NISTIR 5308 - December 1993


The National Institute of Standards and Technology is
responsible, under the Computer Security Act of 1987, for the
development of standards and guidelines to assure the
cost-effective security and privacy of sensitive information in
Federal computer systems.  In meeting this responsibility, NIST
promotes development of commercial products that meet Government
security requirements for secure communication.  The
heterogeneous nature of existing Government systems highlights
the need to adhere to standards to foster interoperability among
communicating systems.

The use of standards alone does not insure interoperability. 
Implementations of specific standards may fail to interoperate
because they support incompatible sets of options, accept
different parameters, or employ incompatible mechanisms.  For
instance, security standards that rely on cryptographic
algorithms to provide a confidentiality service do not usually
specify what algorithm to use.  Furthermore, some cryptographic
algorithms have various modes of operation.  To improve chances
of interoperability, some implementations handle multiple
options.  Those implementations require that options be
unambiguously identified and agreed upon by the communicating
parties before data can be securely exchanged.  The use of a
common source for specifications of these optional elements
should further interoperability.

The elements referred to above are generically known as objects. 
A Computer Security Object (CSO) is the definition or
representation of a resource, tool, or mechanism used to maintain
a condition of security in computerized environments.  This broad
definition covers many elements referred to in standards that are
either selected or defined by separate user communities.  

NIST is establishing a register for CSOs to provide stable object
definitions identified by unique names.  The use of this register
will enable the unambiguous specification of security parameters
and algorithms to be used in secure data exchanges.  

These "General Procedures for Registering Computer Security
Objects" describe the object-independent procedures for operating
the Computer Security Objects Register (CSOR).  The CSOR services
organizations and individuals seeking to use a common set of
tools and techniques in the area of computer security.  The
procedures described herein follow   guidelines for registration
of the ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC1) and the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI).  The CSOR is not
associated with a particular standard nor is it recognized by the
ISO/IEC at the time of its establishment.  In the future,
however, NIST may turn the CSOR over to an organization
recognized by the ISO/IEC for operation.

Initially, one family of objects will be registered in the CSOR:
network security labels.  Other families of security objects that
eventually may be registered include cryptographic algorithm
modes of operation, security association parameter sets, and
authentication techniques.  Procedures for registering specific
families of objects appear as appendices to this document. 
Further details and additional appendices will be added by the
registration authority as necessary and included in updates to
this document.


The registration service described in this document does not
provide an endorsement or approval for techniques, algorithms, or
products using the specifications maintained.  Similarly, there
is no explicit or implicit indication of the correctness or
suitability of registered computer security objects for any use. 
Use of the Computer Security Objects Register (CSOR) is not
mandatory, although recommended as a tool for achieving
interoperability.  Conflicts with ownership and/or rights over
alpha-numeric object names and specifications must be resolved by
applicants prior to the submission of a request for registration. 
The registration of a security object assigns the applicant no
rights over the object or its name and is therefore no absolute
proof of ownership.  Registered objects and their names may be
protected by copyrights and or patents and their use by others
than the owner may require special arrangements without the
involvement of the Registration Authority.  Upon requesting
registration, applicants give the Registration Authority
permission to reproduce and distribute the names and
specifications of all objects.


1.0  Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
     1.1  Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
     1.2  Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
     1.3  Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.0  References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3.0  Definitions and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
     3.1  Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
     3.2  Abbreviations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4.0  Registration Authority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

5.0  Criteria for Eligibility  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

6.0  Processing of Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
     6.1  Application for Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
     6.2  Review of Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
     6.3  Assignment of CSO Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

7.0  Maintenance of the Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

8.0  Supplemental Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
     8.1  Register Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
     8.2  Register Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

9.0  Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
     9.1  Registration Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
     9.2  Inquiry Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
     9.3  Publication Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

APPENDIX A - REGISTRATION AUTHORITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

     B.1  Request for Registration Application . . . . . . . .11
     B.2  Registration Application Acknowledgement . . . . . .11
     B.3  Rejection of Application Notice. . . . . . . . . . .12
     B.4  Registration Notice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
     B.5  Inquiry Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
     B.6  Inquiry Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

