the system will satisfy their security objectives.  Specifically, it
discusses how the system is intended to be used, the assumptions about the
environment in which the system is intended to operate, the threats within
that environment, and the security features and assurances that are intended
to counter these threats.


A product designed to meet this Protection Profile is intended to be a general
purpose, multi-user operating system that runs on either a workstation,
minicomputer, or mainframe.  This system is expected to support a variety of
applications and may support application software development.  These
applications are for commercial as well as government environments.

The MSR-conformant operating system is intended to be used to control
access to information based on the identity of individual users or groups of
users.  The information may be unclassified, sensitive-but-unclassified, or
single-level classified, but it may not be multi-level classified information. 
Such a system is not intended to be used to control access to information at
multiple classification levels based on the clearance of the user.


The following specific environmental conditions have been assumed in
specifying this Protection Profile:

        a.      The hardware base (e.g., CPU, printers, terminals, etc.) will be
                protected from unauthorized physical access.

        b.      There will be one or more personnel assigned to manage the
                including the security of the information it contains.

        c.      If a network interface is supported, the attached networks will
                provide some facility to independently confirm the claimed
                identity of remote machines.

        d.      The operational environment will be managed according to the
                operational environment documentation that is required in the
                Assurance Requirements Section of this protection profile.


The MSR-conformant system is intended to be a "reasonable first-line of defense"
against an unauthorized user's attempt to gain access to the system or against
an authorized user's inadvertent attempt to gain access to information for
which he or she has not been granted access.

It should be understood that highly-motivated attackers, willing to apply the
necessary level of effort, may be able to circumvent the security features of
the system.  These features are not expected to completely eliminate the
threat from malicious users or software, such as computer viruses or Trojan

The following threats have been assumed in specifying this protection profile:

        a.      An unauthorized user may attempt to gain access to the system.
        b.      An authorized user may attempt to gain access to resources for
                which he or she is not allowed access.

        c.      Security relevant actions may not be traceable to the individual
                associated with the event.

        d.      The system may be delivered, installed, or used in an unsecured

        e.      Data transmitted over a public or shared data network may be
                modified either by an unauthorized user or because of a
                transmission error or other communication-related error.

        f.      Security breaches may occur because available security features
                are not used or are used improperly.

        g.      Users may be able to bypass the security features of the system.

        h.      Users may be denied continued accessibility to the resources of
                the system (i.e., denial of service).


This section summarizes the security features and assurances that are required
to counter the threats discussed in Section 2.3.  Detailed requirements for
these features and assurances may be found in Sections 3 and 4, respectively,
of this protection profile.

2.4.1   Identification and Authentication

The MSR-conformant operating system provides the capability to establish,
maintain, and protect a unique identifier for each authorized user.  The
system also provides the capability to establish, maintain, and protect from
unauthorized access information that can be used to authenticate the
association of a user with that identifier.  

These features are intended to counter the threat that an unauthorized user
may attempt to gain access to the system or the information it contains.  It
also intends to counter the threat that an authorized user may attempt to gain
access to resources for which he or she is not allowed access.

2.4.2           Access Control

The MSR-conformant operating system provides the capability for a privileged
user, such as a System Administrator, to establish, maintain, and protect from
unauthorized access information that defines the identities of users and
conditions under which users may access the system.  These conditions may
include controls based on user identification, time, location, and method of
access.  The system is also required to  display to each user attempting
access a warning about unauthorized attempts to access the system.  This
feature is intended to counter the threat that an unauthorized user may
attempt to gain access to the system or the information it contains.

The system provides the capability for an authorized user to specify and
control access to information that he or she owns.  By default, the system
protects newly-created information.  Furthermore, once information is deleted,
it is not available to subsequent users.  This feature is intended to counter
the threat that an authorized user may attempt to gain access to resources for
which he or she is not allowed access.

The system is designed so that security features can be easily implemented,
operated and maintained.  This is intended to counter the threats that the
system may be delivered, installed, or used in an unsecured manner and that
security breaches may occur because available security features are not used
or are used improperly.

2.4.3   Audit

The MSR-conformant operating system creates, maintains, and protects a security
audit trail, which provides individual user accountability and contains
information sufficient for after-the-fact investigation of loss or

This feature is intended to counter all of the threats discussed in Section
2.4.2 in the event that the system's access control features have failed to
deny unauthorized access.

2.4.4   System Integrity 

The MSR-conformant operating system continuously protects itself from users
changing or circumventing the security functionality it provides.

This is intended to provide assurance that the security features of the system
operate as expected.  This is also intended to counter the threats that
security breaches may occur because available security features are not used
or are used improperly, that users may be able to bypass the security features
of the system or that users may be denied continued accessibility to the
resources of the system.

2.4.5   Data Integrity

The MSR-conformant operating system protects the consistency and integrity of

This is intended to provide assurance that the security features of the system
operate as expected.  This is also intended to counter the threats that
security breaches may occur because available security features are not used
or are used improperly, that users may be able to bypass the security features
of the system or that users may be denied continued accessibility to the
resources of the system. 

2.4.6   Reliability of Service

The MSR-conformant system provides the capability to detect and recover from any
discontinuity of service, using some combination of automatic and procedural

This capability is intended to counter the threat that users may be denied
continued accessibility to the resources of the system.

2.4.7   Product Development Assurance

The MSR-conformant system has been designed, implemented, and tested to ensure
that it meets acceptable minimum security assurance requirements. 
Specifically, the system has not be designed with any mode of access that
would violate or bypass the minimum security functionality requirements of the

This is intended to provide assurance that the security features of the system
operate as expected.  This is also intended to counter the threats that
security breaches may occur because available security features are not used
or are used improperly, that users may be able to bypass the security features
of the system or that users may be denied continued accessibility to the
resources of the system. 

2.4.8   Product Documentation Assurance

The MSR-conformant system provides documentation to support the secure
installation, operation, administration, and use of the product.  

This documentation is intended to counter the threat that a system may be
delivered, installed, or used in an unsecured manner.  This is also intended
to counter the threat that security breaches may occur because available
security features are not used or are used improperly. 


This section provides detailed functionality requirements that must be
satisfied by the MSR-compliant system.


In this document, the term "user" refers to an individual human or a remote
system able to access the target system to which these requirements apply. 
The identification and authentication process begins the user's interaction
with the target system.  First, the user supplies a unique identifier (userID)
to the system.  Then, the user is asked to authenticate that claimed identity
by the system.  The requirements for identification are presented in the first
subsection.  The requirements for authentication are presented in the
subsequent subsection.

