System Administration

Additional system administration tools for SCO platforms are available via the Skunkware web/ftp site at

Package List

Name Description Version OSR5 UnixWare
SarCheck Performance analysis and tuning tool 3.61lite Yes No
hog Memory, cpu and i/o hog analyzer 1.0 Yes No
ipalias IP Address Alias Manager 1.0 No Yes
johnd System Administrations Scripts 1.1 Yes No
pkgtools Pkgadd/pkgmk and family skw98 Yes No
procdump print information about a live process or core image 1.0 No Yes
rpm Red Hat Package Manager 2.4.5 Yes Yes
top Top - display top cpu processes 3.5beta5 Yes No

Performance analysis and tuning tool (package name SarCheck)

SarCheck is an inexpensive tool developed to help system administrators with UNIX performance tuning. It does this by monitoring system utilization, identifying problem areas, and recommending changes to the system's tunable parameters. SarCheck translates your system's sar reports into a Plain English report. SarCheck can detect CPU Bottlenecks and runaway processes, I/O bottlenecks, improper I/O load balancing, slow disk devices, memory bottlenecks and leaks, inefficient system buffer cache sizing, improper system table sizes, and inefficient PATH variables. The resource analysis and recommendations sections of SarCheck will analyze the data and make recommendations for gradual changes to your system. The capacity planning component of SarCheck will approximate the amount of capacity left on your system and determine which resource is likely to become exhausted first.

The Skunkware release of SarCheck is the freely contributed UltraLite release.

OpenServer Distribution

Package Home page


Hog - memory, cpu and i/o hog analyser (package name hog)

The hog commands analyse resource use by processes. The hog commands all work in the same basic way, but observe the consumption of different resources. memhog examines memory use, cpuhog examines processor use, and iohog examines I/O use. In the following discussion, hog means one of the possible invocations (e.g., memhog), and resource refers to the resource in which that hog is interested.

hog runs in a loop. Each time it loops, the resource consumption for each process is obtained from the kernel, and a ``hog'' value computed, based on a resource-specific algorithm. The algorithm is intended to measure the overall impact of a process on the resource. After the ``hog'' values are computed, the processes are displayed in descending ``hog'' order. Thus, the process at the top if of the display is using the most resource. Note that a process with a ``hog'' value of zero will not be displayed. hog is terminated by sending it SIGINT.

Each process is represented in the display by a single line, with the pid and uid associated with the process on the left, and the command being executed on the right. In the middle are resource-specific numbers. The top line of the display contains a legend, and possibly some overall system statistics relating to resource.

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code


IP Address Alias Manager (package name ipalias)

The "IP Address Alias Manager" administers network addresses for configured IP interfaces - enabling the virtual domains services in both FTP server and mail delivery.

Currently UnixWare 7 does not have a manager to do this and the administrator has to set up the aliases by hand.

Included in the image is a set of HTML pages that are added to SCOhelp at install time. The doc is under Networking -> Administering TCP/IP and Internet services -> Configuring IP Address Aliases.

The package is fully removable and can be installed with the command:

    # pkgadd -d <mount-point> ipalias

UnixWare Distribution


System Administrations Scripts by John Dubois (package name johnd)

Many useful system administration and other scripts.

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code


Pkgadd/pkgmk and family (package name pkgtools)

The OpenServer release of the standard UnixWare packaging tools. Useful in preparing distributions built with the UDK for subsequent installation on either OpenServer or UnixWare.

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code


Process and core information (package name procdump)

proc is a tool for displaying information from a running process or core image. It accepts either the name of a core file, a process id or a pathname in the /proc directory. By default, it produces a summary listing of process level information, similar to that provided by the ps command. You can ask for a fuller listing and for detailed reports about each LWP in the process, including the contents of the registers. You can also get a memory map of the process. For full details see the manual page, proc.1.

The current source will build under UnixWare 2.1.x or UnixWare 7. The distribution was built using UnixWare 7, bl15.2v1e. To build, simply invoke: make -f

proc is a dynamically-linked ELF binary that will run on UnixWare 2.1.x or UnixWare 7 (gemini). It may be installed anywhere that is visible from your PATH.

proc does not run under OpenServer, since it requires the facilities provided by the /proc filesystem.

msize is a simple shell script that uses proc -m to print out the memory size of a running process. usage is: msize process_id.

proc was written by Joel Silverstein, The source is owned by SCO and will probably be part of a future SCO product. msize was written by David Prosser,

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


Red Hat Package Manager (package name rpm)

The Red Hat Package Manager (rpm) can be used to create RPM format packages and, more appropriately on SCO platforms, to install RPM format packages for use in conjunction with the Linux Emulation System (lxrun).

OpenServer Distribution

Original source code


Top - display top cpu processes (package name top)

Top displays the top 15 processes on the system and periodically updates this information. Raw cpu percentage is used to rank the processes. If number is given, then the top number processes will be displayed instead of the default.

Top makes a distinction between terminals that support advanced capabilities and those that do not. This distinction affects the choice of defaults for certain options. In the remainder of this document, an "intelligent" terminal is one that supports cursor addressing, clear screen, and clear to end of line. Conversely, a "dumb" terminal is one that does not support such features. If the output of top is redirected to a file, it acts as if it were being run on a dumb terminal.

OpenServer Distribution

UnixWare Distribution

Original source code


Last Updated: Sunday Dec 20, 1998 at 09:11:47 PST

  © Copyright 1997 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.