About the e-French Package, here `This work'

Copyright 2010 eFrench Group

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 2005/12/01 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.

The Current Maintainer of this work is Laurent Bloch.

This work consists of all files of the SVN repository efrench/efrenchsource, under http://svn.tuxfamily.org/ or here

The authors are the committers allowed by the maintainer.


Birth of eFrench

eFrench is born in order to keep up to date French for (La)Tex and maintain it available for future users.

French for (La)Tex, is the result of a fifteen years work of its creator, Bernard Gaulle

Copyrighted by Gaulle-GUTenberg 1992-1998, B. Gaulle 1999-2007.

Beginning 1999, the FrenchPro package was marketted as shareware, and Bernard Gaulle alone owner of all rights. He died Aug. 2nd 2007. His wife Catherine Gaulle, the heiress, gave authorization in that matter to the e-French group in order to maintain the whole work in the future. Now the package is delivered under Latex Project Public Licence.

Since Nov. 11., 2009 maintained as eFrench by Laurent Bloch (lb -at- laurentbloch.org)
The credit for this piece of work remains with
the first and main author, Bernard Gaulle


eFrench's further steps of deployment

2009-11-11, by Laurent Bloch:
repository filled with all elements from the unix-package
2010-05-04, by Raymond Juillerat:
french.sty runs without license.dat
2010-05-07, by Raymond Juillerat:
repository completed with the windows-package (MikTex)
2010-05-17, by Raymond Juillerat:
Tools are present in order to make distributions beeing similar to those produced former by Bernard Gaulle to publish FrenchPro. These new tools are in a first step strongly limited.
2010-06-15, by Raymond Juillerat:
Some important documents have been adapted to the new situation: french_doc.pdf (commented french.sty), frguide (Guide de l'utilisateur) and frnotes (Notice d'utilisation). frenchlu.tex has been therefore renamed to frnotes.tex and ALIRE.pdf to frnotes.pdf. They are accessible under http://www.efrench.org/distributions/
2010-06-18, by Raymond Juillerat:
The installation scripts have been adapted: install.bat, mikinstall[24].bat, GNUmakefile (GNUmakefileU10 added for Ubuntu 10.4), makefile.gen, Makefile.in). Installation should be possible without any presence of frlicense.dat. All these adaptations have been committed in the eFrench repository. A copy can be found under http://www.efrench.org/bases/ .
2010-07-30, by Raymond Juillerat:
The installation scripts have been adapted: install.bat, mikinstall[24].bat, GNUmakefile, Makefile.in in order to let all things run without mltex and starting with fontencoding T1(ec) instead of OT1(cm). Following, normal directory for french is .../tex instead of .../mltex