3.1.1   Identification

A userID represents a user uniquely.  The userID is used for both access
control and accountability.  Therefore, the proper maintenance and control of
the identification mechanism and the identification databases are vital to
system security.  The requirements that follow support identification.


     1.    The system shall use userIDs to identify users.  (R)

     2.    The system shall require users to identify themselves with their
           unique userIDs before the user is allowed to perform any actions on
           the system.  (R)

     3.    The system shall internally maintain the identity of all active users
           (i.e., users currently logged on).  (R)

           a.    Every process running on behalf of a user shall have associated
                 with it the identity of that user.  That is, if the process is
                 invoked by a user, it shall have the userID of that user
                 associated with it.  If a process is invoked by another process
                 (that was invoked by the user), the invoked process shall have
                 the userID associated with the invoking process, and so on.  (R)

           b.    Every process running "autonomously" (i.e., without user
                 invocation), such as print spoolers, database management system
                 servers, and transaction processing monitors, shall have
                 associated with it an identification code indicating system
                 ownership or a unique process identification code.  (R)

     4.    The system shall provide a mechanism to administratively disable
           userIDs.  This mechanism shall provide an option for automatic re-
           enabling of disabled userIDs after a customer-specifiable period of
           time.  The use of this mechanism shall require privilege.  (R)

     5.    The system shall automatically disable userIDs after a period of time
           during which the userID has not been used.  The time period shall be
           customer-specifiable, with a default of sixty days.  (R)

     6.    The system shall provide a mechanism to administratively re-enable or
           delete disabled userIDs.  The use of this mechanism shall require
           privilege.  (R)

     7.    The system shall provide a mechanism to obtain the status of any
           userID.  (R)

     8.    The system shall provide a mechanism that allows a collection of
           userIDs to be referenced together as a group.  (R)

           a.    A userID shall be able to be associated with more than one

           b.    The system shall provide a mechanism to modify the group
                 membership of a userID.  The use of this mechanism shall require
                 privilege.  (R)

           c.    The system shall provide a mechanism to list the names of all
                 groups.  (R)

           d.    The system shall provide a mechanism to list the membership of
                 any group.  (R)

     9.    For those systems that have the architecture to support multiple
           logons per userID, the system shall provide a mechanism that limits
           the number of multiple logon sessions for the same userID.  The
           mechanism shall allow limits for userIDs and groups to be specified. 
           The system-supplied default shall limit each userID to one
           simultaneous logon session.  The use of this mechanism shall require
           privilege.  (R)

     10.   If the system provides a mechanism by which the userID associated
           with a process can be changed while the process is active, then it
           shall also provide a mechanism for limiting the userIDs that may
           change to a userID that would provide any additional privileges.  (R)

     11.   The system shall provide a mechanism to associate customer-
           specifiable information (e.g., user name and affiliation) with each
           userID. The use of this mechanism shall require privilege.  (R)

3.1.2   Authentication

Once a user has supplied an identifier to the system, the system must verify
that the user really corresponds to the claimed identifier.  This is done by
the authentication mechanism as described by the following requirements. 
Because passwords are the most commonly used authentication mechanism, a
subsection on password requirements follows this section.

Although authentication and system access control processes are often combined
for stand-alone systems, the mixing of these processes is less appropriate for
distributed or client/server systems.  An authenticated user may not have
access to every host in a distributed system and may not be allowed direct
access to a server.  Therefore, this document treats system access control and
authentication separately.  System access control is in Section 3.2.1.

Note: Network-related issues of authentication (such as proxies and cascading
trust) are beyond the scope of this document.               


     1.    The system shall provide a mechanism to authenticate the claimed
           identity of a user. (R)

     2.    The system shall appear to perform the entire user authentication
           procedure even if the userID that was entered was not valid.  Error
           feedback shall contain no information regarding which part of the
           authentication information is incorrect.  (R)

     3.    The system shall provide a mechanism to support the initial entry or
           modification of authentication information.  (R)

     4.    The system shall be able to incorporate and use customer-supplied
           alternative authentication mechanisms, such as token-based cards,
           biometrics, or trusted third-party techniques, in place of or in
           addition to the system-supplied authentication mechanism.  (R)

           a.    If multiple authentication mechanisms are provided, the system
                 shall also provide a separate mechanism to specify the
                 authentication mechanism or mechanisms to be used for specific
                 userIDs and groups.  The use of this separate mechanism shall
                 require privilege.  (R)

     5.    The system shall require a privilege to access any internal storage
           of authentication data.  (R)

           a.    Authentication data transmitted over public or shared data
                 networks should be encrypted.  (A)

     6.    The system shall support an application program interface to an
           authentication mechanism.  (R)

     7.    If the system provides network access (e.g., dial-in, X.25, or
           INTERNET), then it shall also provide at least a Class 2
           authentication mechanism (as defined in Draft International Standard
           (DIS) 10181-2 [7]) that can be used at the customer's discretion. 
           The networking software shall be able to be disabled or configured
           out of the system.  (R)   Password Requirements

Although systems are not required to use passwords as the user authentication
mechanism, passwords are still the most commonly used mechanism for
authentication.  Extensive experience with password mechanisms has led to a
solid understanding of what constitutes good password management.  The
following requirements capture this understanding.  

Note: These requirements apply only to systems using passwords.  Other
authentication methods, such as token-based authentication,
cryptographic-based authentication, and biometrics, are beyond the scope of
this document.         


     1.    The system shall provide no mechanism whereby a single stored
           password entry is explicitly shared by multiple userIDs.  The system
           shall provide no means to facilitate the sharing of passwords by
           multiple users.  (R)

     2.    The system shall allow a user to choose a password that is already
           associated with another userID.  The system shall provide no
           indication that a password is already associated with another userID. 

     3.    The system shall store passwords in a one-way encrypted form.  (R)

           a.    The system shall require privilege to access encrypted        
                 passwords. (R)

           b.    Unencrypted passwords shall be inaccessible to all users.  (R)

     4.    The system shall automatically suppress or fully blot out the clear-
           text representation of the password on the data entry/display device. 

