- Update to fanart.tv API v3

- Don't set simplejson module to optional

- Fix wrong order of listing using votes for artwork from fanart.tv

- Call TMDb config to get up-to-date image base URL

- Always apply language filters else you end up with a random language

- Fix unicode error in season query

- Fix multiple text search for disctype in filename and avoiding ac3 dubs to be recognized as 3d (ex. ac3d)

- Fix that some files where never found or downloaded

- Fix change image url for TheMovieDB

- Fix local scraping

- Gracefully fail if a non library item is send to the script
- Fix not downloading extrafanart any more
- Correct local scraper behaviour
- Catch edge cases where it can't get data from library
- Fix skin calling methods

- Fixed wrong variable

- Fixed wrong filename for season landscape
- Fixed extra slash for BDMV and VIDEO_TS

- A lot of code cleanup
- Updated language files from Transifex

- Fixed custom mode
- Added option to show image selection directly if type is specified

- Fixed missing brackets

- Add better support for local artwork: allow selection in gui mode and also scrape local artwork without a valid media id
- Update language files

- Update languages
- Fix script error on some season artwork

- Bump dependency versions to prevent being marked as broken

- Fixed correct check on season artwork so it isn't downloaded again and again
- Added quick hack to support local artwork if nothing present on fanart.tv

- Fix wrong filename for season landscape
- Remove old code

- Change API url

- Fix report on wrong setting combination
- Enable some artwork by default
- Change poster and banner filenaming to match Frodo

- Force overwrite when using GUI mode

- Directly add the image URL to the databse
- Option to override with local file

- Fix bulk downloading for a single movie/tvshow

- XBMC12.0 Frodo version
- use ListItem.DBID for matching media items
- Depricate use of ListItem.Title and ListItem.Path
- Remove db caching because it's not needed anymore

- Add fix (again) for Frodo users

- Add fix for Frodo users

- Forgot to update settings.xml

- Added: Movie Thumb
- Added: Movie Banner
- Added: HD artwork takes priority

- Disable autorun
- Disable fanart deletion and reduce max number of image

- Fixed: Possible empty library list when there was no season data

- Fixed: Forgot to remove test line

- Fixed: Didn't cache empty results
- Fixed: Should now also work for multipath://
- Changed: Improved coding in some parts

- Fixed: Image selection wasn't working when there was a username/password in source

- Added: Korean translation (thx piodio)
- Added: Debug option
- Change: Code handling

- Changed: increase the API cache expire time to stop trashing the fanart.tv site
- Added: Only show artwork types in GUI mode that are avaiable
- Fixed: Unicode error in custom/gui mode search

- Added: Increased speed by using commingcache for library JSON when using custom/gui mode (expires after 1 hour)
- Added: Greek translation (thx CutSickAss)
- Added: Spanish translation (thx PatOso)
- added: Portuguese translation (Brazil) (thx Wanilton)
- added: French translation (thx mikebzh44)
- Added: Localization of the download report
- Added: TV Show Season Posters
- Added: TV Show Season Banners
- Added: TV Show Season Thumb 16:9
- Added: Movie Clearlogo
- Added: Movie Clearart
- Added: Movie Discart
- Fixed: Don't run script twice when it was started on service time caused by the speed increase by using commoncache
- Changed: Switched to the new fanart.tv API
- Changed: increase caching of API calls because provider data doesn't change that (24->48 hours)

- Changed: Revert 1.0.6 because dependencies are now met. Meaning options from 1.0.5 are now active
- Fixed: Limit TMDB by rating not by number of votes


- Fixed: Revert 1.0.5 because dependencies were not met yet

- Added: Use commoncache module to decrease API load on providers
- Added: TV Show seasonbanners "seasonx-banner.jpg"

- Fixed: After doing ID conversion it skipped that movie
- Fixed: Some mayor bug that no ones has noticed so far
- Fixed: When no exact title match was found it downloaded the entire library
- Fixed: Close progress dialog before opening the image selection window
- Changed: Reverted old change of using image ID from tmdb as filename. This is not available any more in new API v3
- Changed: Use the new TMDB API v3
- Changed: Use smaller image in GUI dialog for faster loading of images (when posible)
- Changed: You can now set preferred language. Will always use English as fallback
- Changed: Show yes/no dialog for faulty settings instead of looping
- Changed: Only start service when user is logged in (requires minimal XBMC beta2)
- Added: Polish translation (thx cienislaw)
- Added: Dutch translation (thx Martijn)
- Added: German translation (thx Suven)
- Added: Download report is accessible from the add-on settings window
- Added: Download report is accessible from the yes/no dialog when finished (not when background/silent/custom run)
- Added: Extra info to gui dialog (language, rating, votes, season and size)
- Added: Ratings for movie artwork 
- Added: Now tries to look up the 'tmdb ID' if no 'imdb ID' is found and retrieves artwork using that
- Added: Added musicvideo section that uses the title to search for artwork on TMDB
         Needs extra argument from skin (see runscript.txt)

- Fixed: Error below limit check
- Fixed: Custom download for specific movie artwork only
- Fixed: Downloads artwork for selected movie when multiple exist with same name
         Needs extra argument from skin (see runscript.txt)
- Fixed: Did not run service when set to 00->09
- Added: Try conversion of non standard IMDB Id

- Added: Log summary on failed/missing items
- Added: Support the providers message on finished
- Added: Custom mode pops-up a image selection when run on single tvshow/movie
- Added: First retrieve image list(s) and then do batch download
- Changed: Run add-on on specified time of day instead on interval
- Fixed: Problems caused with UTF-8 characters in titles
- Fixed: Some images didn't show in GUI because of spaces in image URL
- Fixed: Show correct download count in log
- Fixed: Don't show dialog.OK when finished run in silent mode

- Added: Ability for skinners to run a custom mode specifying artwork types
         see /resources/docs/runscript.txt
- Fixed: Downloading logos in overwrite all mode
- Fixed: Problems with folder creation for .rar media
- Removed: Version/settings.xml check

- Name change: Extrafanart Downloader -> Artwork Downloader
- Fixed: Refactored JSON query to prevent reg-ex problems
- Fixed: Total refactor on downloading and limiting
- Added: Limit extrafanart on image size
- Added: Dialog on finished when run in background
- Added: Version check between settings and addon
- Added: Movie Fanart
- Added: Movie Poster
- Added: Movie Default Thumb (folder.jpg=Poster)
- Added: TV Show Poster
- Added: TV Show Fanart
- Added: TV Show Clearart
- Added: TV Show Characterart
- Added: TV Show Logo
- Added: TV Show Banner
- Added: TV Show Thumb
- Added: TV Show Default Thumb (folder.jpg=Poster|Banner|Thumb)
- Added: Solo run mode with GUI
- Added: Overwrite all artwork option (will be reset when finished)
- Added: 'silent=true' add-on start argument (displays notification on finished)
- Added: Add-on can be run as service and at startup

- Added: Extrathumbs support for Movies
- Fixed: New TMDB image locations on site
         Advisable is to delete all existing movie extrafanart folders

- Added: Silent downloading in background
- Added: Extrafanart limiter (maximum fanart/language/no text) 
- Added: Download backup folder for fanart
- Added: More extensive error checking
- Added: More extensive debug logging
- Added: Open Settings on first run
- Updated: Skin integration examples

- Added: option to centralize fanart storage
- Splitting code into libraries

- Added: Skin integration options (see readme file)

- Initial commit
- Initial version for official XBMC-repo