amsmath consists of several packages to aid in typesetting math.
Produces a bold math symbol. When not only a single symbol, but a complete equation has to be bold you might consider using the superior \bm command which takes better care of spacing.
Can be used for mathematic symbols, when no bold version is available. It prints the standard symbol several times slightly shifted and is inferior to a real bold font!
Defines a system for defining columns of entries in an array or tabular which are to be aligned on a decimal point.
This package defines D to be a column specifier with three arguments:
D{sep.tex}{sep.dvi}{decimal places}
sep.tex should be a single character, this is used as the separator in the .tex file. It will usually be '.' or ','.
sep.dvi is used as the separator in the output.
decimal places should be the maximum number of decimal places in the column.
\newcolumntype can be used to define own column types.
The contents of this section was taken from the documentation of float v1.3d of 2001/11/08.
“This style option improves the interface for defining objects such as figures and tabels in LaTeX. It adds the notion of a float style that governs the appearance of floats.”
Add a new class of floats.
Sets a default float style.
Define the float name used in the caption of a float.
Resets the default placement specifier of a class of floats.
Change styles for the standard float types figure and table.
Produces a list of all floats of a given class.
Das german Paket muß geladen sein:
erzeugt ein ä
entsprechend "o, "u, "A, "O, "U, "s (ß)
wird bei Trennung zu k-k
wird bei Trennung zu ff-f
entsprechend "ll, "mm, "pp, "rr, "tt
oder "` erzeugt untere doppelte Anführungszeichen
oder "' erzeugt obere doppelte Anführungszeichen
erzeugt untere einfache Anführungszeichen
oder "< doppelte linke französische Anführungszeichen
oder "> doppelte rechte französische Anführungszeichen
einfache linke französische Anführungszeichen
einfache rechte französische Anführungszeichen
verhindert eine Ligatur an der Stelle
markiert mögliche Trennstelle, im restlichen Wort ist keine Trennung mehr möglich
Trennvorschlag, der Rest des Wortes kann noch automatisch getrennt werden
Trennvorschlag, bei dem bei einer Trennung kein Bindestrich eingefügt wird
Bindestrich, an dem nicht getrennt werden darf
Bindestrich, an dem getrennt werden darf
erzeugt ein nicht-typographisches gerades Anführungszeichen
oder \dq ergibt das Zoll-Zeichen
Look up details in grfguide.
File extensions of the graphics should be omitted, so it's easier to change the format (for example for pdf or ps output).
dir-list is a list of absolute or relative paths, where the command \includegraphics{} searches for the graphic files:
\graphicspath{{eps/}{tiff/}} would cause the system to look in the subdirectories eps and tiff of the current directory. This is unix syntax, on a Mac it would be:
Under Windows/DOS use also the slash / to separate directories. Not all tex installations can handle filenames with spaces. So it's better to avoid them.
For more infos read in the book LaTeX Web Companion or Mit LaTeX ins Web.
use Acrobat 4 features (default: false).
use the specified paper size.
set color of anchors (default: black).
do bibliographical back references (default: false).
set base URL for document (default: empty).
make bookmarks (default: true).
put section numbers in bookmarks (default: false).
open up bookmark tree (default: false).
level to which bookmarks are open (default: \maxdimen).
to specify which `toc' file to mimic toc.
allow links to break over lines (default: false).
color of border around cites (default: 0 1 0).
color of citation links (default: green).
color links (default: false).
provide details of anchors defined (same as verbose, default: false).
do not do any hyper linking (default: false).
use the specified backend.
suffix of linked files (default: dvi).
color of border around file links (default: 0 .5 .5).
color of file links (default: cyan).
use small caps instead of color for links (default: false).
make figures hyper links (default: false).
set up hyperlinked indices (default: true).
use guessable names for links (default: true).
redefine LaTeX internals (default: true).
color of border around links (default: 1 0 0).
color of links (default: red).
make page number, not text, be link on TOC, LOF and LOT (default: false).
color of border around menu links (default: 1 0 0).
color for menu links (default: red).
use LaTeX-computed names for links (default: false).
allow nesting of links (default: false).
put an anchor on every page (default: true).
backreference by page number (default: false).
color of border around page links (default: 1 1 0).
color of page links (default: red).
text for PDF Author field (default: empty).
width of PDF link border (default: 0 0 1; 0 0 0 for colorlinks)
position the document window center of the screen (default: false).
text for PDF Creator field (default: LaTeX with hyperref package).
resize document window to fit document size (default: false).
set highlighting of PDF links (default: /I).
text for PDF Keywords field (default: empty).
make PDF viewer's menu bar visible (default: true).
make links that open another PDF file start a new window (default: false).
set layout of PDF pages (default: empty).
set default mode of PDF display (default: empty).
set crop size of PDF document (default: empty).
set PDF page transition style (default: empty).
text for PDF Producer field (default: empty).
page at which PDF document opens (default: 1).
starting view of PDF document (default: /Fit).
text for PDF Subject field (default: empty).
text for PDF Title field(default: empty).
make PDF toolbar visible (default: true).
PDF `view' when on link traversal (default: empty).
make PDF user interface elements visible (default: true).
do page number anchors as plain arabic (default: true).
raise up links (for HyperTeX backend; default: false).
color of border around run links (default: 0 .7 .7).
Unicode encoded pdf strings (default: true).
color of border around URL links (default: 0 1 1).
color of URL links (default: magenta).
be chatty (default: false).
allows different texts for PDF or TeX creation.
\section{The role of \texorpdfstring{H$_2$O}{water}}
the text will be resolved into a URL. The URL must be complete, according to a base-url which might be defined in a \hyperbaseurl.