     C.1  Required Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
          C.1.1  Applicant Information . . . . . . . . . . . .14
          C.1.2  General Tag Set Information . . . . . . . . .14
          C.1.3  Tag-Specific Information. . . . . . . . . . .15
          C.1.4  Security Object Usage Rules and Handling
Instructions . 16
     C.2  Security Tag Registration Rules. . . . . . . . . . .16
          C.2.1  Special Rules for Bit Map Tags. . . . . . . .16
          C.2.2  Special Rules for Enumerated Tags . . . . . .16
          C.2.3  Special Rules for Range Tags. . . . . . . . .16
          C.2.4  Special Rules for Free Form Tags. . . . . . .17


                    General Procedures for Registering
                         Computer Security Objects

1.0  Introduction

1.1  Purpose

Increasingly, the establishment and use of standards in the field
of Open Systems Communications is based on the use of information
objects that are unambiguously identifiable.  To meet this
requirement, ISO/IEC JTC1 has established a hierarchical
structure (a tree) of Registration Authorities.  This tree is the
basis for a naming methodology that assures that an object may be
unambiguously identified.  Unique names are constructed by
concatenating name components along the path from the root to the
registered object.  Each name component is guaranteed to be
unique within each Registration Authority's structure.

ISO/IEC has designated the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) as the National Body organization to be the top level
Registration Authority in the U.S.  This document is based on the
document, Procedures for Registering Organizational Names in the
United States of America [1].  That document defines the
procedures under which the U.S. Registration Authority operates.

The primary purpose of this register is to specify names that
uniquely identify Computer Security Objects (CSOs).  Unique names
can be used to reference objects during the negotiation of
security services for a transaction or application.  The register
is also a repository of parameters associated with the registered

Some CSOs cannot accommodate the size requirements of
hierarchical names.  Such CSOs require the use of fixed-length
numeric names.  To insure the uniqueness of numeric names
assigned from such flat numbering space it is necessary to
coordinate the assignment of names among the various registration
authorities.  The CSOR will provide such coordination by serving
as the central clearing house for numeric names within shared
numbering spaces.

1.2  Scope

This document defines the principles of operation for the CSO
Registration Authority.  It establishes the role and
responsibilities of both the Registration Authority and the
applicant.  Specifically, the procedures outlined in this

    (a)  limit the role of this Registration Authority to an
administrative role;

    (b)  describe the way in which applications for registration
of Computer Security Objects are handled, including mechanisms
for assuring the assignment of unique names at this level in the

    (c)  specify the syntax of names assigned by this
Registration Authority; 

    (d)  provide for the assignment of Computer Security Object

1.3  Overview

The Registration Authority provides unique Computer Security
Object (CSO) name values in two forms: numeric and alphanumeric. 
The Registration Authority generates the unique numeric name
value.   The unique value in the alphanumeric name form may be
requested by the applicant, but is assigned by the Registration
Authority.  These two values are associated with the same object.

2.0  References

[1] ANSI Procedures for Registering Organizational Names in the
United States of America, ISSB 989 Rev. 2, 1991.

[2] FIPS PUB 1-2  Code for Information Interchange, its
Representations, Subsets, and Extensions, 1984.

[3] International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
"Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection -
Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)," ISO/IEC
8824, 1990.

[4] ISO/IEC JTC1 N820  Guidelines for Procedure Standards for
JTC1 Registration Authorities, 1990.

3.0  Definitions and Abbreviations

3.1  Definitions

    applicant:  An entity (organization or individual) that 
requests the assignment of a name from a Registration Authority

    computer security object:  Information object used to
maintain a condition of security in computerized environments. 
Examples are: representations of computer or communications
systems resources, security label semantics, modes of operation
for cryptographic algorithms, and one-way hashing functions.

    information object:  A well-defined piece of information,
definition, or specification that requires a name to identify its
use in an instance of communication [3].

    name:  A unique identifier associated with a registered
object.  This register assigns two of names, a numeric name and
an alpha-numeric name, to each object.

    object identifier:  A value (distinguishable from all other
such values) that is associated with an information object [3]. 

    register:  A set of records (paper, electronic, or a
combination) maintained by a Registration Authority containing
assigned names and the associated information [4].

    registration:  The assignment of a name to an object [4].

