Installation Procedures
     Welcome to SoftQuad HoTMetaL, an editor especially for HTML files.

SoftQuad HoTMetaL has been made available by SoftQuad Inc., and is not
a product of NCSA.  This is an unsupported product of SoftQuad Inc. -- please
see the copyright file (copyright.txt) for more information.
Please contact SoftQuad Inc directly with any questions, for example
about upgrading to HoTMetaL Pro; please do not contact the NCSA.  Thank you.

     This distribution is for Microsoft Windows 3.1; it will not run
     without Microsoft Windows. You will need about 8 Megabytes of free
     disk space on your hard drive, and about 6 Megabytes of available
     RAM. If you have less memory than this, you maybe able to create a
     Windows swap file and continue, but your system will run much faster
     if you have more memory. See the file README.WRI for more information
     on memory problems.
     The software has been stored in a compressed format to make it
     easier to distribute. To extract the files you will run  an
     installation script. To do this, follow these steps:
       *  Start up Microsoft Windows. 
       *  Using the Windows File Manager, move to the directory where you
          saved the files that you ftp'd. You should see two files:
          INSTALL.TXT (the file you're now reading), and HOTM1NEW.EXE.

       *  It is a good idea to move HOTM1NEW.EXE into a newly
          created directory (any directory with no other files present)
          to make the removal of the installer files easy to do when
          you are finished installing the software.
       *  Double-click on the file HOTM1NEW.EXE.
     This unpacks fourteen files in the directory.
       *  Double-click on the file HMINST.EXE to begin the installation.
     The first dialog box that appears is the Welcome Message. Click on
     the "Continue" button to continue.
     Another  dialog box appears, letting you choose where to install the
     software. The default location is the directory C:\SQHM.
       *  If you want install in an alternate location, type it in the
          text box labeled "Copy to". Include the drive name, as well as the
          full path name. If you have a previous version of HoTMetaL, you must
          NOT install the new version in the same location.
       *  Now click on the "Ok" button to proceed with the installation. If,
          for some reason, you wish to cancel the installation, click on the
          "Exit" button. 
     The installation script will check that you have enough disk space.
     If there is not enough, it will return you to the dialog box where you
     may choose an alternate location for the software, or else cancel the
     installation and free up some disk space.
     As the installation progresses, a horizontal bar on the screen will
     gradually increase in length to indicate the proportion of files that
     have been extracted.  Another vertical bar on the left of the screen
     will indicate the proportion of the current file that has been extracted.
     If you want to cancel the installation during the extraction procedure,
     you may click on the F3 key. If you attempt to do this, a dialog box will
     appear, asking whether you still wish to cancel. 
     The installation will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
       *  Once the files have been extracted, a dialog box will appear
          asking you for the name of the Windows program group that will be
          created. By default, the installation program will create a
          program group called SoftQuad HoTMetaL 1.0+. If you wish to create a
          different group, enter the name in the text box provided. If a
          program group of that name already exists, it will be overwritten.
          You can run HoTMetaL by clicking on an icon in this program group.

       *  Once installation is complete, you can remove the files extracted
          from hotmetal.exe which were used by the installer.  They
          are found in the same directory as hotmetal.exe
     Printing the manual
     The manual is supplied in two formats: PostScript and unformatted text.
     *    The PostScript version is the file DOC\HOTMETAL.PS and you
          can send it to any PostScript printer that supports the Palatino
          font (all except very old models do). To do this, go to the DOS
          prompt, change directory to the location of the file, and type: 
     The manual is about 100 pages long.
     The unformatted text version is the file DOC/HOTMETAL.TXT.