     5.    The system shall, by default, prohibit the use of null passwords
           during normal operation.  (R)

     6.    The system shall provide a mechanism to allow a user to change his or
           her password.  This mechanism shall require re-authentication of the
           user identity.  The system shall provide a mechanism to set or
           initialize passwords for users.  The use of this mechanism shall
           require privilege. (R)

     7.    The system shall enforce password aging on a per-userID or per-group
           basis (i.e., a user shall be required to change his or her password
           after a customer-specifiable minimum time).  The system-supplied
           default for all non-privileged users shall be sixty days.  (R)

           a.    The system-supplied default for those userIDs that may acquire
                 privileges shall be thirty days.  (R)

           b.    After the password aging threshold has been reached, the      
                 password shall no longer be valid.  (R)

     8.    The system shall provide a mechanism to notify users in advance of
           requiring them to change their passwords.  This can be done by

           a.    Notifying users a customer-specifiable period of time prior to
                 their password expiring.  The system-supplied default shall be
                 seven days.  (R)


           b.    Upon password expiration, notifying the user but allowing a
                 customer-specifiable subsequent number of additional logons   
                 prior to requiring a new password.  The system-supplied default 
                 shall be two additional logons.  (R)

     9.    Passwords shall not be reusable by the same userID for a customer-
           specifiable period of time.  The system-supplied default shall be six
           months.  (R)

     10.   The system shall provide an algorithm for ensuring the complexity of
           user-entered passwords that meets the following requirements:

           a.    Passwords shall meet a customer-specifiable minimum length
                 requirement.  The system-supplied default minimum length shall 
                 be eight characters.  (R)

           b.    The password complexity-checking algorithm shall be modifiable 
                 by the customer.  The system-supplied default algorithm shall
                 require passwords to include at least one alphabetic character,
                 one numeric character, and one special character.  (R)

           c.    The system should provide a mechanism that allows customers to
                 specify a list of excluded passwords (e.g., company acronyms,
                 common surnames).  (A)

                 (1)   The system should prevent users from selecting a password
                       that matches any of those on the list of excluded       
                       passwords. (A)

     11.   If system-supplied password generation algorithms are present in the
           system, they shall meet the following requirements:

           a.    The password generation algorithm shall generate passwords that
                 are easy to remember (i.e., pronounceable or pass-phrases).  (R)

           b.    The system should give the user a choice of alternative       
                 passwords from which to choose.  (A)

           c.    Passwords shall be reasonably resistant to brute-force password
                 guessing attacks (i.e., the total number of system-generated
                 passwords shall be of at least the same order of magnitude as
                 what a user could generate using the rules specified in
                 requirement 10 above).  (R)

           d.    If the "alphabet" used by the password generation algorithm
                 consists of syllables rather than characters, the security of 
                 the password shall not depend on the secrecy of the alphabet. 

           e.    The generated sequence of passwords shall have the property of
                 randomness (i.e., consecutive instances shall be uncorrelated 
                 and the sequences shall not display periodicity).  (R)

     12.   The system shall provide a mechanism by which a data entry/display
           device may force a direct connection between the port to which it is
           connected and the authentication mechanism.  (R)


Access control determines what an authenticated user can do with the system. 
Two types of access control are considered here:  system access and resource
access.  The requirements for system access control are presented in the first
subsection.  The requirements for resource access control are presented in the
subsequent subsection.

3.2.1   System Access Control

Once a user is authenticated, a check is made to see if the user is allowed to
access the system.  The qualifying checks for system access can include time-
of-day, day-of-week, date, location of terminal, or means of access (e.g.,
dial-up port or local area network port).

The requirements for system access control follow.  


     1.    The identity of all users shall be authenticated before access is
           granted to any resources or system information.  (R)

           a.    The system shall provide no userIDs that permit unauthenticated
                 system access during normal system operation.  (R)

           b.    The system should authenticate remote machines during the
                 establishment of an inter-system association.  (A)

     2.    The system shall provide a mechanism to authorize users to access the
           system, revoke users from accessing the system, and modify the
           security information associated with users.  The use of this
           mechanism shall require privilege.  (R)

           a.    The system shall allow access to only those users who are
                 authorized to access the system.  (R)

           b.    The system shall provide a mechanism that lists all users who 
                 are authorized to access the system.  The use of this mechanism 
                 shall require privilege.  (R)

     3.    The system shall provide a mechanism for user-initiated locking of
           interactive sessions (e.g., keyboard locking) that includes:

           a.    Requiring user authentication prior to unlocking the session  

           b.    Disabling all data entry/display devices from any activity other
                 than unlocking the session  (R)

           c.    Clearing or over-writing the display to make its current      
                 contents unreadable (R)

     4.    For interactive sessions, the system shall lock the session after a
           customer-specifiable period of user inactivity.  The system-supplied
           default shall be fifteen minutes.  (R)

           a.    The system shall provide a mechanism to specify that sessions 
                 be terminated rather than locked after a period of inactivity. 
                 The use of this mechanism shall require privilege.  (R) 

     5.    The system logon procedure shall exit and end the attempted session
           if the user authentication procedure is incorrectly performed a
           customer-specifiable number of times.  The system-supplied default
           shall be three times.  (R)

           a.    The system shall generate an alarm when this threshold is
                 exceeded.  (R)

           b.    When the above threshold has been exceeded, a customer-
                 specifiable interval of time shall elapse before the logon
                 process can be restarted on that data entry/display device.  The
                 system-supplied default shall be sixty seconds.  (R)

                 (1)   The system should increment the time interval on        
                       successive violations.  (A)

           c.    The system shall provide a mechanism to disable the userID when
                 this threshold is exceeded.  (R)

                 (1)   By default, this mechanism shall be disabled.  (R)

     6.    The system shall provide a mechanism to allow or deny specified
           userIDs to access the system during specified ranges of time.  The
           use of this mechanism shall require privilege.  The ranges shall

           a.    Time-of-day (R)
           b.    Day-of-week (R)
           c.    Calendar date (R)

     7.    The system shall provide a mechanism to allow or deny specified
           userIDs to access the system based on means of access or port of
           entry.  The use of this mechanism shall require privilege.  (R)

           a.    The system shall provide a mechanism to specify the userIDs
                 authorized to access the system via dial-up facilities.  The use
                 of this mechanism shall require privilege.  (R)

           b.    The system shall provide a mechanism to specify the userIDs
                 authorized to access the system via network facilities.  The use
                 of this mechanism shall require privilege.  (R)

     8.    The system shall provide a mechanism to limit the privilege a user
           may obtain based on means of access or port of entry. The use of this
           mechanism shall require privilege.  (R)

     9.    If the system provides network access, then it shall also provide a
           mechanism to end an abnormally terminated session such that a new
           user does not have access to a previous user's session.  (R)

     10.   Prior to initiating the system logon procedure, the system shall
           display an advisory warning message to the user regarding
           unauthorized use of the system and the possible consequences of
           failure to heed this warning.  (R)

           a.    The message shall be customer-specifiable.  (R)

           b.    The system shall be able to display a message of up to twenty
                 lines in length.  (R)

           c.    The following message shall be displayed by default:  

                 NOTICE: This is a private computer system.  Unauthorized access
                 or use is prohibited and may lead to prosecution.  (R)

     11.   Upon a user's successful access to the system, the system shall
           display the following to the user and shall not remove it without
           user intervention:

           a.    The date, time, and means of access or port of entry of the
                 user's last successful system access.  (R)

           b.    The number of unsuccessful attempts to access the system since
                 the last successful system access by that userID.  (R)

3.2.2   Resource Access Control

Once the user has been granted access to the system as a whole, the question
of which resources that authenticated user may access still remains.  An
owner, or a privileged user, uses provided mechanisms to allow or deny other
users accesses to that resource.  The requirements below support resource
access control.