    Registration Authority:  An organization approved by ISO/IEC
for performing registration [4].

3.2  Abbreviations

    ANSI      American National Standards Institute

    ASN.1     Abstract Syntax Notation One [3]

    CSO       Computer Security Object

    CSOR      Computer Security Objects Register

    IEC       International Electrotechnical Commission

    ISO       International Organization for Standardization

    JTC1      Joint Technical Committee 1

    OSI       Open Systems Interconnection

4.0  Registration Authority

The Registration Authority (see Appendix A) maintains a register
of Computer Security Objects known as the CSO Register.  The
Registration Authority assures that registration requests conform
to the registration procedures.  The Registration Authority,
however, does not evaluate or make any judgement of the quality
of protection provided by the registered object.

The Registration Authority performs the following functions:

    (a)  reviews, then accepts or rejects registration requests
in accordance with the rules provided,

    (b)  assigns names to CSOs, 

    (c)  adds or modifies register entries in accordance with the
rules provided,

    (d)  provides copies of the register or information from the

5.0  Criteria for Eligibility     

Any organization or individual (i.e., applicant), U.S. or
foreign, may request the Registration Authority to register
Computer Security Objects provided that the applicant
demonstrates ownership or control of the object.  Applicants are
required to submit a written statement asserting their ownership
or control over the CSO being registered.  Ownership or control
is obtained either by creating the object or through delegation
by the creator or owner.

Although commercial products are not eligible for registration,
CSOs used by such products may be registered.  The CSOR will not
register U. S. classified CSOs nor hold any classified
information regarding registered objects.  

6.0  Processing of Applications

This section specifies the Registration Authority's methods for
processing registration requests.  These processing guidelines
are designed to assure openness and due process in the
registration of name values.

6.1  Application for Registration

To request registration of a CSO, the applicant must submit a
Request for Registration application and the appropriate
registration fee to the Registration Authority.  The content of
this request is given in Appendix B.  Object dependent
information required for registration is outlined in Appendices C
and D.

The applicant is required to provide a release statement giving
the CSOR authorization to reproduce and distribute object
information.  Only information required for the correct
implementation and handling of CSOs is registered; security
policy-related procedures and guidelines for the usage of the
objects are a local matter.  

A registration fee must accompany all applications.  This fee is
used to defray the cost of operating the Registration Authority,
and to discourage frivolous registration requests.  If an
application is rejected, the fee shall be returned minus any
funds used for processing the application.  (See Section 9)

6.2  Review of Application

An application for registration shall be reviewed as follows:

    (a)  The requested alphanumeric CSO name value will be
compared against all previously registered or reserved names to
assure a unique name value.

    Note: Names may be reserved for sixty working days according
to the procedure in Section 8.1. 

    (b)  Because a suggested alphanumeric CSO name value may have
a meaning outside the registration process, there may be
challenges concerning the rights to the name.  Consequently, the
registration application must contain a signed statement
asserting the applicant's right to the object to be registered
and to the requested name.  If the statement is missing, the
request will be rejected specifying the omission as the reason
for rejection.

    (c)  If an application does not contain the minimum
information specified in Appendix B, the application shall be
rejected.  The rejection notice will indicate the omission as the
reason for rejection.

    (d)  If the requesting organization does not meet the
criteria for eligibility specified in Section 5, the application
shall be rejected.  The rejection notice will indicate the
failure to meet the criteria in Section 5 as the reason for

The contents of the Rejection of Application notice are specified
in Appendix B.  If the rejection is for reasons other than
inability to demonstrate ownership, the applicant has ten working
days from the date of rejection to submit any missing or
incomplete information.  Failure to submit the missing
information during this period forfeits all fees and terminates
the application process.

Each application is considered separately.  Applications are
reviewed for completeness and a written response regarding
completeness shall be issued within ten working days from the
date of receipt.  This response consists of either a rejection
for incompleteness or a statement indicating the status of the
request.  The Registration Request Acknowledgement described in
Appendix B is used for this purpose.

