Package Name: lynx
Version: 2.8.2rel.1
Short Description: character-mode web browser
Author: ???
Home Page: http:://

Porter: Phil Hollenback <>

Build Notes: built cleanly with ncurses.

used this configure line:

configure --enable-color-style --with-screen=ncurses --enable-default-colors

No dependencies.

Files Included:



55597  1150 ../pkg/lynx-2.8.2-dist-uw7.tar.gz


   Lynx is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) without
   restrictions on usage or redistribution.  The Lynx copyright statement,
   "COPYHEADER", and GNU GPL, "COPYING", are included in the top-level
   directory of the distribution.  Lynx is supported by the Lynx user
   community, an entirely volunteer (and unofficial) organization.

   Certain portions of the Lynx source distribution were originally
   created by CERN and have been modified during the development of
   Lynx.  See WWW/Copyright.txt for copyright info regarding CERN
   products used in Lynx.