The additional requirements for protection of data in de-allocated resources
are presented in the subsection on object reuse.                


     1.    The system shall control access to all resources.  (R)

     2.    The system shall control access to resources based on authenticated
           userIDs.  (R)

     3.    For each resource, the system shall provide a mechanism to specify a
           list of userIDs or groups with their specific access rights to that
           resource (i.e., an access control list).  (R)

           a.    The access rights that may be specified shall, at a minimum,
                 include "read," "write," and "execute-only."  (R)

                 (1)   There should be separate "create" and "delete" access   
                       rights for modification of entries in directories or    
                       catalogs.  (A)

                 (2)   The system should support the explicit denial of all    
                       access rights to a userID or group.  (A)

           b.    The access rights associated with a userID shall take precedence
                 over the access rights associated with any groups of which that
                 userID is a member. (R)

           c.    For systems where a userID can be an active member of multiple
                 groups simultaneously, if any group entry allows an access right
                 for that userID, then the userID is allowed that right (subject
                 to "b" above).  (R)

           d.    The system shall provide a mechanism to specify default access
                 rights for userIDs not otherwise specified either explicitly by
                 userID or implicitly by group membership.  (R)

     4.    A userID's access rights to a resource shall be checked, at a
           minimum, when access to that resource is initiated.  (R)

     5.    The system shall provide a mechanism to specify the owner(s) of the
           resource (i.e., the user(s) who can modify the contents of a
           resource's access control list).  The use of this mechanism shall be
           limited to current owner(s) and user(s) with privilege. (R)

           a.    There should be a distinct access right to modify the contents 
                 of a resource's access control list (e.g., an "ownership" or  
                 "control" access right).  (A)

     6.    The system shall provide a mechanism to modify the contents of a
           resource's access control list.  The use of this mechanism shall be
           limited to owner(s) and user(s) with privilege.  (R)

     7.    The system shall provide a mechanism to specify the default contents
           of the access control list of a newly created resource.  The system-
           supplied default contents shall specify that only the creator of the
           resource has any access rights.  (R)

     8.    The system should provide a mechanism to control access to resources
           based on the following.  The use of this mechanism should be limited
           to the owner(s) of the resource and users with privilege:

           a.    Means of access or port of entry  (A)
           b.    Time-of-day  (A)
           c.    Day-of-week  (A)
           d.    Calendar date  (A)
           e.    Specific program used to access the resource.  (A)

     9.    The system shall provide a mechanism to identify all resources in the
           system that are owned by a specified userID, the resources to which
           that userID is allowed access, and the specific access right(s) for
           each resource.  The use of this mechanism shall require privilege. 

     10.   The system shall provide a mechanism to deny specific access rights
           to all resources for specified userIDs or groups.  This mechanism
           shall override the standard resource access control mechanisms.  The
           use of this mechanism shall require privilege. (R)

     11.   Each resource delivered with the system shall have the most
           restrictive access rights possible to permit the intended use of that
           resource.  (R)

     12.   The system shall protect all information used for resource access
           control decisions (e.g., access control lists, group lists, system
           date and time).  (R)   Object Reuse

Resources owned by a user or by the system are de-allocated when no longer
needed, but data left in these de-allocated resources continues to be
protected from disclosure.  This protection is the purpose of the requirements
for object reuse that follow.


     1.    The system shall ensure that users who do not possess an appropriate
           privilege are not able to access the contents of a resource that has
           been returned to the system after use.  (R)

     2.    The system shall ensure that a user is not able to access the prior
           contents of a resource that has been allocated to that user by the
           system.  (R)

3.2.3   Privileges

A privilege enables a user to perform a security relevant operation or a
command that, by default, is denied to that user.  Privileges must be tightly
controlled, and users with privilege must be accountable for security relevant
actions.  The requirements supporting the privilege mechanism follow.          


     1.    The system shall support a privilege mechanism that meets the
           following requirements:

           a.    Separate privileges shall be associated with groups of related
                 security relevant operations or commands.  (R)

                 (1)   Separate and distinct privileges should be associated with
                       distinct security relevant operations.  (A)

                 (2)   Privileges that permit overriding or bypassing the access
                       control mechanisms should be separate and distinct from
                       any and all other privileges.  (A)

           b.    A user shall be assigned a privilege in order to invoke the
                 corresponding operation.  (R)

                 (1)   There should be an application program interface that
                       allows an application with privilege to dynamically assign
                       privileges to itself.  (A)

     2.    The system shall provide a mechanism to associate privileges with
           userIDs.  The use of this mechanism shall require a separate and
           distinct privilege.  (R)

3.3   AUDIT

Audit supports accountability by providing a trail of user actions.  Actions
are associated with individual users for all security relevant events and are
stored in an audit trail.  This audit trail can be examined to determine what
happened and what user was responsible for a security relevant event.  The
audit trail data must be protected from unauthorized access, modification, or
destruction.  In addition, the audit trail data must be available in an easily
readable form and in a timely manner for analysis.  The requirements for data
recording are presented in the first subsection.  The requirements for data
reporting are presented in the subsequent subsection.