Any possible appeals and objections shall be presented to the
Registration Authority in writing within ten working days after
the issue of the response eliciting the objection.

6.3  Assignment of CSO Names

The assignment of CSO Names is the result of the registration
process.  This action shall be reported to the applicant within
thirty working days from the date of receipt of the application. 
The application process is concluded by issuing the Registration
Notice described in Appendix B.

The registered CSO name is recorded as two values - numeric and
alphanumeric.  The numeric value is intended to be easily
processed by computers and the alphanumeric value is intended to
be easily used by people.  The numeric name may, for instance, be
used to index a database of objects recognized by a computer
system.  The alphanumeric name could be used in system
specifications for procurement purposes.

The applicant shall not submit a numeric name value for
registration.  The Registration Authority shall assign a number
with a unique value that shall not be assigned to any other
object.  The syntax of the numeric names is one of two types:
ISO-defined object identifiers [3], or an unsigned fixed-length
integer.  The hierarchical syntax of object identifiers
guarantees the uniqueness of the name.  The use of unsigned
integers as numeric names requires coordination among
registration authorities to insure their uniqueness.  The numeric
name is an index to the registration database.

The applicant may supply an alphanumeric name value.  Applicant-
supplied alphanumeric names shall be variable length character
strings of not less than one non-blank character, nor more than
sixty four characters.  The characters within the name strings
must be taken from the 95-character graphic subset identified in
FIPS PUB 1-2 [2].  For name comparison purposes, multiple spaces
are equated to a single space and letter case differences will be

If the alphanumeric CSO name value does not meet the applicable
syntax requirements the request shall be rejected specifying this
as the reason for rejection.  The supplied value shall be
compared against all other alphanumeric values recorded in the
registration database for that computer security object type.  If
the value is a duplicate, the request shall be rejected
specifying duplication as the reason for rejection.

If the application is rejected, for either of the above reasons,
the applicant shall be so notified.  The contents of the
Rejection of Application notice are specified in Appendix B.  If
the requested name is accepted, it shall be entered into the
Register with the appropriate hierarchical identifier prefixed to
it.  This hierarchical prefix corresponds to the prefix for the
numeric name.

7.0  Maintenance of the Register

The Registration Authority is responsible for defining its own
internal methods.  These methods include:

    (a)  mechanisms for maintaining the integrity and
confidentiality of the registration database including adequate

    (b)  the design of appropriate forms (paper, electronic or
both), containing the data elements specified;

    (c)  a process for auditing the registration database and
financial accounts;

    (d)  management of the object name space.

Ownership of a CSO name may be transferred.  An official of the
organization originally requesting registration of an object may
request the Registration Authority to transfer ownership of the
object and to update the register.

Once registered, neither the numeric value nor the alphanumeric
name value can be deleted from the register.  However, they can
be marked as no longer valid upon request of the owner.  The
process is called de-activation and it requires a written request
from the owner of the CSO.  De-activation requests shall include
a reason for de-activation and an optional pointer to a
superseding CSO.

8.0  Supplemental Services

The services described below are optional and not an integral
part of the Registration Authority Procedures.

8.1  Register Inquiry

An inquiry service is available from the Registration Authority
that allows potential applicants to determine if a name has
already been registered.  This saves the cost of submitting an
Application for Registration specifying a CSO name that is
already registered.  If the name is not registered it is reserved
for the originator of the inquiry for sixty working days.

To make an inquiry, an organization shall submit an Inquiry
Request to the Registration Authority containing the data
elements specified in Appendix B.  The request shall be
accompanied by an inquiry fee (see Section 9.2).

The Registration Authority shall respond to such an inquiry
within ten working days of the receipt of the inquiry (as
described in Appendix B).

8.2  Register Publication

A publication service is available to provide hard copies of the
CSO Register for specific object types.  Single copies or
one-year subscriptions may be purchased.  Every copy contains all
registered information on a specific CSO type.  Change pages will
be issued to all subscription holders as new objects are added. 
In addition the CSOR shall be available on-line at no cost.