\href{}{Peter's input tips}
defines a base URL, which is preset to a given URL. This helps to make portable documents.
includes the picture of the URL reference.
text is activated as a hyperlink to the point which is defined with a \label command with the symbolic name mark.
\hyperlink creates an internal link to an object which is somewhere defined with a \hypertarget command.
For HTML the command \hyperlink inserts a # character in front of each link. Thus it'll refer to the topical document, while \href will expect a complete URL.
\autoref is a substitution for the standard \ref command. It inserts a context sensitive phrase.
see \autoref{foo}
for a \label in a section will output see section 3 for an example.
There are macros to change the default output with the help of the \renewcommand:
\figurename *\figurename* \tablename *\tablename* \partname *\partname* \appendixname *\appendixname* \equationname *\equationname* \Itemname *\Itemname* \chaptername *\chaptername* \sectionname *\sectionname* \subsectionname *\subsesctionname* \subsubsectionname *\subsubsectionname* \paragraphname *\paragraphname* \Hfootnotename *\Hfootnotename* \AMSname *\AMSname* \theoremname *\theoremname*
Allows line breaks in a verbatim like environment like \url, but without the hyperlink function. This is useful to define own commands like this example:
\newcommand*{\urlw}[1]{\href{http://www.#1}% {\nolinkurl{www.#1}}}
This new defined command \urlw allows the user to typeset a linkable (this function is offered by \href) address in the latex source like this:
This will produce the string which is hyperlinked and breakable (when the driver like pdfTeX allows line breaks in links).
\usepackage[encoding name]{inputenc}
Allows to specify an input encoding for direct input of character codes > 127, e.g. accented characters.
Important encodings are:
The KOMA-Script package has a very detailed and well written documentation. Read the scrguide for further information! :-)
will determine if headers and footers are used in the calculation of the page size. Default is exclude. Include will make the text area smaller.
is a factor which determins how large the used page size is. This method takes care of good typography.
Try values between 10 and 15. Higher values will cause smaller margins. An example would be: DIV12.
Binding correction. Takes care of the loss of the visible paper size when the paper is cut and a book is bound.
This reference is based on the excellent scrguien.pdf from 2002-09-06.
Inserted pages by \cleardoublepage get one of these page styles:
This option defines if and where a page number will be placed. Possible values are:
Default is botcenter
Mark paragraphs alternatively by vertical skip. Possible values are:
Default is false.
Defines the placement of the from address in the letterhead. Possible values are:
Default is left
Allows to place a horizontal rule within return address. Possible values are:
Default is false.
Choose of your subject should have a title and if the subject should be set before or after the opening. Possible values are:
Defaults are beforeopening and untitled.
Toggle between presets for the field width of additionbal sender attributes.
Default is narrow.
Load a lco file. name is the filename without suffix.
Predefined lco files:
See also the section for Changing Fonts in KOMA-Script (still to be written).
See also the section for Page Style in KOMA-Script (still to be written).
The main difference between a command and a variable is that a command usually triggers an action whereas a variable only consists of plain text. Furthermore a variable can have an additional description.
\newkomavar defines a new variable, addressed with name.
The command \addtoreffields adds the variable name to the reference fields. See section Business Line.
The command \newkomavar* works like \newkomavar with an additional call of the command \addtoreffields.
Overview of all variables:
Back address for window envelopes
Separator within the back address
Separator between title of additional recipients and additional recipients
Customer number
Separator between e-mail name and e-mail address
Separator between title of enclosure and and enclosures
Separator between title of fax and fax number
Sender's address without its name
Sender's bank account
Sender's e-mail
Sender's fax number
Commands for inserting the sender's logo
Complete name of the sender
Sender's telephone number
URL of the sender
Invoice number
More details of the sender
Sender's reference
Separator between place and date
Separator between title of telephone and telephone number
Signature beneath the ending of the letter
Special mail
Separator between title of subject and subject
Letter title
Complete name of recipient
Address of recipient without its name
Date of recipient's mail
Recipient's reference
See section Footnotes in KOMA-Script (still to be written).
See section Lists in KOMA-Script (still to be written).
See section Margin Notes in KOMA-Script (still to be written).
See section Logical Markup of Text in KOMA-Script (still to be written).
Read the contents of the given address file. Filename extension has to be .adr and has to be omitted in the argument.
Access to the data in address file. \Name is a concatenation of \FirstName and \LastName.
Math fonts for the use with the Palatino font.
Math fonts for the use with the Palatino font.
Package options are:
Uppercase Greek will be typeset slanted.
Do not use PazoMathBlackboardBold as (partial) blackboard bold font (e.g with \mathbb{R}).
Make the font family pplj (Palatino with old style numerals) the default roman font, and use an alternative version of the virtual math italic fonts (zplmrj7m and zplmbj7m) with upright Palatino old style numerals for use with the \oldstylenums command.
Use old style numerals for equation numbering.
Smarter version of the original latex2e cross reference commands. Generated strings are customizable, Babel options are recognized (further info in the package documentation).
\vref is similar to \ref but adds an additional page reference, like on the facing page or on page 27 whenever the corresponding \label is not on the same page.
\vpageref is a variation of \pageref with similar functionality.
The \v...range commands take two labels as arguments and produce strings which depend on wether or not these labels fall onto a single page or on different pages.
Star * variants do not add any space before the generated text for situations like:
(\vref{foo} ...)
Must be loaded with the usual \usepackage command. Further info for a package to be found in the documentation (dvi, pdf, ps) or in the sty-file itself.
Bold math symbols or equations with better spacing then the \boldsymbold command. If possible load after other packages which redefine the fonts. When no bold font is available for a certain char bm will use poor man's bold \pmb.
Defines line breakable hyperlinked (uses hyperref package) verbatim input for urls and e-mail addresses.
Example: \url{} outputs
Related commands are \href and \nolinkurl.