3.3.1   Data Recording

Audit data is recorded from several sources (such as the logon host's
operating system or a remote application) to produce a complete picture of a
user's security relevant actions.  Therefore, audit data must be correlated
across audit collection systems.  The mechanisms providing audit data
recording must be tailorable to each system's needs. Both the audit data
itself and the mechanisms to determine what audit data is recorded are
protected by privileges.                The requirements below support data


     1.    The system shall provide a mechanism for generating a security audit
           trail that contains information to support after-the-fact
           investigation of loss or impropriety and appropriate management
           response.  The system shall support an application program interface
           that allows an application with privilege to append data to the
           security audit trail or to an applications-specified alternative
           security audit trail. (R)

     2.    The system shall provide end-to-end user accountability for all
           security relevant events.  The user identification information
           associated with any system request or activity shall be maintained
           and passed on to any other connected systems so that the initiating
           user can be made accountable for the lifetime of the request or
           activity.  (R)

     3.    The system shall protect the security audit trail from unauthorized
           access.  (R)

           a.    Maintenance and management of the security audit trail files
                 shall require privilege.  (R)

           b.    The system should support an option to maintain the security
                 audit trail data in encrypted format.  (A) 

     4.    The system shall provide a mechanism to dynamically control, during
           normal system operation, the types of events recorded.  This
           mechanism shall include selective disabling of the recording of
           default audit events and the enabling and disabling of other events. 
           The use of this mechanism shall require privilege.  (R)

           a.    It shall not be possible to disable the recording of activities
                 that require privilege.  (R)

           b.    The system shall record any modification to the set of audited
                 events.  (R)

     5.    The system shall protect the audit control mechanisms from
           unauthorized access. (R)

     6.    The system shall, by default, cause a record to be written to the
           security audit trail for at least each of the following events:

           a.    Failed user authentication attempts  (R)

           b.    Resource access attempts that are denied by the resource access
                 control mechanism  (R)

           c.    Attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, to obtain privilege 

           d.    Activities that require privilege  (R)

           e.    Successful accesses of security-critical resources  (R)

           f.    Changes to users' security information  (R)

           g.    Changes to the set of privileges associated with a user  (R)

           h.    Changes to access rights of resources  (R)

           i.    Changes to the system security configuration  (R)

           j.    Modification of system-supplied software  (R)

     7.    The  system shall provide a mechanism to enable or disable the
           recording of other events into the security audit trail.  The use of
           this mechanism shall require privilege.  These events shall include,
           at a minimum:

           a.    Successful user authentication attempts  (R)

           b.    Creation and deletion of resources  (R)

           c.    Disk file access  (R)

           d.    Tape volume or tape file access  (R)

           e.    Program execution  (R)

           f.    On-line command execution  (R)

           g.    Customer-defined events  (R)

           h.    Activities of a specified userID  (R)

     8.    For each recorded event, the audit record shall identify, at a

           a.    Date and time of the event  (R)

           b.    UserID and associated point of physical access (e.g., terminal,
                 port, network address, or communication device)  (R)

           c.    Type of event  (R)

           d.    Names of resources accessed  (R)

           e.    Success or failure of the event  (R)

     9.    The character strings input as a response to a password challenge
           shall not be recorded in the security audit trail.  (R)

     10.   The audit control mechanism shall provide an option to enable or
           disable the recording of invalid userIDs during failed user
           authentication attempts.  (R)

     11.   Audit control data (e.g., audit event masks) shall survive system
           restarts.  (R)

     12.   The system shall provide a mechanism for automatic copying of
           security audit trail files to an alternative storage area after a
           customer-specifiable period of time.  (R)

     13.   The system shall provide a mechanism for automatic deletion of
           security audit trail files after a customer-specifiable period of
           time.  It shall be possible to disable this mechanism.  The system-
           supplied default shall be thirty days.  (R)

     14.   The system shall allow site control of the procedure to be invoked
           when audit records are unable to be recorded.  Options provided to
           handle this condition shall include:  

           a.    Generate an alarm.  This shall be the default action.  (R)

           b.    Initiate secure system shutdown.  (R)

     15.   The system shall provide tools to monitor the activities (i.e.,
           capture the keystrokes) of specific terminals or network connections
           in real time.  The use of these tools shall require a separate and
           distinct privilege.  (R)

3.3.2   Data Reporting

Once the audit data is recorded, it is analyzed and reported.  Reporting can
be done by reports generated on request, or by alarms generated immediately
when security violations are detected.  The requirements below support data


     1.    The system shall provide a mechanism for reporting alarms.  The
           system shall provide a mechanism for specifying how (e.g., where or
           to whom) alarms are reported.  The use of this mechanism shall
           require privilege.  (R)

     2.    The system shall provide post-collection audit analysis tools that
           can produce exception reports, summary reports, and detailed reports
           on specific data items, users, or communications facilities.  The use
           of these tools shall require privilege.  (R)

           a.    The system shall provide a tool to independently and selectively
                 review the actions of any one or more users, including users
                 with privilege, based on individual user identity.  (R)

           b.    The system shall provide a tool to produce a report of all
                 occurrences of modifications to any resources.  (R)

           c.    These tools shall be capable of being run concurrently with
                 normal system operations.  (R)

     3.    The system should contain a real-time mechanism that is able to
           monitor the occurrence or accumulation of security relevant events
           that may indicate an imminent security violation.  This mechanism
           should be able to generate an alarm when thresholds are exceeded,
           and, if the occurrence or accumulation of these security relevant
           events continues, the system should take the least disruptive action
           to terminate the event.  (A)


Users expect to share computer resources without interference or damage from
other users.  This is called system integrity.  The requirements that follow
provide for mechanisms that promote separation of user and system processes
and data, protection of software, firmware, and hardware from unauthorized
modifications (whether deliberate or accidental), and control of operator and
maintenance personnel actions.


     1.    The system shall separate and protect a user process and its internal
           data from other user processes.  The system's internal programs and
           internal data shall be separated and protected from any user
           processes. (R)

     2.    Mechanisms (e.g., modification dates, checksums, digital signatures)
           shall exist that make it possible to verify that the currently
           installed software has remained consistent with the delivered
           software (i.e., no unauthorized modifications have been made).  (R)

     3.    The system shall restrict the use of:

           a.    Privileged instructions  (R)

           b.    Supervisory state or other privileged hardware states  (R)

     4.    The system shall control and audit the use of any operator consoles. 

     5.    Modification or replacement of the software provided with the system
           shall require privilege.  (R)

     6.    Execution of system maintenance and repair software shall require
           privilege.  (R)

     7.    The system shall provide mechanisms that can be used to validate the
           correct operation of the system.  These mechanisms shall address:

           a.    Monitoring of system resources  (R)

           b.    Correct operation of on-site hardware and firmware elements  (R)

           c.    Corruption of access control information  (R)

           d.    Detection of communication errors above a customer-specifiable
                 threshold  (R)


Users expect data to be entered and maintained in a correct, consistent state. 
This is called data integrity.  This expectation applies to both user data and
system data.  The requirements that follow provide for mechanisms that promote
tracking of changes to resources, and the protection of data against exposure,
unauthorized modification or deletion as it is transmitted and while it is


     1.    The system shall provide a mechanism to determine the date and time
           resource was last modified.  The use of this mechanism shall be
           limited to users with access rights to that resource and users with
           privilege.  (R)

     2.    The system shall provide a mechanism to verify the integrity of data
           in a resource (e.g., a checksum or digital signature).  The system
           shall provide a mechanism to verify the integrity of information
           passed across a communication channel.  (R)

     3.    The system should provide an encryption mechanism that can be used to
           preserve the integrity of data in a resource.  (A)

     4.    The system shall provide a tool for checking file system and storage
           medium integrity.  The system shall execute this tool periodically. 