9.0  Fees

The fee structure is designed to recover the expenses of
operating as a Registration Authority and to discourage frivolous
and multiple requests.  Information on the types of fees, method
of payment and their amounts in United States dollars can be
obtained from the Registration Authority (See Appendix A).

9.1  Registration Fee

The registration fee shall be submitted along with the Request
for Registration.  This fee varies according to the object being
registered.  The Registration Authority reserves the right to
change or waive the registration fee.

9.2  Inquiry Fee

The inquiry fee is included by the applicant with the inquiry
request.  The Registration Authority reserves the right to change
or waive the inquiry fee.

9.3  Publication Fee

The publication fee for one-time copies and yearly subscriptions
is established by the Registration Authority according to the
size of the volume.  The Registration Authority reserves the
right to change or waive the publication fee.


                    Computer Security Objects Register

              National Institute of Standards and Technology
                        Computer Systems Laboratory
                  Program Coordination and Support Group
                          Building 225, Room B151
                       Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899
                         Telephone: (301) 975-2821
                         Facsimile: (301) 948-1784


This appendix defines the information requests and notices used
by the Registration Authority.  

B.1  Request for Registration Application

The Request for Registration shall contain the following

    (a)  name of the applicant;

    (b)  address of the applicant;

    (c)  name, title, address, telephone, and facsimile number of
the point of contact for the applicant;

    (d)  statement on the releasability of the registered
information (if applicable);

    (e)  statement asserting the ownership or control of the CSO
for which registration is being requested and the rights over the
proposed alpha-numeric name;

    (f)  object-specific registration information (See

B.2  Registration Application Acknowledgement

The Registration Application Acknowledgement shall contain the
following information:

    (a)  name of the applicant;

    (b)  address of the applicant;

    (c)  name, title, address, telephone, and facsimile number of
the point of contact for the applicant;

    (d)  status of the Request for Registration.

B.3  Rejection of Application Notice

The Rejection of Application Notice shall contain the following

    (a)  name of the applicant;

    (b)  address of the applicant;

    (c)  name, title, address, telephone, and facsimile number of
the point of contact for the applicant;

    (d)  requested alphanumeric CSO name value - if supplied;

    (e)  stated reason for rejection.

B.4  Registration Notice

The Registration Notice is used to inform the applicant of the
values that have been assigned and registered.  This notice must
be certifiable as authentic (e.g., a notary seal for paper, use
of non-repudiation techniques for electronic messaging).  It
shall contain the following information:

    (a)  name of the applicant;

    (b)  address of the applicant;

    (c)  name, title, address, telephone, and facsimile number of
the point of contact for the applicant;

    (d)  assigned numeric CSO name;

    (e)  assigned alphanumeric CSO name.

B.5  Inquiry Request

The Inquiry Request will contain the following information:

    (a)  name of the inquiry originator;

    (b)  address of the inquiry originator;

    (c)  name, title, address, telephone, and facsimile number of
the point of contact for the inquiry originator;

    (d)  queried alphanumeric CSO name.

B.6  Inquiry Response

This Inquiry Response will contain the following information:

    (a)  name of the applicant;

    (b)  address of the applicant;

    (c)  name, title, address, telephone, and facsimile number of
the point of contact for the applicant;

    (d)  queried alphanumeric CSO name value;

    (e)  status of the queried alphanumeric CSO name (e.g.,
already in use or not in use).


This appendix outlines object-specific registration procedures
for security label Named Tag Sets as defined by FIPS 188 -
Standard Security Label for Information Transfer (SSL). 
Object-specific registration procedures indicate details that
must be provided to register CSOs of a certain type.  The
required information is limited to details necessary to implement
correctly the objects.  The information outlined in this appendix
shall be included with the Request for Registration Application
specified in Appendix B of this document.

Register Fields are associated with local security policy,
therefore policy-driven handling instructions and system
responses to potential security events should be included in the
registration information.  The rationale for the handling
instructions imposed and the meaning of the security information
to the end system are local matters not to be included with the
Request for Registration Application. 

