Welcome to the Cello Internet Browser

This is version 1.0.

What Cello is and does

Cello is a multipurpose Internet browser which allows access to the myriad information resources of the Internet. It supports WorldWideWeb, Gopher, FTP, CSO/ph/qi, and Usenet News retrievals natively, and other protocols (WAIS, Hytelnet, Telnet, and TN3270) through external clients and public gateways. It can be used to view hypermedia documents, including inlined images, text, and digital sounds and movies. Cello was developed by Thomas R. Bruce of the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School.

Please take a look at the online help section called "a tour of Cello" if you're not familiar with hypertext applications.

Some good starting points

The Legal Information Institute

In addition to software development, we offer substantial amounts of legal and government information (and some slightly less serious material as well). Click here to look at our Web server, and here to see our Gopher server.

If you're new to the Net:

There are many good places to go for information about Net terminology and practices. You can find a listing of several of them in O'Reilly and Associates Global Network Navigator. Click here to access it.

If you're interested in learning about the WorldWideWeb and how it works, you should look at the information at CERN -- the birthplace of the Web project.

Lots of resources

Sites offering access to large numbers of resources include CERN's Virtual Library, the EIT list of network information services, and the NCSA What's New page. You might also want to look at all the Gophers in the world or a comprehensive list of FTP sites.

Other weird and wonderful stuff for Cellists

You might try taking a trip through a museum or two at Sunsite's Expo, or checking on the status of several Internet Coke machines. You can find out what happened on this day in history. You might also take a look at news of the Net and other things in O'Reilly's Global Network Navigator.

Getting help with Cello

There are three excellent sources for help with Cello:
Online help
Cello's online help file contains a great deal of information about how to use Cello and how to solve problems you might encounter with it. The items in the "How do I..." section and the explanations of error messages can be very useful if you're having trouble.
The Cello FAQ
The Cello FAQ can be viewed by clicking here. It contains up-to-date information on commonly-encountered problems. The FAQ editors are in the process of adding information about specific networking configurations to the document.
Other Cellists.
Discussion of Cello tricks, traps, and features takes place on a listserv list called CELLO-L. This is often the best place to go for information about specific configuration and networking problems. Many of the list subscribers have been using Cello since early alpha testing and are quite knowledgeable about it. It is also a great place to propose new features for future versions and find out about other Web tools for serving and accessing information under MS-Windows. There is also an archive of CELLO-L messages which is text searchable.

If you've already configured a mail gateway and set up your e-mail address, you can subscribe to the listserv right from this screen. To subscribe to the listserv, click here. A mail form will appear; put the text
sub cello-l Your Name
into the body of the mail message and send it.

In addition, the following newsgroups may help with general information about Winsock, networking on PCs, and the Web:

Tools for use with Cello

Cello is well-integrated with other software tools which you can use to prepare HTML documents, serve WWW information, view graphics from the Net, listen to digital sound files, and many other things. One section of the FAQ is devoted to a list of the latest and greatest of these, and you will want to check it from time to time. Also, a great deal of MS-Windows software is available from ftp.cica.indiana.edu. This site is very busy, and you may not get an anonymous login immediately. However, many other sites mirror the CICA collection.

Reporting bugs

We hope you don't have any trouble using Cello.

If you do, send us mail at cellobug@fatty.law.cornell.edu, and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can. Enjoy Cello!