     5.    The system shall provide a mechanism to generate a status report
           detailing the values of all parameters and flags that affect the
           secure operation of the system.  The use of this mechanism shall
           require privilege.  (R)

     6.    If the system command interpreter provides a mechanism for users to
           control the order of directory/path search for command resolution,

           a.    System supplied commands shall be executed by default.  (R)

           b.    The system should allow a user with privilege to revoke user
                 access to this mechanism on a per-userID basis.  (A)


Users expect a quantifiable and reliable level of service from a system.  The
requirements that follow provide for mechanisms that promote the continuous
accessibility and usability of resources by an authorized user.  These
mechanisms also allow prevention or limitation of interference with
time-critical operations, and allow the system to maintain its expected level
of service in the face of any user action threatening this level, whether the
action is deliberate or accidental.             


     1.    The system should detect and report all conditions that degrade
           service below a customer-specifiable minimum.  When possible, the
           system should isolate and report the source of the condition.  (A) 

     2.    The system shall provide a mechanism for controlling consumption of
           disk space and CPU usage on a per-userID and per-group basis. (R)

     3.    The system shall provide a mechanism to allow recovery after a system
           failure or other discontinuity without a security compromise.  (R)

     4.    The system shall provide a mechanism to support software and data
           backup and restoration.  (R)

     5.    The system shall provide synchronization points (e.g., checkpoint
           restarts) to facilitate recovery.  (R)


The TCSEC and ITSEC recognize that the presence of security features alone are
not sufficient for ensuring a secure product.  Underlying the security
features must be a process of product development to provide assurance that
the security features actually work as claimed and that no security flaws were
introduced as a result of the development process.  In addition, documentation
must be provided that supports the secure installation, operation,
administration, and use of the product.

The requirements that constrain the product development process and specify
the documentation to be produced are commonly called assurance requirements. 
The assurance requirements that follow have been included to complete the
document.  Originally, these requirements were part of the Functionality

Section 4.1 presents assurance requirements for the product development
process, and Section 4.2 presents the product documentation requirements.


The MSR-conformant system is one that has been designed, implemented, and tested
to ensure that it meets acceptable basic security assurance requirements. 
Specifically, the system has not been designed with any mode of access that
would violate or bypass the basic security functionality requirements of the
product.  The requirements below are intended to provide assurance that the
security features of the system operate as expected.

     1.   Security mechanisms shall be protected from external interference,
          e.g., modifications to its code or data structures.  (R)


The MSR-conformant system provides documentation for users, administrators, and
operators to support the secure installation, operation, administration, and
use of the product.  The requirements for product documentation assurances are
intended to ensure that security breaches do not occur because available
security features are not used or are used improperly. 

The requirements for user documentation are presented in the first subsection. 
The requirements for administrator and operator documentation are presented in
subsequent subsections.

     1.   Instructions and documentation on security considerations shall be
          provided separately for users of the system, administrators of the
          system, and operators of the system.  (R)

4.2.1   User Documentation

     1.   User documentation shall include a description of the security
          mechanisms that are non-transparent to the user, an explanation of
          their purpose, and guidelines on their use.  (R)

4.2.2   Administrator Documentation

     1.   Administrator documentation shall include the following:

          a.   Cautions about functions and privileges that need to be
               controlled when running a secure facility.  (R)

          b.   Documentation on the use of all audit tools.  This
               documentation shall contain:

               (1)  Recommended procedures for examining and maintaining
                    the audit trail files.  (R)

               (2)  Detailed audit record structure for each type of audit
                    event.  (R)

               (3)  Recommended procedures for periodic backup and
                    deletion of audit trail files.  (R)

               (4)  Recommended procedures for checking the amount of free
                    disk space available for the audit trail files.  (R)

          c.   Detailed descriptions of the administrator functions related
               to security, including adding or deleting a userID, changing
               the security characteristics of a user, etc.  (R)

          d.   A description of the basic set of privileges required for an
               operator and for an administrator.  (R)

          e.   Recommended procedures for protecting vendor-supplied
               userIDs.  (R)

          f.   Recommendations on setting the basic access permissions on
               all files and directories.  (R)

          g.   Recommendations for running file system or disk
               integrity-checking utilities on a regular basis.  (R)

          h.   Guidelines on the consistent and effective use of the
               protection features of the system, how they interact, and
               how to securely generate a new system.  (R)

          i.   A list of all security parameters that are under
               administrator control.  (R)

          j.   Recommendations for site security self-assessment
               techniques, procedures, and reports.  (R)

          k.   Recommendations for password requirements, dial-access
               restrictions, contingency plans, disaster recovery plans,
               etc.  (R)

          l.   A section that addresses common intrusion techniques and
               other threats and procedures for detecting and preventing
               them.  (R)

4.2.3   Operator Documentation

     1.   Operator documentation shall include the following:

          a.   Procedures necessary to initially start, e.g., boot, the
               system in a secure manner.  (R)
          b.   Procedures to resume secure system operation after any lapse
               in system operation.  (R)
          c.   Recommendations and procedures for running software and data
               backup and restoration.  (R)


                             THREAT ANALYSIS

This section provides a description of the requirements that counter the
threats identified in Section 2.3.


Identification and Authentication requirements are the principle
countermeasure to the threat of unauthorized users gaining access to the
system.  The MSR focus primarily on passwords for authentication of users.
Passwords, if not properly administered, are considered vulnerable to a
threat of an unauthorized user gaining access to the system.  For this
reason the MSR specify password requirements that promote a strong
organizational password management program.  These requirements specify a
minimum-length password, a password complexity-checking algorithm, as well
as an advisory requirement to provide the capability to exclude a list of
customer-specified passwords.  Such requirements support the use of
passwords that are effective against password guessing.  To further reduce
the probability of a password being guessed, requirements limit the number
of attempted guesses that can be made by a user associated with a specific
userID.  The probability of a single password being guessed is further
reduced by requirements for password aging, as well as limitations on
password reuse.  

The MSR allow for a password generating capability.  Because random
passwords can be difficult to remember and users are tempted to write them
down, requirements are specified for the generation of passwords that are
easy to remember (e.g., pronounceable).  Additionally, an advisory
requirement is specified to allow users to choose from a list of
alternative passwords.

