png2pdf - PNG to PDF converter

Help, version info and preferences   /   Conversion options   /   Examples


General usage

  png2pdf [<options>] [ <inputfile> [ <outputfile> ] ]
  png2pdf <directory>
One can either specify input and output file name (stdin and stdout if there are no names) or a directory name.
When running on a directory, the directory is searched for PNG files, all PNG files (or all newer PNG files when using option -f) are converted into PDF files.

Help, version information and permanent option handling


As other dkapp-based applications too, png2pdf can save permanent options (preferences).
When the program is run permanent options are processed first, command line options specify changes relative to the permanent options.

Getting help

  png2pdf -h
  png2pdf --help
shows a help text.

Getting version information

  png2pdf -v
  png2pdf --version
shows version information.

Setting permanent options

  png2pdf -c 
to set permanent options.
  png2pdf -c -p 1.4 -f
  png2pdf --configure -p 1.4 -f
tells the program you want to write PDF format 1.4 files. When running on a directory the program compares the modification times of PNG and PDF files, a conversion is only run if necessary.

Showing permanent options

  png2pdf -C
  png2pdf --show-configuration
to list the values of all permanent options.

Temporarily overriding permanent options

  png2pdf -r <options> ...
  png2pdf --reset <option>
to skip preferences processing for one program invokation.
The -r options must be the first command line argument. This option is recommended when using the programs in scripts.

Removing all permanent options

  png2pdf -u
  png2pdf --unconfigure
to remove all permanent options.

Conversion options

PDF format level

  -p <level>
sets the PDF format level to "1.2", "1.3" or "1.4" (without quotes of course).
Different PDF format levels enable different features: 1.3 and above allow to create image masks, 1.4 allows alpha channel data.

Mixing against a background color

  -m <r,g,b>
  -m 255,128,128
defines to mix against a light red background. The background specified here is only used if the file does not contain a background chunk unless the -s option is used.
If mixing against a specified background was saved as permanent option
turns this off.

Overriding the background chunk

can be used in conjunction with the -m option to override the background chunk.
If overriding the background chunk was saved as permanent option
turns this off

Writing an image mask

converts the PNG alpha channel into a PDF image mask (if there is a PNG alpha channel).
If this option was saved as permanent option
turns this off.

Writing a PDF alpha channel

converts the PNG alpha channel (if there is one) into a PDF alpha channel.
If this option was saved as permanent option
turns this off.

Invert image mask levels

When creating a PDF image mask only pixels having opacity 0 are masked out by default.
one can invert this behaviour, only pixels having full opacity are drawn, all others are masked out. If this option was saved as permanent option
turns this off.

Alpha channel is transparency

By default the alpha channel is assumed to contain opacity data. Using
this is switched to transparency data.
If this option was saved as permanent option
turns this off.

Modification time check when running on a directory

When running on a directory the program converts every PNG file into a PDF file of same name, suffix .PDF.
one can prevent unnecessary conversions by comparing modification time stamps.
If this option was saved as permanent option
turns this off.


Original image

In these examples we use the image stefan_255_rgba.png from the PNG web site.

This image contains a colored bird before a white background, a shadow of the bird is constructed using a black foreground and different alpha (opacity).

Image processing

The image is converted into a PDF file, i.e. by running
  png2pdf -m 255,128,128 -s stefan_255_rgba.png x1.pdf
The inclusion into the pdfLaTeX source looks like this:
  \usepackage{ifpdf}        % LaTeX or pdfLaTeX
  \usepackage{color}        % we want to use background color
  \usepackage{background}   % for the background effects, PPower4 necessary
  \caption{Some caption}

Simple inclusion of the original PNG file

If we simply include the PNG file using
  \caption{Some caption}
pdfLaTeX seems to ignore the alpha channel in the PNG file, it shows the black foreground without mixing.

Mixing against white background

  png2pdf -m 255,255,255 -s stefan_255_rgba.png x1.pdf
produces a picture as expected.

Colored background

Now imagine we want to create a poster or flyer, we want to have a colored background.
Before the page containing the image starts we use
in the LaTeX source1 to create a light red background.
For the image conversion
  png2pdf -m 255,128,128 -s stefan_255_rgba.png x1.pdf
we specify the same background.

Background effects

If we use this image on a page containing a background effect instead of a simple background color we have a visible background rectange.
We must create either an image mask or PDF alpha channel data to avoid this.

PDF image mask

  png2pdf -m 255,128,128 -s -i stefan_255_rgba.png x1.pdf
For this image this is closer to the result we want but it's not yet the best we can get.

PDF alpha channel data

  png2pdf -m 255,128,128 -s -a stefan_255_rgba.png x1.pdf
looks best.
1 If you use pagecolor in the document or vpagecolor in pdfLaTeX you need to post-process the PDF file using PPower4.

D. Krause Last modification: 2003/07/23