C.1  Required Information

C.1.1  Applicant Information

    Applicant name:                                       
    Point of contact:                                       

C.1.2  General Tag Set Information

    Tag Set Name Format:

         [  ] Object Identifier (Layer 7 label syntax)
         [  ] Unsigned Integer  (Layer 3 label encoding)

    Requested Alpha-Numeric Name:                                 

    Maximum number of security tags:       
    Minimum number of security tags:       
    Tag combination and ordering rules:                           

C.1.3  Tag-Specific Information

    For each tag indicate:

         Tag number:         Is order significant?       (Yes/No)
         Tag Type:           Is tag Optional or Mandatory?

    List of valid attribute values:                               

The table format in the following example may be used to describe
each tag.  TT stands for tag type and TL is the tag length.  The
types are given in the SSL document.  Only the tag values
indicated will be accepted by an implementation of the Tag Set. 
An optional mnemonic may be associated to the each attribute
value, bit, or field on the tag.  A default value for each tag
may be given, if appropriate.  An optional tag order indication
within the set also may be given.  The presence of the tag in the
set may be marked mandatory or optional.  A Tag Set that does not
match the format associated with the Tag Set Name preceding it is
in error and shall be treated as such by the implementation.  

³ T TL  VALUE     MNEMONIC             DEFAULT   ORDER M/O   ³
³                (Optional)            VALUE                 ³
³o1 01 (Security                                  N/A   M    ³
³       Level)                                               ³
³      11011011  CRITICAL              00000000              ³
³      10101010  RESTRICTED                                  ³
³      01010101  PROTECTED                                   ³
³      00100100  GENERIC                                     ³
³      00000000  unmarked                                    ³
³                                                            ³
³      (Bits)                                                ³
³      B16, 1    FOR-OFFICIAL-USE-ONLY 0  (May be omitted if ³
³      B15, 1    CERTIFIED-COPIES-ONLY     all bits are 0)   ³
³      B14, 1    DO-NOT-COPY                                 ³
³      B13, 1    TIME-SENSITIVE                              ³
³       .                                                    ³
³       .                                                    ³
³       .                                                    ³
³      B01, 1    PROPRIETARY                                 ³
³                                                            ³

C.1.4  Security Object Usage Rules and Handling Instructions

This section shall cover object usage rules, handling
instructions, and implementation details or restrictions beyond
those imposed by the base standard.  The text in this section may
be used to clarify security tag information appearing in the
Format Table.  Examples are error conditions and their required
system response such as return of an error response and local
event auditing.  The processing rules in Appendix B of the
Standard Security Label FIPS may be referenced in this section. 
Explicit omissions, additions, or refinements to the processing
rules in the SSL document also must appear in this section.

C.2  Security Tag Registration Rules

C.2.1  Special Rules for Bit Map Tags

    1.   Bit maps are defined to include integer multiples of
eight bits.

    2.   All bits are numbered starting with one up to some upper
bound, U, that follows the previous rule.

    3.   Bits not included in the bit map tag definition that
fall between 1 and U are reserved and should not be used.  The
value for these bits is set to the default value indicated.

C.2.2  Special Rules for Enumerated Tags

    1.   The registration entry must specify whether the security
attributes specified are to be included or excluded from the set
of attributes that apply to the data unit.

    2.   If it were necessary to explicitly single out attributes
for both inclusion and exclusion, they must appear in separate
tags.  To make the distinction, tag order shall be used.

C.2.3  Special Rules for Range Tags

    1.   The registration entry must specify whether the security
attributes in the specified range(s) are to be included or
excluded from the set of attributes that apply to the data unit.

    2.   If it were necessary to explicitly single out ranges for
both inclusion and exclusion, they must appear in separate tags. 
To make the distinction, tag order shall be used.

C.2.4  Special Rules for Free Form Tags

    1.   The unspecified nature of this tag requires that both
the syntax and semantics be explicitly stated.  

    2.   For this and all tag types, the distinction between tags
of the same type with different interpretations is based on the
relative order of the tags.


This appendix is a place holder for the Registration Authority to
provide additional object-specific registration procedures. 
Appendices will be added to these general procedures for each CSO
family to be registered.  Object-specific registration
requirements indicate the list of technical details that must be
provided in order to register objects of that type.  The required
information will be limited to details necessary to implement
correctly the object.