In the event a user feels his or her password has been compromised, a
requirement allows a user to change the password.  Because a password can
be compromised by observing the characters on a terminal screen as it is
being typed, the clear-text representation of the password on the data
entry/display device must be blotted out.    

Although passwords are currently the most common method for authenticating
users, the MSR support the capability for a variety of authentication
mechanisms, such as smart-cards, cryptographic-based authentication, and
biometrics.  This allows an organizations to acquire and integrate stronger
user authentication capabilities where penetration threats warrant such a

System access control requirements also provide countermeasures to the
threat of unauthorized users gaining access to the system.  Once a user is
authenticated, a check is made to determine if the user is allowed further
access to the system.  The qualifying checks for system access can include
time-of-day, day-of-week, date, location of terminal, or method of access
(e.g., dial-up port or local area network port).  These requirements
provide finer-grained and organization-specific system access control

Requirements are specified to display an advisory warning message to all
users prior to system logon to discourage a would-be system penetrator from
attempting an unauthorized system access.  Such a message can also provide
a legal basis for subsequent prosecution of system penetrators.

Although not a direct countermeasure, auditing requirements are specified
to provide the capability to perform an after-the-fact analysis of
unauthorized system access attempts.  The MSR specify auditing requirements
to monitor failed login attempts.  In addition, the MSR specify
requirements to display to an authorized user, upon successful system
access, the date and time, method of access or port of entry, and the
number of failed logon attempts since the last successful system access by
his or her userID.  These requirements provide an organization with the
capability to detect attempted or successful system penetrations.  This
provides the opportunity for the organization to take corrective action,
such as strengthening existing user authentication methods or changing a


Authorized users can gain access to resources for which they are not
allowed by assuming the userID of another user and gaining the associate
access rights.  This can be accomplished by exploiting vulnerabilities
associated with passwords, or by spoofing legitimate userID authorization
prompts and stealing passwords associated with other users.  To address the
vulnerability associated with passwords, the MSR specify password
requirements that promote a strong organizational password management
program.  In addition to those password requirements described in A.1 to
address penetration threats from unauthorized users, other password
requirements have been specified to counter the threat of an insider
(authorized user) attack.  The MSR specify requirements that prohibit the
vendor from providing a mechanism that explicitly allows the sharing of a
single password by multiple userIDs.  If users were allowed to share a
single password, there would be no way to prohibit one user from assuming
the userID of another user who shared the password and gaining his or her
associated access right.  In the event that a user selects a password that
is already in use by another user, requirements disallow the system from
acknowledging the dual association.  To counter the threat of an authorized
user creating a spoof of legitimate userID authorization prompts, the MSR
specify requirements for a direct communication path between the user and
the system.   

Once an authorized user has gained access to the system, the threat still
remains for gaining access to resources for which he or she is not
authorized.  At the resource level, the MSR specify access control features
to mediate user access to all resources including data, as well as programs
and transactions used to manipulate data.  These controls are based on
userID and mode of access (i.e., read, write).  In addition, advisory
requirements are specified to provide access controls based on port of
entry, time-of-day, day-of-week, calendar date, and specific programs used
to access resources.  The MSR also specify general authentication
facilities for use by application developers, system administrators, or
users for the enhanced protection of resources.  

The MSR specify requirements to provide users with the capability to lock
an interactive session and to clear the content of their screens without
having to logoff the system.  This reduces the likelihood that a user will
leave his or her terminal while engaged in an active session.   

The object reuse feature has been specified to ensure that resource
contents are cleared before reuse.  This reduces the vulnerability that the
resource content can be read before it is overwritten. 

The MSR specify privilege requirements to allow identification of an
individual user and the association of a minimum set of privileges required
to perform a single task (e.g., audit log review, password management). 
Through these requirements, the MSR allow an organization to specify
different privileges for different users, depending on what task is
required to be performed.  Least privilege is particularly important for
those systems and organizations where there is a "privileged user" or
"superuser" capability that could otherwise grant a wide set of privileges
to users that need only a subset of those privileges.   

Data and system integrity features are specified to provide protection
against an unauthorized or undesired modification of system data.  Such
features include process isolation and system configuration checks and
controls, as well as encryption and checksum facilities for use by
application developers, administrators, and general users.
Requirements are specified to display an advisory warning message to all
users prior to system logon to discourage unauthorized system use.  Such a
message can also provide a legal basis for subsequent prosecution.


MSR accountability and audit requirements are specified to provide the
capability to track security relevant actions performed by users, and link
such actions to the responsible user.  Audit features are specified to
provide post-collection audit analysis on specific data items, users, and
communication facilities.  In addition, the MSR specify real-time
monitoring and reporting of events that may indicate a security violation
requiring immediate administrative attention. 


This threat is countered in numerous places in the MSR by explicitly
requiring that the system be delivered with all security services turned
on.  This ensures that the system is secure by default rather than insecure
by default.  This is complemented by allowing many security services to be
configured so that, as a specific organization gains experience with the
actual threats in its environment, the organization can adjust the degree
of security in the system.  In addition, there are several requirements
that reinforce the "security by default" perspective for initial
installation.  Finally, one of the primary purposes of security
administrative documentation is to increase the likelihood that the
administrator will run the system in a secure manner.


This threat is countered by requirements for authentication, system access
control, data integrity, and audit.  In addition, requirements to support
token-based authentication as well as requirements for network access have
been specified to counter the threat of the interception of a user's
authentication data.  System access control requirements are specified to
ensure that a network user is not capable of gaining access to a previous
user's session.  Requirements for an encryption facility provide the
capability to preserve both confidentiality and integrity of data
transmitted over a network.  The audit requirement provides for audit tools
in the event that an attack is mounted and it is necessary to reconstruct
the event.

This threat is countered by requirements for system integrity, data
integrity, and audit.  System and data integrity requirements provide for
mechanisms to detect communication errors and to verify the integrity of
information passed across a communication channel.  Audit requirements
provide for tools that allow reconstruction of the event that resulted in
the error after an attack.


Requirements for authentication, system and resource access control, data
integrity, and product documentation provide a basis for countering this
threat.  Authentication requirements provide for password management
procedures to reduce the possibility of easy-to-guess passwords.  System
access control requirements prohibit default accounts that don't require
authentication.  Resource access control requirements mandate that the
system is delivered with restricted access to resources and that the
default access to newly-created resources is limited to the creator.  This
decreases the chance of setting access too permissively.

Data integrity requirements provide a mechanism for listing all of the
system security parameters.  This allows a system administrator to confirm
that the system is properly configured.  Product documentation requirements
for user, administrator, and operator documentation describe how to use,
administer, and configure the system in a secure manner.


