Description of sample BrlAdmin script: test.bsx The contents of test.bsx are: login name=test password=test exportstats { dbid=* file=d:/temp/stats.txt newfile=create iid=* period=Total format="%db%,%dbfam%,%username%,%searches%,%nwrecs%,%nwabs%,%nwchars%,%ctime%,%totlogins%,%peakusers%,%rejects%\n\n" } The first line of the file allows the login to the ERL server. Ensure that the username and password are valid for your ERL server. Most sites will use their administrative account. The command exportstats will export statistics that match the criteria that follow in the script. dbid=* all databases file= is the name of the ascii file that will be generate newfile= create indicates that a new file will be created iid=* all user accounts period= time period for report format= all fields that should be exported (in order) Valid values/parameters are defined in the BrlAdmin documentation. Syntax for executing the BrlAdmin script. >From the directory where BrlAdmin is installed, enter the following: brl -r999999 test.bsx This command will launch BrlAdmin, set the retry value (which should allow the report to complete) and will execute the test.bsx script.