You can obtain these packages from either the SCO Open License Software Supplement CD-ROM, or from the download site at SCO.
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
gunzip wp8_GUIL00 tar xvf wp8_GUIL00
for i in b_* g_*; do tar xvf $i done
cd /usr/local ln -s /usr/lib/linux/usr/local/wp8 wp8 mkdir /usr/lib/linux/usr/local/wp8
Are files unzipped and extracted ? Y linux.5 not certified - continue: YAfter some time, graphical dialogs start appearing. Answer each as indicated, pressing OK when done:
Accept default Lang. Accept default License. Install Directory: /usr/local/wp8 Select Medium install. Leave blank Pattern Matching entry. Do not update magic file. Install English-US language support (default). Select printer (system-specific).
A basic sanity test is to put some text in a document, then save and reload it. A further test is to try to print a file.
"Cannot create new process. You may have exceeded either user or system limits for number of active processes or the executable may not be found in its proper directory"
This error is harmless. Simply press the OK button.