This threat is countered by several authentication, access control, audit,
and integrity requirements.  Authentication requirements protect
authentication data from unauthorized users and require that passwords are
stored in encrypted form.  System access control requirements provide the
user with the date, time, and means of access of the user's last successful
system access so that unauthorized logons may be detected.  Resource access
control requirements protect access control data and ensure that users
can't scavenge for data.

Audit requirements provide for logging of successful accesses to resources,
as well as changes to the system security configuration and system software
in the event that the system security features have been bypassed,
especially if combined with the advisory requirement for a real-time
automated reduction, analysis, and alarm tool.  System integrity
requirements provide mechanisms for detecting unauthorized modifications to
system software or corruption of access control information, and data
integrity requirements provide mechanisms for detecting unauthorized
modification of resource data.


Reliability of service requirements promote the continued accessibility of
system resources by authorized users.  These requirements principally
counter threats related to intentional or unintentional denial of service
attacks.  The requirements include detecting and reporting facilities, such
as: features to monitor and control the consumption of disk space and CPU
usage, controls to limit systematically disabling userIDs, mechanisms for
recovery in the event of a system crash, and facilities for software and
data backup and restoration.


[1]  U.S. Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria
     (TCSEC), DoD 5200.28-STD, December 1985.

[2]  Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC) - Provisional
     Harmonized Criteria, Version 1.2, June 1991.

[3]  Bellcore Standard Operating Environment Security Requirements, TA-STS-
     001080, Issue 2, June, 1991.

[4]  Commercial International Security Requirements (CISR), Cutler, K. and
     Jones, F., Final Draft, September 9, 1991.

[5]  Computers at Risk - Safe Computing in the Information Age, National
     Research Council, National Academy Press, 1991.

[6]  Computer Security Act of 1987, January 8. 1988, P.L. 100-235.

[7]  Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Security
     Frameworks in Open Systems - Part 2: Authentication Framework, Draft
     International Standard DIS 10181-2, International Organization for
     Standardization, 13 May 1991

These documents are not referenced, but provided guidance, inspiration, or
information in preparing this document.

     Assessing Federal and Commercial Information Security Needs, Ferraiolo,
     D., Gilbert, D., and Lynch, N., NISTIR 4976, November 1992.

     Security Controls for Computer Systems: Report of Defense Science Board
     Task Force on Computer Security, Willis Ware, Editor, R-609-1, 1970,
     Reissued October 1979.

     Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection Reference
     Model - Part 2: Security Architecture, International Standard ISO 7498-2,
     International Organization for Standardization, 1988



CISR   Commercial International Security Requirements
CSR    Commercial Security Requirements for Multi-user Operating Systems 

DARPA  Defense Advance Research Projects Agency
DIS    Draft International Standard
DoD    Department of Defense

FIPS   Federal Information Processing Standard

ISO    International Standards Organization
IT     Information Technology
ITSEC  Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria

LAN    Local area network

MSR    Minimum Security Requirements

NIST   National Institute of Standards and Technology
NSA    National Security Agency

RBOCs  Regional Bell Operating Companies

TCSEC  Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria
TRS    Travel Related Services


Access Control List.  A list of entities, together with their access rights, that
are authorized to have access to a resource. [ISO]

Accountability.  The property that ensures that the actions of an entity may be
traced uniquely to the entity. [ISO]

Application Program Interface.  A system access point or library function that
has a well-defined syntax and is accessible from application programs or user
code to provide well-defined functionality.

Authentication.  The process of proving the claimed identity of an individual
user, machine, software component or any other entity.  Typical authentication
mechanisms include conventional password schemes, biometrics devices,
cryptographic methods, and onetime passwords (usually implemented with token
based cards.)

Authentication Information.  Information used to establish the validity of a
claimed identity. [ISO]

Authorized.  Entitled to a specific mode of access.

Channel.  An information transfer path within a system.  May also refer to the
mechanism by which the path is effected. [TCSEC]

Clear-text.  Intelligible data, the semantic content of which is available. [ISO]

Configuration.  The selection of one of the sets of possible combinations of
features of a system. [ITSEC]

Customer-Specifiable.  The features of the MSR-compliant system that are set with
a default value by the manufacturer, but can be reset after delivery by the
customer to reflect the customer's security policy.  These features are usually
reset at the time of installation by an administrator or other customer
authorized person and cannot be changed without the appropriate privilege at
other times.  

Group.  A named collection of userIDs.

Identification.  A unique, auditable representation of identity within the system
usually in the form of a simple character string for each individual user,
machine, software component or any other entity.

Integrity.  The property that data has not been altered or destroyed in an
unauthorized manner. [ISO] The prevention of the unauthorized modification of
information. [ITSEC]  The state that exists when computerized data is the same
as that in the source documents and has not been exposed to accidental or
malicious alteration or destruction. [TCSEC]  

Mechanism.  An operating system entry point or separate operating system support
program that performs a specific action or related group of actions.

Normal Operation.  The process of using a system. [ITSEC]

Owner.  A user who can modify the contents of an access control list.

Password.  Confidential authentication information, usually composed of a string
of characters. [ISO]

Privilege.  A special authorization that is granted to particular users to
perform security relevant operations.

Requirements.  A phase of the Development Process wherein the top level
definition of the functionality of the system is produced.

Resource.  An operating system abstraction that is visible at the application
program interface, has a unique name, and capable of being shared.  In this
document, the following are resources: files, programs, directories, databases,
mini-disks, and special files.  In this document, the following are not
resources: records, blocks, pages, segments, bits, bytes, words, fields, and

Security.  The combination of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Security Relevant Event.  Any event that attempts to change the security state
of the system (e.g., change access controls, change the security level of a user,
change a user password).  Also, any event that attempts to violate the security
policy of the system (e.g., too many logon attempts). [TCSEC]

Security Audit Trail.  Data collected and potentially used to facilitate a
security audit. [ISO] A set of records that collectively provide documentary
evidence of processing used to aid in tracing from original transactions forward
to related records and reports, and/or backwards from records and reports to
their component source transactions. [TCSEC]

Shall.  A requirement that must be met unless a justification of why it cannot
be met is given and accepted.

Should.  An objective that can be met.  It is used when a specific requirement
is not feasible in some situations or with common current technology.  Non-
conformance to such requirements requires less justification and should be more
readily approved.

System.  A specific IT installation, with a particular purpose and operational
environment. [ITSEC]

User.  The entity, human or machine, that is identified by the userID,
authenticated prior to system access, the subject of all access control
decisions, and held accountable via the audit reporting system.